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  • Sunday
    June Check in

    Not dead, getting writing done. Not a lot. But it's longer now, which is good. See yall next month

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  • 4 weeks
    May Check in

    Still kicking, writing is going. Slowly. but I'm still writing, hope you all have had a good time. Talk to you in a month.

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  • 9 weeks
    April Check in

    Next chapter is crawling along. Not fast but it's growing every couple of days or so. Also not dead and no I am not doing the April 1 prank stuff. It's annoying to deal with when trying to communicate clearly.

    This months recommended reading Demon world boba tea shop

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    March check in

    Still not dead, and some progress has been made on the next chapter. Not a lot, but some. How long it takes for some to become a completed chapter is anyone's guess at this point.

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    Feb check in

    I caught the flu. so not dead, just felt like it for a while. I'm going to be making a concentrated effort this month to start putting my ducks in a row to get this going again. See y'all in a month.

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Mo' work, Mo problems. Also Timberwolves how the f%*^ do they work? · 3:05am Mar 11th, 2013

Hey guys, simply put at this point in time I'm swamped with work and finals for school, so most of my time is either spent working on some project for class, at my job, or sleeping. So there will be a delay over the next two weeks. But nothing terribly significant.

Now for the good bits.

Fair warning, Spoilers. Kinda, not story wise but still.

This is the functional biology that I've come up with that explains the existence of Timberwolves.

Most of what Troy discovered when he examined the wolves is true, IE they have something of a shell or exoskeleton. No digestive track. Stuff like that. What he didn't discover was their ambient enchantment. This is similar to enhanced earth pony strength or the Pegasi's ability to fly despite weight limitations.

Whenever a Timberwolf is struck with a blow that would cause serious injury, (though this can vary from individual to individual) They collapse into a pile of wood, they aren't MADE of sticks, they just revert to that state when struck. Kind of how the weeping angels turn to stone when looked at. Also, because of their sylvan nature (*because they're plants) if many of them are injured and subsequently put into this state they can combine to create a larger Timberwolf, like branches growing into each other. This makes them extremely dangerous. even when they are in pack mode they can regenerate a practically unlimited number of times, wearing down their prey until they succumb.

My reasoning for this is due to the episode where Spike saves Applejack from the 'big wolf' he throws a single stone and the Timberwolf chokes on it then collapses into a pile of sticks. The fact that it choked means it had something vital was blocked, which wouldn't exist if the timberwolves were just animated piles of sticks. It collapsed into sticks, because it couldn't dislodge the rock from it's throat but by 'collapsing' it came free of its own accord.

Contrary to what you would think this makes Troy much more dangerous to the timberwolves.
1.When Troy strikes with his axe, it cancels out the enchantment. (though this has more to do with the magical ramifications of Troy's existence) This means the timberwolf actually takes damage.
2.When the timberwolves attack they have the 'god mode' mindset, they do not think they can be hurt. so they don't really try to dodge all that much. Nor, do they really know how to react to something that can kill them.
3. They're used to their comrades falling in battle, it's part of their defense mechanism, so they won't react when Troy kills one. Because they think their packmate has just been 'downed' not killed. so they don't try to change tactics.

I hope this clears a few things up.

Report JarOfHearts · 5,594 views ·
Comments ( 42 )

I am enlightened.
Wear life so willingly.
Were life so willingly?
Ware life is willing.

Something deep and smart

I imagen that you made this post to shut up those who continue to attack that part of the story, right?

Could you show me where that is, I read the story once a month for a good laugh and i always re-read comments, and I didn't find anything that would make you post this out of necesity.

read my comment and the one it comments to.
if yah read the last several comments alondro and I have been kinda bouncing back and forth about his magic negating.:pinkiehappy:

907434 How long have you had that Willy Wonka image as an avatar for this site? :rainbowlaugh:

In other words, kill it with fire.

I didn't even think about that when he killed the timberwolves :rainbowderp:

Due of the day I said only an answer is possible, 42


In the grand scheme of all that is Equestria, I think timberwolves are probably one of the most reasonable things in the show.
Talking magical ponies that control the revolution of the Sun and Moon VS. mobile carnivorous plants.

And don't even get me started on cockatrices.

Carry On

Wait, so Troy is in essence a magixal blackpoint?


more or less at the moment, and any item he brought from his world would have the same effect, as demonstrated by his shirt.

Although as you've explained to me, a significant magical foce can have ramifications

911412 true, if Troy is exposed to magic the experience will not be pleasant. Though the extent of actual damage may vary. With the inanimate objects he brought there will probably be even less consistency with what happens. If anything happens at all.

So it's not like immununity. More like someone stung by wasps. It's not gonna kill him, but its gonna burn like fuck.

I like that. He's devoid of magic and thus negates it around him in many ways. Obviously, so far in the story it has major advantages and disadvantages that makes him something like a wild card. So many things can go wrong or right in so many ways that the potential and possibilities for this story that it's vast! I love your logic on this one.

