• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2021


It's been a while, but I'm back home! Don't know when I'll write something for this site again, but enjoy my other stuff in the meantime!

More Blog Posts72

  • 467 weeks

    Hey guys, just wanted to make this quick.

    I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to get any chapters for 'Cool Story Bro... MOAR PONIES!' out for the next little while, a few days maybe, because my family is cleaning up our whole house, moving some furniture, and I've been having to help out a lot. It doesn't help that I have a full-time job now, so I barely find any time for writing.

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  • 468 weeks
    FNAF scares me in real life... again

    So yeah, I just got a new job this week, which would explain my inconsistencies in my chapter releases, but that's beside the point. So, one of my co-workers, his phone's ringtone is a platypus cry, which is basically a series of organic like clicks.

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    12 comments · 682 views
  • 470 weeks
    Cool Story Bro 3!

    The Third story of Cool Story Bro has passed moderation and is now visible on FIMFiction!!

    You can find it under my stories tab on my user page ('cause I'm posting this on mobile and can't put a proper link).

    Thanks for reading!

    1 comments · 463 views
  • 471 weeks
    I'm coming home!

    I'm on my way home! After two weeks out of the main land of the United States, I'm driving to Utah from Montana.

    I have chapters ready, but I've gotta go now!

    Thanks for reading!

    1 comments · 406 views
  • 473 weeks
    Can't talk long

    Mooching off my neighbor's Internet.

    My Internet went down, I've been busy moving furniture to help repaint my family's house, and I'm leaving tomorrow for a three week trip through Canada.

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YES! Death to the viruses! · 7:21pm Apr 26th, 2013

Okay, I finally got all of the viruses off of my laptop that I usually use for writing! That means that I can begin writing again like I normally would, and that also means that I might get my next few chapters out and published sooner than I had expected. DEATH TO THE VIRUSES!

Although, on a side note, I'm going to talk about my life at the moment. So, if anyone reading this doesn't care, that's fine by me. Just go ahead and do something else on the site that requires your immediate attention.

If you stuck around to read this part, good for you. Well, me and my cousin, Darkened5ky, are in the middle of black belt testing, and we have a major pretest this Saturday. So, we're both working our butts off to get ready, but we're still taking some time off for writing. So you guys who read our stories, you should be grateful.

During this past week, I got a cold. I got it at the beginning of this week and I'm just now getting over it. I still have a stuffy nose and a cough, but at least I can get back to writing now.

That's all! Now here's a funny video for all of you Minecrafters reading this. I swear, this made me laugh so frickin' hard!

Thanks for reading,

Report Shadowflame · 96 views ·
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