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So apparently I'm a threat to all life... and I have bad taste in humor. · 7:29pm May 30th, 2013

"It may sound like the kind of bogus claim made on late-night infomercials, but trust me when I say it's true: Mr. Hunter parker's programs of Gleichschaltung are a vehicle for the expression of prejudice, ignorance, and enmity about people who are different from him. Let's get down to brass tacks: Some antisocial schmoes are actually considering helping him fleece people out of their life's savings. How quickly such people forget that they were lied to, made fun of, and ridiculed by him on numerous occasions. Individually, his rejoinders blow the whole situation way out of proportion. But linked together, his antics could easily threaten the existence of human life, perhaps all life on the planet. Lastly, I can't end this letter without mentioning that I don't enjoy Mr. Hunter Parker's bawdy sense of humor."


Report werewolf435 · 567 views ·
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"It is in the sincere hope of transforming the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood that this letter is offered to an intelligent and discriminating public. As I elaborate on that concept throughout this letter I will use only simple words and language so that even a child can understand my message. Yes, even a child should know that ignorance is bliss. This may be why Mr. Shane's emissaries are generally all smiles. This is not the same as saying that I, for one, would very much like to see Shane crawl back under the rock he slithered out from, although that, too, is true. He cannot tolerate the world as it is. He needs to live in a world of fantasies. To be more specific, Shane's antisocial, untoward views are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of rowdyism are blooming all around us. In closing, I ask that you swear in the holy sanctuary of your soul that you will never stop focusing on what unites rather than divides us. That's how I live my life, and that's how you should consider living yours."


1115210 you know, that. almost made an inspiring speech. But then it decided insulting your followers (rather than you ) would be more worthwhile. Which kind of reminds me of politics... Tragic.


I reckon so. Heh.

1115627 You know, on second reading, apparently you're a successful anarchist. Which, honestly I'm not sure if that is better or worse than me, since I'm an irresponsible and over-aggressive expansionist... And a cult leader?



1115776 are apparently irrelevant... all hail Lord Xenu!



Though I reckon that if that be the truth, you may just hold more influence than myself. Reckon you should do somethin' with that?

1116142 I know exactly what I should do. It came to me in a dream. :pinkiehappy:

I'm going to use my power to set up world spanning conspiracies, each one threatening to enslave the entire world. Then, I'm going to spend my time gathering a secret army to fight all the conspiracies I just spent years setting up making me a global hero. After that I'll be crowned king of the WORLD! MWAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!

There is absolutely no way this could go wrong. :twilightsmile:


That's....well....actually might work the way this world is right now. :pinkiecrazy:

That first link is absolutely beautiful. Now I have a way to make completely useless essay's to complain about people I do not know. Thank you, and I am NOT being sarcastic... I might actually use this.

1282198 Heh, you're welcome. I love it myself ^_^

#16 · Jan 5th, 2014 · · ·

1116407 Are you Tyler Durden?

1684189 mmm? Not as far as I'm aware... though I do have to wonder how you've come to that conclusion.

#18 · Jan 5th, 2014 · · ·


I'm going to spend my time gathering a secret army to fight all the conspiracies

For some reason, my mind went Fight Club.
Then again, you tell me "pony" I think "zebra"

1684222 Actually, now that you mention it...

I'm an irresponsible and over-aggressive expansionist... And a cult leader?

That might not be far off the mark.

The fuck is all this shit about?

2361381 it's about injustice! And the tools of cowards!


Narrow it down, motherfucker.

2361399 it's a gag sight that throws together big words that sound vaguely insulting, using whatever name you put in as the 'target'.


Oooooohhh....then how's this for an insult: You're you. They better rush you to the burn ward pronto.

2361432 You should come too, they might have found a cure for a level of ugly reserved for the great old ones... probably not, but there's always hope.


Ugly isn't the illness. It's the cure. Pretty people's neurons have all been used up on their faces. True science, dawg. Read it in a tabloid once.

2361497 I see... I'm sorry to inform you that you may have been shorted a few resources during your development then. Regardless; I need a cactus, a chicken (live or dead), some high grade explosives, a catapult, and a scapegoat... you down?



I'm down like James Brown in the cold, dead ground after snorting too much coke and drinking too much Crown...and also some other sort of descriptive noun...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Buttholes are round.

Comment posted by werewolf435 deleted Aug 13th, 2017
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