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"Anything worth dying for... is certainly worth living for."

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  • 546 weeks
    Mandatory Blog Post I've Been Procrastinating On Since Like... The Dawn of Time

    I feel like it's probably time to come out of hibernation. I've been putting off writing for so long (mostly due to the fact I got busy with life and I had a major writer's block/lack of creativity whenever I sat down at a computer) that I just completely forgot about my previous works and didn't really care if they ever got finished. I've actually written a few short stories every now and again,

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  • 576 weeks
    My Thoughts on Venturing to Equestria

    [Warning, a long rant will follow through with this blog post. Read only if you feel like you have the time.]

    It's a question I'm sure every person in this enormous fandom has thought about at one point or another: What would it be like to actually travel to Equestria and visit places like this:

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My Thoughts on Venturing to Equestria · 2:05am May 14th, 2013

[Warning, a long rant will follow through with this blog post. Read only if you feel like you have the time.]

It's a question I'm sure every person in this enormous fandom has thought about at one point or another: What would it be like to actually travel to Equestria and visit places like this:

So for the sake of argument, I've devised a few scenarios that will probably need different views and outlooks on the various situations.

1) One day, a portal rift opens up in front of you, with none other than Twilight Sparkle stepping out. To your surprise, she offers you a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel to Equestria, but the only catch is that there's no way for you to return to Earth once you leave. Would you still accept her offer?

It's obvious that the answer is going to vary from individual to individual. Every single one of us is outfitted differently. Our mindsets don't think similarly, and our daily lives vary greatly. Some of us might have great lives, with loving families and a promising future, while others might be living terrible ones, suffering with depression on a daily basis with no hope in their distant future. In the case that you're living a good life, you'd be more likely to be reluctant about actually going through. It's likely that you have friends, family, spouses, hopes, dreams, career opportunities, et cetera, et cetera. Would you really give all that up just to see your favorite cast of ponies? My suspected answer: probably not. However, if you're living just a downright shitty life with the world seemingly out to get you, then you're most likely going to go through. Again, this is just one variable. I'm sure that some people would give up even the most extreme riches and fame to even speak with their favorite pony for an hour, and some poorer people might be content with the way they're living now and have no desire for change.

In my case, I would politely decline her offer, and maybe try to steal a hug before she leaves back home. I'm really just another Average Joe trying to survive school and prepare for my life ahead of me. I'm certainly not spoiled, and I have to work for everything I strive for. I always am busy with schoolwork, extra-curricular activities, searching for a job and a car, sports, studying, writing/reading fanfiction, so on and so forth. I won't say that I live the greatest life ever, but I know that there are millions of people out there who would love to switch places with me at any given moment. I have food to eat, water to drink, a roof over my head, education, clothing, and a constant supply of electricity. Never once have I taken that for granted, and never would I give it up just for my own selfish reasons. I have friends and family here on Earth who I wouldn't trade for anything.

2) Same scenario as the last, except you would be allowed two or three weeks before having to return back to Earth. In this case, no time would pass on Earth during your visit.

I feel positive that about 99.99% of Bronies wouldn't think twice, including me. As long as nothing serious or foreboding is coming in the near future (i.e. finals so I wouldn't forget all the studying I just crammed into my thick skull), I'd jump through. I'd love to see all my favorite ponies and strike up a conversation with them.

There's only one slight issue I see with this. I'm sure that a lot of the background ponies have different names/personalities than the ones we give them. For all we know, Lyra probably isn't obsessed with humans, Colgate isn't a dentist, Berry Punch isn't the town drunk, Doctor Hooves isn't the reincarnate of the Doctor, Derpy and Dinky aren't mother and daughter... you can see where I'm going with this. If this really happens, I can only hope that none of us mistake any of the ponies' real names by incorporating their fanon ones, or just immediately assume that their personalities match our depictions.

3) If you were the only one in the world who was offered the opportunity in Scenario #2, but could transfer the rights to travel to Equestria to someone else at the expense of you not going, would you do it?

In this case, I have to say that I would gladly give the opportunity to another person. I think I'd most likely give it to some younger girl whose imagination and creativity are still flourishing and at its peak, and that they'd probably be more grateful than any other demographic. I'd be more reluctant to pass it off to some other random Brony, mostly due to the fact there are still some "interesting" persons out there who wouldn't use this event for the better good, but I digress.

4) One day, you find yourself mysteriously waking up inside the Ponyville Hospital with no idea how you got there. The ponies welcome you with open arms, and you find yourself settling into their society with any problems. You have many friends and eventually find a decent paying job. Six months after your arrival, the princesses write a letter stating that they found a way to bring you back home unharmed, but you may continue to stay in Equestria if you desire. So what would you do, live in Equestria or return to Earth? (Note that this in the scenario, time has continued normally on Earth as well).

While it will be insanely difficult to explain to my family where I disappeared off to for six months, and I have that enormous chance that I may be thrown into the looney bin by telling the truth, my whole life of almost sixteen years on Earth cannot compare to six measly months in Equestria. This is another scenario that will also vary from person to person, but I find myself bidding farewell to Ponyville and all its inhabitants. I'm sure that homesickness would creep on me by continuing to live in Equestria, possibly luring me into a deep depression state. Faking smiles won't do me any good, and even Pinkie Pie's parties probably couldn't cheer me up if it got too bad. Plus the fact that the internet doesn't exist in Equestria, I'd probably go mad after two weeks. We all probably would.

5) Same as scenario #4, except 10-15 years have past before you receive the letter from the princesses.

I know for a fact that this would take probably weeks of careful consideration on my part. Who knows what could happen in that time period of being the only human in a land full of ponies?

To be honest, I think that there's too many variables that could occur in this scenario. If there was that possibility that I fell in love with a pony (I'm using Spike as an example), had an interspecies relationship (in my headcanon they do happen, since it seems like no one cares about Spike being helplessly in love with Rarity, which leads me to assume that they have happened before), possibly even starting a family with adopted kids, then I'd do the right thing and refuse to abandon them. By this point in time, I've most likely moved on from Earth and have become accustomed to Equestria. It painstakes me to admit it, especially since I know that I'm completely shutting myself off from seeing my family again, but that's probably what would happen.

If lived a miserable life in Equestria for whatever reason, I'd probably move back to Earth. I understand that it would be insanely difficult to try and start a life again back here, but I think I'd rather be around my own species rather than being the lone human in a vast land full of magical ponies.

Again, there's too many things that could occur here, so my opinion would be different if this actually happened.

6) Several portals across the globe appear, linking Earth and Equestria. Both human and pony nations have gotten along well, allowing citizenships and passports to aliens on both worlds, albeit at a very expensive cost. Would you do it?

If there are promising job opportunities, yes, I would move to Equestria.
If I could afford the money, yes, I would visit Equestria.
This one is pretty easy to answer.

You know, I could go on and on with this topic, but I'm going to stop here because I've been going on for over forty-five minutes.
So here's my tl;dr version of this entire thing: There's many different scenarios that might happen, and depending on the circumstances, I may or may not take the chance. Everyone's opinion is going to be different, and there are people who would go without hesitation, and others who would be rather reluctant.

If you made it this far, have a picture of Lyra wearing a baseball cap, because why not?

(P.S. I'm not really looking forward to Equestria Girls. I'm still going to give it a shot, but my expectations are very, very low. It simply just doesn't seem appealing to me...)

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