• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd, 2014


I shall vow to follow everyone.

More Blog Posts26

  • 572 weeks
    My new goals on FiMFic for the summer

    Oh, but first, new record: :pinkiehappy:

    (I already checked my notifications, but this is a new high!)

    EDIT: Actually, it's 29 now. c:

    Alright, I suppose it was about time to make a new blog post.

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    14 comments · 1,182 views
  • 575 weeks
    A Tip for Several Writers (and something personal too)

    Hang on, first, before I show you the tip...

    I was wondering if you guys could do me a minor, personal favor.

    Y'know, the brony community is such a wonderful place, and most everyone is always looking out for one another, which makes this fandom so extremely massive and powerful. That's besides the main point of the favor.

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    11 comments · 619 views
  • 577 weeks
    What would really be interesting....

    Y'know, I haven't made a blog in a really long time.

    So I figured I would scramble to conjure somethin' up really quick.

    Let me just get this out there:

    Anyone feel like this?

    Yay! Exam is finally over!

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    26 comments · 619 views
  • 582 weeks
    Sometimes I really question my maturity.

    This. THIS. THIS.

    THIS is my Tumblr friend's dog. His name's Harry, which is pretty ironic.

    I saw this, and pretty much fell out of my chair and cried laughter.

    I cried laughter.

    Yeah, I just wasted your time. Sowwy :3

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    42 comments · 831 views
  • 582 weeks
    Have y'all ever wondered....

    ...how many notifications I get a day?

    New record!

    Here ya go!

    And after a day of thoroughly getting my ass whooped (calm down, knighty) :raritywink: for generic pranks, I can say that April Fools this year has been a success.

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    43 comments · 643 views

Ask Me Anything! Shiet, I'll even do NSFW ones. · 7:27pm Mar 13th, 2013

As promised!

Yup, I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Eat your heart out, Regidar. :trollestia:

Alright! Now's the time to ask me anything you would like to know about me!

Yeah, I'll even do the NSFW ones.
...Most likely.

Ask away!

And I might even do some short story challenges and post them as a bunch of random stories. That is, if I have time.

So if you want, along with questions to ask me, go ahead and post several ideas for short stories that I could write! (And I do mean short. Possibly around 1K words per idea.)

Let's roll!

-- H

Edit: Also, thank you to my lovely 309 Followers. :heart:
Edit 2: Post more questions, if you want. Hell, post as many as you want! I'm bored and home alone!

Report Follower · 815 views ·
Comments ( 82 )

On it:rainbowdetermined2:

How do you potato?
Will you marry me?
What is the secret of the universe?
What is the square root of a pi?
Why is Celestia best poneh?
Do you play EVE online?
What are the winning numbers to today's lottery?

Have you ever just froze walking one day and said "Wow! I want to take off my pants!"

If you had the time, would you want to write a history of Equestria?

Do you agree that heavy metal's the superior music genre? that and rock 'n roll, like Airbourne?

915242 As much wood as it wanted.:trollestia:

What does it take for you to follow someone on your other account?

Ever play halo?

If you do, wanna play sometime?


Describe the stupidest thing you have ever done and the reason why you did it?


How does one lift?
What is your favourite music artist and why Noisia?

Ever met an honest-to-god Military man?
How tall are you? (Approx. Meter's or feet)
What kind of music do you like to listen to when relaxing, or needing to relax?
Do you ever rage at games?
How high are you right now?
If you had to make a gryphon OC, what would he/she (she!) look and or be like?
What would be the first thing you'd do when in Equestria? (pony or otherwise)

Story idea:
As a Gryphon mercenary lays bleeding on a snow-capped mountain after a small skirmish, she begins to think about everything she's done in her life. Her children, her mate, her home, her job, the atrocities, the lives saved, and her moral ethics that were broken so long ago. Finally, she thinks about what will be after the darkness as she fades away to death... or is it life?

I really just wanna see a partially deep story exploring a mercenary's thoughts... How would they feel, just following orders? How would they feel knowing that by taking hundreds of lives, they save hundreds of others? What about their families? Why did they choose that path, and what lies after they pass on from one life to the next?

Does following everyone automatically give you hundreds of minions? I should give it a try... Okay, how about a story based on the song "Lullaby for a Princess" which you've probably already heard. Willing?

