• Member Since 1st Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I work. I read. I work. I sleep. I work. I party. I work. I have sex. I work. I eat. I work. I lose my mind. I make no effort to find it and probably never will. Bananas.

More Blog Posts56

  • 419 weeks
    Here we go

    Okay, so I may or may not have a lot to say...

    Firstly, I have been very busy. My last trucking company shut down so I am currently working on getting on with a new one. That company offers not only regional driving, but also dedicated and local. All good news there.

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    0 comments · 280 views
  • 461 weeks
    Long time no see...

    Well, things have been quite busy for me. I have been traveling quite a bit...I'm now part of the Walmart Produce fleet with C.R. England. The pay is actually not bad now. I mean we are bringing home more since the amount of loads have picked up. Got a new girlfriend. She is also a trucker. She is just a crazy as me. I just had my birthday and am now officially 22 years old. I have to re-tune my

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    6 comments · 355 views
  • 474 weeks
    Here we go again!

    Well, I am getting ready to get rid of my teammate. Things are just not working out between us and now that I have the chance and I've talked to my DM about it he is going to be routing me to a yard to drop off my current teammate and get a new one. We shall see what happens soon now that the truck is coming out of the shop since a flat bed decided to be retarded and hit us and then take off.

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    0 comments · 284 views
  • 477 weeks
    Well, the time has come

    Alrighty guys. So...I am about to head back to Burns Harbor, IN for my upgrade. After that I'm gonna be heading home for a couple of days to take care of some things. Give my lady something special if ya know what I mean. After that I'm going to go pick up my truck and get back on the road!

    Signed your friend,

    3 comments · 292 views
  • 479 weeks
    Another Update

    Well, now I am all done with school. I am currently doing my OTR training so that I can do my upgrade. Once I do that I have another 6-9 months or something like that left before I can either choose just to stay team...go independent as an OTR driver or...I can choose to go Dedicated, Regional, or Intermodal. Hell if I wanted to I could even choose from the International division, but...As things

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    2 comments · 305 views

Fuck it I'm done... · 8:46pm Mar 10th, 2013

As the title says...fuck it...I'm done...

Report Ambrosia_Firehoof13 · 210 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

hey man. Im here for you talk to me if you need anything

906384 I just...I give up....I don't know if I can keep this up anymore...everything is going down the drain and I don't see anyway for me to get it back up...good friend of mine...yeah, he was the best, got shot and killed yesterday downtown Indy...great...my I just lost one of my uncles the day before that...great...I miss him already....my family is full of bullshit, I don't really have too much to give a damn about...I already lost a friend, an uncle and my best friend/pet Rosie...what the fuck can I do...nothing....nothing I do can bring any of them back...I'm just tired of trying to stay strong for my family and my friends...I can't do it anymore........

906402 Man, i'm sorry. but like i said I'm here for you. Those may seem like empty words but they are true

906407 I know...I don't mean to sound like a dick...I just...I don't know what to do now...too much death and turmoil in my life....

My god, ambrosia..............I am so sorry to hear that, my friend. I......don't think I have any words of wisdom this time.........But I am most certainly in agreement with Distortedtruth92. We can't offer you much. But we are here for you as best we can be.

............I wish I knew what to say.........I wish I knew how to ease your troubles.........I am so sorry, my friend........

907817 You've already said so much...you've already helped me so much...I can't really blame you for not having any words...I really cannot. I'm trying to push through as always...I broke down yesterday and I've barely been doing anything other than sitting in my room and staring at the wall...I shut down...completely...I had given everything up...I've barely gotten the strength up to get on the computer today...I pushed myself too hard to deal with it all and I finally just couldn't take it anymore...I had to let go and have an episode yesterday...I don't feel anymore than two percent better, but I hope that two percent is heading in a decent direction...I really hope so....thanks as always for supporting me. Both you and 906407 have talked to me and supported me...I couldn't ask for two better guys and friends...you both mean more to me than you realize...I may not seem like I care about a whole lot of things in life, but the things that I do care about are friends and family...at least the both of you and my sister are willing to help as much as you have...thank you...

909320 Your welcome as always my friend......I am like you, friends and family mean the world to me, and nothing shall ever hold sway over that. Hehe, you know, sometimes I tend to say that I don't have friends, but extended family, because I always tend to treat people as such. People need people they can depend on. This world is too cold and lonely most times for us to try and forge it alone. It leaves us riddled with insecurities and doubts and wishes us to do nothing more then give up on everything we ever wanted out of life just for the sake of safety and peace of mind.

It is the great unfortunate truth that death and hardship will always be a part of living and we are reminded of this constantly, but that is why guys like me, and I'm sure Distorted, do what we can to help those who may need that support in the face of such things. I know all to well what it means to be alone and feel like you have no one to call upon for help when in your darkest moments and no one should have to know such things.

As for your break down...sometimes we must be broken down in order to rebuild ourselves a new and stronger. Even the greatest of ivory towers can only bear so much of the worlds weight on their foundations...And two percent, while not much, is certainly better then zero...wouldn't you say? Although, I wouldn't worry to much about it's direction for now, for it is far to small a margin to judge yet. Not that I feel it won't be the right one though...But I suppose only you can say what direction it heads from here...

And lastly, I am glad to know you have had Distorted here and your sister, as well, to help you. It's good to know you have plenty of support during your trying times. Distorted seems like an alright Joe. Heh, maybe I'll have a chat with him sometime. And as for your sister, I'm glad she is able to be the physical support that you need when Distorted and I can only help you in words and spirit...

:ajsmug: Heh, guess I got a little lengthy in my thoughts. I'll just leave it at that then. Take care and carry on, Ambrosia, as best you can. And of course, should you need someone to talk to about anything, you need only send a message my way with the channels you have and I shall do my best to be of help.

910847 If I was in front of you right now I would kiss you for being so awesome. I don't know what it is about you, DT, and my sister, but you all seem to know how to get me outta my dark place. I guess that two percent is going in a hell of a better direction than I thought it would. Thank you again...I know I don't need to thank you and I could never thank you enough, but you deserve it. You and Hunter deserve it. You may not think you offer me much, but you do. You offer me a lot. You offer me the chance to let it out. You offer me the chance to let myself get everything off my chest and you don't judge me. That is more than what can be said about a lot. Yes, you are right...this world is very cold and evil, but with people like you, Hunter, myself, and my sister it isn't so bad. It's kinda like a small fire during a winter's night. Keeping the cold from consuming us fully. Keep being awesome. I wish you had a Skype...I would love to talk to you. :twilightsmile:

910856 :pinkiesmile: Actually, funny you should mention Skype. For I do have one. Fair warning though, I tend to keep late hours because of the work schedule I keep, so your best bet would be speaking with me at night unless it's a day off. I'll send my Skype name your way via pm and I'll be sure to accept it when I have the chance. :twilightsmile:

911091 Well, I guess it's a good thing that I'm a real night owl then huh? I tend to be up late nights and most weekends are fully awake. I don't sleep much do to a severe, and I mean SEVERE case of Insomnia.

I hope my joke helped cheer you up a bit.

915930 It did help a bit more. Thanks for that. I literally fell outta my chair laughing.

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