• Member Since 4th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2015


More Blog Posts76

  • 545 weeks
    Good and Bad News

    Hi guys! Turns out I'm not dead. I was too occupied with another server I was a moderator on. Good news is that I will be here MUCH more often. Bad news is that I was kinda kicked from the server, so I'll have much, MUCH more time for games, writing, and reading. My hiatus is over, and I'm glad it is.


    3 comments · 660 views
  • 572 weeks
    My hiatus.

    I'm pretty sure you've ALL noticed that I haven't made a blog post, read a story, or written ANYTHING for months, yet I check Fimfiction daily.

    The reason for this, as pretty much all of you know, is Mine Little Crafty, the MLP themed Minecraft server I staff on and played on every day. I used that as an excuse to neglect writing and reading for this long.

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    4 comments · 532 views
  • 579 weeks
    Help out another Fimfiction user

    This person is in need of financial help. Sadly, I am low in the funds department and can't do anything about it. I hope that some of you will step up the the challenge and help out another person in need.

    P.S. I'm not dead. I'm 501 words into the next Time is of the Matter chapter.

    0 comments · 420 views
  • 582 weeks
    School's Out

    Hey! Well I finished my Finals this week and school is OUT! No more classes until September, so I'll do what I promised to do, and that it to write. I know I told you guys that I'd write multiple times, but I mean it this time. Lately I've been down in the dumps since my grandfather passed a few days ago, so I plan to write to get it off my mind. I haven't really felt like playing games either,

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    1 comments · 391 views
  • 583 weeks
    Favorite Pony Sorter

    Well, saw this sorter thing today and thought I'd give it a try!

    1 Rarity
    2 Sweetie Belle
    2 Apple Bloom
    2 Scootaloo
    2 Pipsqueak
    6 Octavia
    7 Discord
    7 Shining Armor
    9 Princess Celestia
    10 Trixie
    11 Fluttershy
    12 Princess Luna
    12 Derpy
    12 Soarin'
    12 Babs Seed
    16 Spike
    17 Lyra
    17 Vinyl Scratch
    19 Big Macintosh
    20 Spitfire
    21 Gilda
    21 Snowflake / Horsepower
    23 Colgate

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    6 comments · 462 views

MILESTONE · 1:37am Mar 13th, 2013



Thank you guys for being awesome.

Seriously, thank you.


Report munomana · 316 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

913415 You really deserve more. I only have 3 stories and you have fricking 12!

Most of which are well rated!

Why the hell are you thanking us? YOU did the work, we all just sat on our asses and read it.

No, thank YOU for being awesome. And thanks for being a great pal for all my time on this site. If anyone deserves 100 followers, it's you. Hell, if I could, I would switch the number of followers we both have. YOU deserve 187. Not me. :raritywink:

I think all 100 were well-earned! Congratz!

934743 Your welcome. :twilightsmile:

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