Comment posted by Jagged Fox deleted Mar 13th, 2013


915275 Dude, asking if he's jewish then asking if he likes your Hitler avatar is kinda...funny! But really, if he is, then there's gonna be blood bro. :pinkiecrazy:

915227 *looks at underwear* :twilightoops: ... Uhh..... maaaaayybee??? :twilightblush:


What does life mean to you?
Have you ever been the leader?
Your last name's not Montana, right?
Have you ever had sexual relations with someone? Did you regret it? Were they of the same or the opposite gender?
Have you ever woken up with someone curled up beside you, while in a very awkward state from having woken up half aroused? (This one was truly embarrassing. Younger cousin fell asleep huddled up next to me once when visiting Delaware for a wedding. Made all the more awkward because she was a girl, I was a guy, and she was only wearing her panties and a translucent blouse. Did I mention she was at the most ten, and I was 15? -_-;; Sooo wrong.... Didn't sleep at all after that. She kept falling asleep near me, too. She was really creeping me out....)
Have you ever walked around your own house completely naked? With a friend over?
Have you ever seen someone at the mall you said something bad to, and felt guilt? Have you ever forgotten a friend's face?
What's the longest you've held out while trying not to laugh while being tickled?
Ever blacked out from rage?

I can't think of any more questions at the moment. Are these any good? :twilightsmile:

1. Marry me please.

2. What TV shows do you watch?

3. Do you watch porn?

4. What do you look like?
4.5. Pics or gtfo.

5. Best hairflip gif you've ever seen.

6. Favorite movie(s)?

7. Favorite episode per season?

8. What do you do when you're alone? :trollestia:

9. Sex and sexuality.

10. Full name?

11. Favorite story/stories on here?
11.5. Favorite author(s) on here?

12. Favorite video game?

13. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the po-po?

14. Favorite porn star?

15. Gotta Skype?

16. What musical instruments do you play?

17. What would you look like as a pony?

I'll ask more later. :moustache:

First off, let me glomp you.
It's been a while since I've hugged you!:yay:

So... you have a special somepony?
What are your thoughts about the future?
Do you have Xbox Live?
If your answer to the one above is yes, will you add me onto your friends list?
Did you seriously answer the first answer?
What do you think of my surprise hugs?
Do you like them?
Am I asking too many questions about hugs?
Want me to hug you some more?

What got you into ponies?

Your fetishes?

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Can I cum inside you if I give you a Klondike bar?

If you could fuck one pony who would it be?

If you had to rape a pony, who would it be?

If you had to marry a pony, who?

You're in Equestria....First thing you do?

If you could bring back anybody from the dead who would you bring back? My choice is and always will be George Carlin.:moustache:

915344 I think i should actually read the bio's to see if they are brony or brony. It's hard to tell. I think that's why pegasis was coined, lol. :facehoof: Anyways, I hope that she throws you into poor quarters, then starves you almost to deaf. After that, she can put you into a shower where the nozzles release about five grams of Zyklon B into your gas chamber and laugh as your eyeballs burst and you bleed through your lungs. As the gore carpets the floor, and your fingers scratch desperately at the wall for any escape, she will laugh even more maniacally. It will feel like Cupcakes revamped! Once you die after about ten minutes of utter agony, she can toss your body into the crematorium as if nothing had happened. After all, that's what you did to her brethren. :flutterrage: Don't take me too seriously; I have a family, and would prefer not to end up in Auschwitz, thank you. :rainbowderp:

What's your nationality?

Favorite snack?

Do you have any pets?

What do you do for a hobby?

Does sex hurt?
Are you a virgin?

What's it like to be a girl?
What's it like to have a period?

Who's your favorite of the Mane 6?
Of BgPs?
Of the princesses?

What do you think of Twilicorn?

What do you want to see in season 4 of poni?

Do you prefer guys or girls?

Are you going to be at any Cons?

Why'd you join the fandom?

When does the narwhal bacon?

What's your opinion on the Harlem Shake?

Have you ever pulled an all nighter? What did you do? :trollestia:

Favorite song(s)?
Got a favorite music artist?

Favorite pony Tumblr.
Favorite pony artist.

Favorite cuss word?
How often do you swear?

Favorite accent?


Can you cook?
If yes, get in my kitchen!

Yeah, I got more questions cummin'. :rainbowwild:

What is your address?
What is the circumference of your neck?
How big is your bedroom window?
When do you usually fall asleep?
How many stories tall is your house?
Do you have a dog or cat?
If so, are they edible?
Do you have any younger siblings, if so, what is the circumference of their neck(s)?

I can't think of any questions! Can you give me an idea of something to ask you? Wait, never mind, I just asked a question.

What are you planning chuck...