I remember when I saw said episode that portrayed the giant timberwolf, I immediately thought of your story. Needless to say I was certainly disappointed that it's death didn't involve splintering wood, or even a drop of gooey sap...but considering the intended audience its not surprising it just kind of fell apart. :derpytongue2:

Still it was cool to get your thoughts on the matter, in relation to your story.

that's some good insight.

911647 is that why he started venting blood from his face when celestia cast the location spell?


Yep, part of how Troy reacts to magic is due to what it targets. In my mind Celestia's location spell would target the brain of any creature encountered, and identify it. Naturally it didn't get that far where Troy was concerned, but the magic concentrated around his head, so most of the damage was located there. *edit. Though Troy's natural resistance to magic kept it from reaching his brain so that wasn't damaged. probably.

930390that makes sense. Though when is the next chapter coming out?


Between school, finals, work, and job hunting for MORE work. It's coming along slowly. But I'm working on it when I'm able.

You know looking at this I have to wonder what Twilight will name the species Troy is from. Their could be tons of ways to describe it she could call his species a Void creature since he's literally a void in magic. Their could be others as well.

This... is possibly the smartest way I've ever seen/heard someone describe a timberwolves abilities and their tactics. I never really though much about how they became sticks, and with a nice green glow became whole again. So yeah... I guess poking a couple wolves with a big trusty stick isn't as helpful as I thought'd be.

Timber wolves aren't much of a problem if you carry an M2 with you all the time. :twilightsmile:

What? You don't carry a flamethrower with an about 60ft range with you into the woods? What kind of woodsman are you? :rainbowhuh:


M2s also effective on: trees, bushes, tentacle rape plants, insects, poison joke, manticores, cockatrices, and anything else you can ever stumble upon that needs a good cooking. :raritywink:

(But no really, flamethrowers are an incredibly efficient weapon when dealing with large creatures, or swarms of small creatures. Hell they're about the only effective infantry weapon against something small like an insect when they're in large swarms.

Seriously, flamethrowers are so overlooked in fics and movies. :rainbowwild:)

they are also heavy and highly explosive beacuse you have to carry around an large tank of gas with you all the time. (Or whatever flameble liquid flamethrowers use)

1895705 Pffff, small inconveniences. Besides, being explosive isn't a concern against insects, wooden wolves, plants or the like.

Maybe if you come across a dragon it becomes a ...small problem, but considering dragons are fire resistant anyways a Anti-Tank weapon would be the best choice. :moustache:

Wait... are you telling me that you consider being blown to smithereens is just a minor inconvenience to you?
And really, Who brings both an flamethrower and an Anti-Tank gun when they are taking a walk trough the forest?

And by the way; the dest way to kill a dragon is to get close enough to tickle it under the chin and stab it in the templet whilst it is destracted.

1895844 Well, you're actually burned alive rather than blown up, (Unless under certain circumstances) it's an incendiary weapon, not explosive. That said, yes, being burnt to a crisp is a small inconvenience. :twilightsmile:

What do you mean who brings a flamethrower and AT gun when they're walking in the woods? :rainbowhuh:

You can't be a true woodsman without them. :pinkiecrazy:

I eeeh... well... Dont forget your chainsaw. I guess

you shuld bring some bunker busters as well so you can take out diamond dogs as well.

1895864 Who needs missiles for puny dogs? :rainbowlaugh:

Besides; flamethrowers only become more efficient and deadly in tunnels or other confined areas, hence why they were used to clear out bunkers or Japanese tunnel systems in WWII.

Mmmm, toasty. :ajsmug:

you really like your barbecue dont you?

But do you think a flamethrower would work if you met an cragodile as well? Or an cocatrice? Or a pissed of phoenix?

1895885 The cockatrice it would, the others get shot in the face with my Boys AT rifle. :moustache:

Besides, why would a phoenix be hostile unless I do something to it first?

like burning down every living crearure in its forest do you mean?

1895907 I'd only burn down those in self defence. If the others die by the ensuing forest fire it's their own damn fault for being stupid enough to not run away. :rainbowwild:

... (unamused face) ...

Well im of to bed. Nice to chat with you but its 11:40 pm here now and i have to get up early to go to shool tomorrow. So see yah!
really it was accually quite fun to chat with you.

1895919 Goodnight laddie.

And o' course it's fun to speak with me, because logic cries and flamethrowers burn it on it's way out the window. :raritywink:

sounds like you prefer yo follow the logic of chaos. Or rather the logic of chaotic warfare.

the logic of chaos seems to be a quite fun logic to follow but i prefer the normal logic where everything is conected and follows some sort of rule.

1897699 *Wave hand dismissively* Rules are for sissies. :trollestia:

sometimes they are quite usefull. For instance whitout rules noone would pay anyone anything. Eventually everyone would turn criminal but noone would care becuse there would be no rules to stop them. The world would fall in chaos and Discord would win and rule the world.

1900941 Discord is best world leader. :moustache:

in other words, Timberwolves are universally stupid

so timber wolfs are like dodos due to the fact they face no creature before that could kill it

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