• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2020


More Blog Posts11

  • 424 weeks
    yay new laptop!!

    just got my new computer machine and now is time for my mediocre return to the interweb.

    so now for the *fun* stuff, my next upload will be for my fetishes of ponyville story; it'll be focused around the always lovely and beautiful princess of the night.

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  • 515 weeks

    I was just musing on my blog post yesturday and i thought maybe i could use this downtime to plan my chapters ages in advance; that said, i was also thinking that i could use this blog space to post a few short stories or perhaps i could make a short series to fill the gap and sedate my writer's lust... At least until i've saved up for a new laptop, still hate writing on my stupid ass phone

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  • 515 weeks
    just to let you know

    Hi everypony, you know that i've been somewhat abscent from fim fic for the last few weeks; this is not by choice but rather by a cruel trick of fate.
    You see as i write this i am sat on my break at work for the 12th day in a row and as of april i've been on such long shifts and 6 day week; which has left me unable to add anymore to my many stories.

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  • 533 weeks
    stuff and updates

    Righto, hi to everypony reading this if you stumbled upon this it either means you are a current watcher or someone with far too much time to kill, either way i'm glad to see you here.

    Now onto business, i know i've been somewhat M.I.A.for a while, but i assure you all that im still making progress albeit very slow.

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  • 551 weeks
    Happy Hearts Warming And New Year's Announcements.

    Hi there everypony.

    Firstly, I'd like to wish you all a very Happy Hearts Warming and I hope you all get what it is you asked for.

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next update · 2:25am Mar 16th, 2013

howdy bronies and pegasisters sorry for the lack of updates and stuff been in a state of complete writers block.
that said, lets get to business. my next update wont be Broken Wings chapter seven; in its stead i'm posting a second chapter to A Flutter of the heart.

i know i said it was a one shot but by a few demands i decided to write a conclusion; which i will post within the next two weeks.
so that's all, any questions or imput then please comment.

Report JPTrixie-Fan · 242 views ·
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