• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2012
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A writer who enjoys putting a smile on peoples faces. If a story makes you smile, I've done my job. :)

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  • 13 weeks
    I have good news

    I got a dog! Her name is Ellie and she is a husky <3
    this is her

    2 comments · 133 views
  • 19 weeks
    In regards to Merlin

    I am working on a new chapter for this, but in bits and pieces. For those who don't know, I started college this year, majoring in Computer Science. I'll be writing in little bits and pieces over the year while I go to school so I hope you all enjoy the story and I hope y'all wish me luck in getting my degree :)

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  • 44 weeks
    I am now offering Proofreading!!!

    Editing can be hard and I understand that. Id be more than willing to proofread stuff for anyone that wants it, as well as providing what advice I feel I can give so that you can go into editing your story with fervor. This is free and will cost no money, so by all means, feel free to send me DM's and I will get to them between 6pm pst and 12pm pst.

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  • 47 weeks

    The new chapter will be one more day, I do apologize but due to it's length, it has become an editing fest. Im more than likely still going to miss one or two things, though I hope I can be thorough enough to get everything. Again I am so sorry for the delay and I hope y'all enjoy it when it's finished :)

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  • 47 weeks
    New Chapter in the works :)

    For my lovely fans of Aero, Id like to give you an update. I am working on a chapter rn as we speak and will be finishing it sometime this week. So I hope you all look forward to it! On that note we are also nearing the end! I know, it can be kind of sad when a story comes to an end. But it's okay because I wont be ending, just the story will lmao.

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New land, New customs, New life...New Love? · 5:48am Apr 11th, 2013

Im stuck. i need ideas for another chapter. if u can't think of any, i may have to put the fic on hiatus. sorry.

Report StormHoof32 · 120 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

ah shit... i better think of an idea

Well, what about you show us a little more about Connor and Trixie, how that turn up in the end?
And how things with Twilight and Night have being doing?
And finally, something I was wondering, how will Rarity will introduce him to her parents, same with Applejack, Dash, and Spitfire.

Also Celestia didn't disguise herself, what would it be if some photographer took a picture of them…Oh I don't know kissing or holding hands? That certainly could bring attention to the press

1001445 I was looking for more of a antagonist idea. something to add some action to the story. Like addition of a major villian or something. I need something so thrilling, that Alan will have to go outside of his comfort zone to take down and I want everything he holds dear to be at stake.

Oh that is easy, Chrysalis could fill that roll, but you can also, do this, some guards or captains don't like Alan and want him gone so they start plotting how to destroy him. Mayor from different cities can do that to.

There is the idea of dragons, minotaurus or other species, that hate him, for one or another reason and want him out of the way.

And this could be a little weak but, perhaps a cult dedicated to the princesses and with the believe that they must they ancestor have share a moment of intimacy and there for they are the only ones with the right of be with them think Alan has stain their holy symbol and is a demon that has brainwash the princesses and its plotting to conquer Equestria, so its there objective to destroy him before its to late

1001845 ...You raise some valid points. legit too. keep an eye out for a new chapter. Ill hopefully have a new chapter up within the next three days.

Glad I could help, sorry for the grammar errors

1002269 It's all good. btw, if you want to read a really good fic, read falling from the sky, by RD-loves-RA. I'm just about to finish reading it. and its intense, and romantic and awesome. take a look, its a long one though. 122,000 words. so enjoy!

Ok thanks, I will check it out, latter, thanks, and if you like humans being adopted I recommend you "Tales of Prince Onyx" I think you will love it, I talk with the creator and is a very nice guy and listen to recommendations and give suggestion, I think he could give you some ideas, for your story

1002320 I'll be sure to take a look. So, you working on anything at the moment?

A couple of stories but I couldn't public anything yet, I still have to finish some details and then pass it to english. But as soon as it ready I think i will publish it.

1002334 sounds cool. I might do a one-shot sometime today. I'm hoping it will at least reach 2,000 or 3000 words total. I'm not sure. i have to think on it. haha, god I hate writers block. it sucks like no other.

I hear you mean, writer block its a complete bitch sometimes

1002343 Gotta admit though, I had a good run for a while. I think I might have added a little to much clop as a filler though, and not enough storyline. That's something I still have a problem with. I actually plan on going to college while in the army, for literature and writing. I plan on being an author and I want to get a lot better at my writing and story telling ability.

That is a great dream, je what little world, the story that I'm working has some military ambient. And by that I mean that the human (yeah one of those) is training to join the royal guard

1002499 hey new chapter up. Enjoy the new villain OC!!! something i just came up with! haha.

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