• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2014

Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!

More Blog Posts136

  • 496 weeks
    Forthcoming and Current Projects/Fanfic Updates :)

    Well, now that the ole account's back, I think it's best that I use it for good and not for evil this time. Over the past year I've been involved with another fun lil project, but I'll get to that in a bit. First off, my plans for fanfictions :).

    Legend of the Titans

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  • 496 weeks
    So I'm Back O_o

    Well yeah. A year after being banned and I'm back, it seems. And the truth is: I deserved it. I not only acted like a douchebag and got what was coming to me, but worst of all I let the people who I hoped to bring entertainment to down. The things I said and did were rotten, immature, stupid, and unnecessary, and for that I apologize to everyone who they affected, sincerely.

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  • 560 weeks

    As a war against a mysterious foe rocks Northern Equestria, Ponyville begins to suffer from its fatigue, especially the friends of Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and everypony else who have been called to arms. Luckily, with surplus supply of cider and a bar in need of an owner... Applejack may just have a place for everypony to get away from life as they've come to know.

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  • 560 weeks
    The Sound of Thunder - Being Taken Down For the Time Being

    Pending re-release :).

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  • 560 weeks
    What Should Bobbo Work On (A Vote)

    Not this Bobbo: he hasn't done work since the 70's.

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Progress on New Fic (will be fully completed first before posted). · 2:00am Jun 4th, 2013

Official Title: Pinkie Pie's Ponyville Paranormal Proof Providers Inc.

So yeah, work has begun on this fic, and my ideas are flowing and flowing in. I think it might end up as a 40k word thing, and should be somewhat light-hearted but dramatic at times in nature. I try to shoot for the writing style of Stargate SG-1, pretty much.

Since I don't want to post it chapter by chapter, I'll have to settle with occasional blog posts for feedback. However, posting it in full form will allow me to make the story more coherent and 'structured', and allow for me to change things that don't work as new ideas come up. That being said, I have it planned out pretty well so far, as well as a comprehensive list of the characters. Look below.



Octavia - 'Land Siren'. Can hypnotize men with her music and force them to do her bidding. Can place both mares and stallions into a hypnotic trance. Originally from the Deep Sea. Deadpan Snarker.
[UNKNOWN] - Child of the [UNKNOWN]. Can control [UNKNOWN] and transform into living energy. Brave and somewhat impulsive.
Vinyl Scratch - Vampire. Burns in the sun. Rules in the night. Can communicate telepathically, live for a long time, plant mental suggestions, and use dark magic. Impulsive and wild.
Time Turner - The Doctor. Genius and Time Lord. Has use of sonic screwdriver, ample knowledge, and the TARDIS (currently unpowered). Eccentric and witty.
Derpy - Assistant of the Doctor. Very intelligent in her own right. Feigns stupidity. Humorous and witty out of disguise. Dumb and foalish when in disguise.
Captain Jack (Black) Harness - Leader of Horsehood. Can't die. Flirtatious and down-to-earth.
Lyra - Human turned Unicorn from Earth. Knowledge of the [UNKNOWN] as well as strange magics. Goofy.
[UNKNOWN] - Half-Phantom Unicorn Superhero who draws energy from the [UNKNOWN]. Can possess individuals, turn invisible, and fly. Batman-like personality.
[UNKNOWN] - Ent. The real [UNKNOWN] died years ago. She was replicated by a mysterious force in the wilderness. Possesses long life and Poison Ivy like abilities. Timid.
[UNKNOWN] - Connection to the [UNKNOWN] allows her to see the future and perform bizarre feats. Insane.
[UNKNOWN] - Undead son of a pirate. Cannot die by normal means. Adorable but piraty. Not a fan of Octavvia.

All supernaturals are connected to the Ponyville [UNKNOWN]

Stallion Stanley Hotel Ghosts

Starswirl the Bearded - Powerful unicorn. Gandalf like.
Clover the Clever - Another powerful unicorn. Apprentice of Starswirl. Sassy.
[UNKNOWN] - Evil king corrupted by his addiction to Dark Crystals. Seeks to make amends. Serious and slightly emo.
[UNKNOWN] - Parents of [UNKNOWN]. Loving and protective.
Snowdrop - Spirit of Winter who usually can't manifest her appearance. Adorable and deep.
[UNKNOWN] - Leader of the spirits. Aggressive but has a strict code of honor.
Wenda Neuroshock - Wife of [UNKNOWN]. Emotional.
Shining Dark - Son of [UNKNOWN]. Creepy.
King Stephen - Former 'King' of the Dark Tower of Coldmane in the Badlands. Fond of writing supernatural, dark thrillers. Fan of black comedy.

Main Villains

[UNKNOWN] - Powerful Eldrich Abomination capable of erasing memories, produce vivid hallucinations, and generally do what the fuck he wants. Dragon of [UNKNOWN]. Deems himself above morals, and simply wants to create dispair.
[UNKNOWN] - Leader of the Villains. Bent on opening the [UNKNOWN] to harness its energy, despite the fact it will kill every resident of Ponyville. Incredible mind control abilities. Insane, evil genius.
[UNKNOWN] - Under mind control. Brash.

Spirit Villains

[UNKNOWN] - Demonic spirit who haunts the hotel. Large ham.
[UNKNOWN] - Former caretaker of the hotel. Driven insane by the [UNKNOWN] energies. Minion of [UNKNOWN]. Doesn't want to kill you, but will bash your fucking brains in. BASH THEM RIGHT THE FUCK IN.

Normals (Paranormal INC.)

Twilight Sparkle - Ying to Pinkie's Yang. 'Scully.' Skeptical, logical and powerful in magic. Unicorn.
Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom - Out to get their cutie marks in paranormal investigation along with Scootaloo. Booksmart, brave, and filled with common sense respectively.
Pinkie Pie - Out to discover the truth behind the Stallion Stanley Hotel. Insane (in a good way) and cheerful.


Hypoth Esi the Science Guy - Worker in Horsehood. Science Master. Non-supernatural. Rational and nice.
[UNKNOWN] - Another worker in Horsehood and Jack's right hoof-mare. Fiery, justice oriented temper.

Report Silent Bob · 224 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Ohh ohh! The Joestars and Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure would be fun to see, especially since I can't recall seeing them in any pony fic as of the time of posting this.

So I'll be seeing this image in my nightmares... (no, that's not a pun)

That's some mighty strong nightmare fuel you've provided. I like it.

This scream to your picture

All the unknowns looks like the CIA had a fucking field day!

I'm guessing the ent is Fluttershy and the undead son of a pirate is Pipsqueak. I think the evil king is Sombra. I would say the insane paranormal thate can see the future is Pinkie Pie, but she has a mention later on. The half-phantom unicorn is probably Rarity. The unknown member of horsehood is probably Rainbow Dash.

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