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Learn for Life

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A Simple Slice of Life: "A Moment in the Sunlight" · 11:58pm May 8th, 2013

Like other reviews of mine like this, I won’t be critiquing anything about this story. I’d rather you be as enticed as possible to read a simple Slice of Life I think is worth it, and this isn’t really meant to point out flaws. It’s more meant to pull you partially into an experience, and hopefully convince you to go check it out. I may take issue with something about it, and there may be some grammar errors, but they won’t be pointed out here.

With that out of the way, here we go!

Princess Celestia has to deal with a lot of issues: politics, war, powerful creatures trying to destroy Equestria or usurp her throne, the reality of her immortality—or very long life—Twilight and Co. sending her friendship letters, her sister's return from exile, etc. Stories written about her show her in her glory, either with her power, in her depression of being immortal, or making her a tyrant. Before today, the only story I recall reading that had Princess Celestia bonding with her subjects is Sunny Skies All Day Long.

Today, however, May 8th 2013, I've read a simple story that had Princess Celestia bonding with a foal, while exploring a few aspects about her character. It does so in a way that shows that Celestia can not only be compassionate, but also a tender-hearted creature.

A Moment in the Sunlight, by ArcheonZ
Quality time is pretty rare when you've got a country to run.

This is a 3,775-word story that deals with one day when a foal decides to interrupt a meeting between Princess Celestia and a group of ponies with some political sway in Equestria.

The strength of this story is with the character dynamic. The one that takes precedence the most is the relationship between Princess Celestia and Walnut, the foal who can't find his parents. During a meeting where a group of stallions are trying to allocate funds for various things, Celestia interrupts the audience and invites the very young and very nervous colt to sit with her at the throne. With Walnut next to her, Celestia both livens up the meeting and gives the colt an insight as to how she sees her beloved ponies. While Celestia is wise, Walnut is wide-eyed, attentive and filled with questions, unlike the older ponies in the room. He acts like a child would, allowing Celestia to show herself as a true loving force that can be impressed upon the innocent, honest hearts of her ponies. Through Walnut's interruption, Celestia can show one of her more "varied" days where she doesn't follow royal protocol by-the-letter, giving a variation to her character that doesn't come off as mean-spirited or random, but more tender and kind-hearted.

Celestia and Walnut's interactions intend to show Celestia as not so much as nigh-unreachable being, but rather a living being that desires to be love. The introduction to the story is the introduction of the historical-fiction section in the Royal Library, and how the majority of stories included there are of lofty tales about Princess Celestia. Celestia won't correct ponies because she wants to neither stifle their creativity nor disappoint them about her reality. The known Celestia is a powerful figure known to do great things, and this story portrays her in one of her more kind-hearted, mortal moments. Walnut doesn't understand how to act properly, being at the whim of Celestia, which gives the ruler a greater agency to bestow her love. Walnut's role in the story appears to be the character that learns to trust the kindheartedness of those beings that seem to be out of reach. Walnut and Celestia's interaction is mostly hinged on the idea that higher-ups can be approachable—and may sometimes wish to be—and impersonal relationships can lead to dull lives.

Celestia shows both a playful and a wise side of herself through Breezy and Crossbar, two of Celestia's staff that show how, even though it may be in good intention, keeping proper protocol in order may just be banal and a waste of time. Breezy is one of Celestia's secretary of state, and the pony that is handling the stallions' proposal when Walnut arrives. She isn't blind to the mischief that Celestia performs when her back is turned, but she isn't crabby about it; in fact, it could be said that they're on friendly terms by the end of it. She does her best to fulfill her duties, but can still have a good laugh every now and again. Crossbar is one of Celestia's royal knights, who initially bars Walnut entrance despite Celestia's command to let them pass because he needs to follow orders. Throughout the story, his change is from being the strict guard to a little more social, realizing that a change-up is sometimes necessary, to keep things fresh. Both characters allow some of Celestia's personality to shine, whether it be wise-beyond-comparison patience or pleasant playfulness.

The height of the story happens when Walnut asks questions about her. ArcheonZ portrays a plausible explanation of her past without going too in-depth with it, asking only one question about it. The relation with the past segues into the discussion of the present state of Equestria, but rather than present some complex speech about how everything is interconnected, a much simpler concept about Equestria is presented: it's a place filled with ponies, and Celestia loves everypony. It's presented shortly, but it's presented sweetly and succinctly.

That's the main focus of the story: Celestia and a colt bonding, without any other issues complicating it too much. Walnut's plot is resolved, and there's a moment with the parents that honestly reminded me of Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People, with one point being to be genuinely interested in the benefactor, and I thought that was a nice—though probably unintentional—touch, since it gets to basic nature of rational beings. The story is brought back to the historical fiction section with a quick analysis of Celestia that, in my opinion, wraps up this Slice of Life quite nicely. She is presented as a pony that needs to feel appreciation. She's not shown as a strict ruler or a dictator, or a wistful immortal. There are no complex plots, or underlying tragedies in this story. It's just a simple day with Celestia, just a moment in the sunlight.

Note: I am willing and eager to improve in these styles of reviews. If there's something you feel I can be doing better, please don't hesitate to tell me.

Other Reviews Of Simple Slices of Lives:

bookplayer's "Of Cottages and Cloud Homes"
Martian's "Dance"

Report Learn for Life · 437 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I was duly enticed. (And the story was worth the read, and then some.)

1064231:twilightsmile: This is the first blog review I've done where the author doesn't know about it before publication.

Thanks for the review! I'm glad this story has made such an impression on you. I love it when people do an in-depth review on my stories and suddenly start making connections and pulling out little tidbits that I never noticed.

1066034 I was honestly expecting this to hit Featured, but when it didn't, I had to make sure it got the attention it deserved. *looks at view count* Looks like I failed.:facehoof:

Still, your story deserves all the praise it gets. It's an excellent Slice of Life.

1066065 I only published it a few days ago, so it probably hasn't gotten enough attention to be Featured. I'm really impressed so many people like it, though.

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