• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2012
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A writer who enjoys putting a smile on peoples faces. If a story makes you smile, I've done my job. :)

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  • 13 weeks
    I have good news

    I got a dog! Her name is Ellie and she is a husky <3
    this is her

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  • 19 weeks
    In regards to Merlin

    I am working on a new chapter for this, but in bits and pieces. For those who don't know, I started college this year, majoring in Computer Science. I'll be writing in little bits and pieces over the year while I go to school so I hope you all enjoy the story and I hope y'all wish me luck in getting my degree :)

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  • 44 weeks
    I am now offering Proofreading!!!

    Editing can be hard and I understand that. Id be more than willing to proofread stuff for anyone that wants it, as well as providing what advice I feel I can give so that you can go into editing your story with fervor. This is free and will cost no money, so by all means, feel free to send me DM's and I will get to them between 6pm pst and 12pm pst.

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  • 47 weeks

    The new chapter will be one more day, I do apologize but due to it's length, it has become an editing fest. Im more than likely still going to miss one or two things, though I hope I can be thorough enough to get everything. Again I am so sorry for the delay and I hope y'all enjoy it when it's finished :)

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  • 47 weeks
    New Chapter in the works :)

    For my lovely fans of Aero, Id like to give you an update. I am working on a chapter rn as we speak and will be finishing it sometime this week. So I hope you all look forward to it! On that note we are also nearing the end! I know, it can be kind of sad when a story comes to an end. But it's okay because I wont be ending, just the story will lmao.

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New land, New customs, New life...New Love? · 6:21am Mar 28th, 2013

This is great, not only is it becoming quite a popular read, and it's liked alot, but it's getting a lot longer than I ever expected it to be. i'm now hoping to hit at least 30-40,000 words. Wish me luck everypony!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I am taking requests for the Luna/Celestia dates. Now request will be a bad request. Place them in the comments of this post. I will take a look and I will choose two from however many are posted. good luck all.

Report StormHoof32 · 126 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Ok, lets see, lets see, both princesses don't exactly like formalities and want to be treated as a friend in stated of royalty so fancy stuff that goes with Rarity are out, but they don't want simple stuff like AJ.

For Luna that is still with the old ways, I think she will like something with culture like going to the opera, or a orchestra…nah, its a possibility but I said that is one think that both princesses will enjoy and Alan to, cut loose.

Give them, a dated that you will enjoy, share with them some human culture, teach them how you will take a human girl on earth:
how? Simple, you can go for the classic triple ( A night club to dance, a walk to the park and some star gassing) or do something more animated (like a movie, or some extreme activity like skating)

A walk dated its also an option too (Its a dated where you basically just spent time, walking without any direction through the city and enjoy all what it has to offer) is very common in Paris, you know: street performance, street cartoons, perhaps admiring some monuments, going tourist. Oh perhaps you can do that walking through Cloudsdale, or Manehatan

Also we are talking about the princesses so they will draw attention no matter what, and they don't want that I'm sure, the solution, that they use some spell that make them look like regular unicorn, pegazus or earth pony, for a day, that way they could now what is live as one of there subjects.

Hey I have an idea that Twilight make the spell, Alan start their date with a special surprise, guide them to the library ask them to close their eyes and give them the spell. I bet they will enjoy it

953662 ok these are some amazing ideas.

Thanks I was afraid you didn't understand some of them because of my grammar, but yeah, the basic idea is not taking them to a royal date, take them to a human date where they will not be look as superiors but as equals and his dated care and want to show his affection in a reasonable and kind way.

Let me know if Alan start dating Shy to, because I have a couple of ideas for her too

954532 I have some idea's for shy, I might pull out her dominant side and have her catch Alan alone. If ya catch my drift. heh heh heh. :flutterrage:

One of my readers on Fanfiction.net is allowing me to use his OC. Figured this might make things interesting. don't you?

name: connor

race: human

job: go and find missing human and get back

appearance: 6"2, scar on left eye, white skin, hood, bandana, green eyes, camo pants, tank top, bomber jacket

sex: male

age: 16

bio: just a boy whating a job so he can help this family

love interest: chrysalis, trixie

That could be interesting, I just hope she will not be dominate all the time or that Alan likes to be dominant too, after all, with all his mates he likes to make them enjoy and become in ecstasies before he enjoy himself, that tells me that he is kind of dominant too.

And also I kind of want to see Shy discover the meaning of wild sex (Trust me, if she go wild and he allow it, he could go wild to, and I would like to see how wild could it get) And something tells me that Alan will tell Shy "Fluttershy I going to give you such a spanky"

Or perhaps you are cooking something completely different, either way, I can't wait to see it

954557 take a look below your comment. read mine, tell me what you think of it?

Sounds interesting, more that Alan is with a relationship but now has a way back

954577 Exactly, think you can guess his choice? hahaha. sorry if I just gave that away, but I couldn't help it. It might be a good addition to add some strife or conflict. Otherwise, this fic could get boring, very fast.

I agree, I also notice Connor like the bad mares, I wonder if he is going to be the antagonist and will not take a "no" for a answer

954693 well, thats not quite what I was thinking, i was thinking he won't take no for an answer at first, but eventually Alan will convince him, and not only that, but will eventually convince him to stay as well.

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