1: What would you rather prefer?
A: Big Mac/Cherilee or Big Mac/Fluttershy?
B: Soarin/Applejack or Soarin/Rainbow Dash?

2: Out of the Mane 6 six who would you...
A: Kiss:rainbowkiss:
B: Marry:pinkiehappy:
C: Pull a Prank On:raritycry:

3: If Equestria exists, what would you like to hear Celestia say to you upon meeting her?:trollestia:

OPTIONAL: Out of all my fanfics on this site, which one is your favorite?:moustache:

Um.... yeah...
Some of the questions below and some of the questions soon-to-be above I'll add to this list :trollestia: (It's best not to get too repetitious now, so I've got three original ones)

What's your favourite breakfast item?
If you write a story can you figure out a way to remove writer's block? (I'm talking about lack of Material and/or lack of actual writing getting done :twilightsheepish:)
Finally, what was the best pony art you have ever seen?

Yes or no
Will the next word you say be no?

What is "real", and how do you know if "real" is real or not?

Explain colors? (without saying color names.)

What is your fav horror Icon?
And finally
How many wrongs does it take to make a right?

Eat your heart out, Regidar.

>Mfw I did it before you


915394 Unicorn or pegasus? Hmm, maybe Alicorn? Those are awesome!! :trollestia:

Fav fanfic?
Fav food ?
Which crusader is best?
Fav ship ?
What does veal taste like?
Which princess?
How many fingers am I holding up?

i got a chalinge right a fic about me and my girl

What's your favourite color?

Autobots or Deceptacons? and who is best transformer?

If I asked you to have sex with me, would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question? :trollestia: Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Broadway Sweetie Belle Out! :moustache:

Favorite movie
Can you speak any other languages
Are you still in school?
Favorite tv show other than MLP
Are you canadian, eh?
Wheres my cat?
When did you start watching the show?
Do people make fun of you less for being a brony/pegasister because you're a girl?

What are your thoughts on the current socioeconomic state of the European Union?

How fast could a man with an average build chop down a tree using a herring?

What reactions do you get from people when you tell them you are a girl on the internet?

What is your goal in life?

What is your quest?

Who is the biggest jerk you have ever met?

Are you sure this was a good idea?

You just got steam rolled with questions, huh?

915638 Pretty sure.

915658 Pretty much.

915802 Did you want to ask me something? :derpyderp1: Ask away, seriously!

I didn't look at any of the above questions cause there is way too many so sorry if I asked an already asked question or a question already widely known.

Whats your real name?
What is your personal opinion of users like Regidar, Portalz, etc.
What is your personal opinion of the moderators? Do you think they do a good job?
What is your personal opinion of troll authors? The jackass ones that refuse to admit there trolls and only complain when people comment or try to help or do anything for that matter. I had a good example but I can't seem to find him.
Can we be friends forever and ever?
Do you follow everyone? Or do you have some secret form of selecting the few and the proud.
Do you follow all your followers? If yes, do you follow them more than others?
With those you follow, do you read there stories or comment on blogs or do anything with them at all?
Do you have your own Ponified self?
Are you a good artist?
What do you think of Clop? Gore?
What do you think of drunk people on the internet? If you don't like them can we still be friends forever and ever?
If I have more questions can I can ask them at an undetermined point in time where it makes no sense to ask?
What is your most favorite anything?
Fav. pony?
Least Fav. pony?
What do you do on your spare time when not on fim?

The above questions are basically anything I could think up in a three minute time span (I'm sure a few of these could be answered just by going to your home page but it's more fun this way). I think you for your time and have a good day, oh follower of following. :pinkiehappy:

All I see is some happy ponies and a dragon. Did you mess up the image link?

Also, as a question:ARE YOU GAY?

915848 Ok, just be prepared for an innumerable amount of odd questions, but I will save your sanity and ask an easy one: what do you think of my fic? :twilightsheepish:

915996 Now I'm curious to see what other questions you were going to ask. :rainbowhuh:

I'll PM you my honest opinion.

916075 I din't mean that I would ask the odd questions, just that they would happen, though I could ask an odd one if you want :derpytongue2:

I was looking for the gif version.

916089 Oh. Well either way, it's your choice. I'm answering all of these questions.

916118 Do you prefer Unicorns, Pegasi, or earth ponies?

And you failed.

Edit: pointing something out is frowned upon, real mature guys

Do you like... Hunter x Hunter!? Lol, I just ask, cuz I'm working on a crossover with MLP :twilightsheepish:.

Well, I found the correct one... so whatever.
It's not like it's the end of the world that I didn't find the correct picture at the start.

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