• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen June 21st


Better than Nicholas Sparks. Probably. Probably not. Also has a thing for Queen Chrysalis. Can't Explain Why.

More Blog Posts111

  • 355 weeks
    Season 8 animatic released, and....

    Bug Horse Waifu has returned.

    Will the mighty Queen finally be redeemed, or will she get defeated once and for all? Fingers crossed for the former, but I wouldn't put it past the show to go Sombra on her. Hope not.

    4 comments · 666 views
  • 355 weeks
    MaxBeezy Approved "My New Life In Equestria" Side Story!

    Hey everypony!

    A user by the name of Sixcardroulette came to me a couple months ago to propose an idea to make a side story in the "My New Life In Equestria" series, detailing the time Matt and Applejack spent during the first few months of their relationship. I thought it was a great idea, and now SCR has delivered on the first chapter.

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    1 comments · 804 views
  • 366 weeks
    My One Image Review of Episode 13 "The Perfect Pear"

    3 comments · 482 views
  • 366 weeks
    1,000 Followers?!(UPDATED)

    This is unexpected, truly. Thank you all for following my crazy stories.

    If you would like to ask me anything. Ask away, and I'll do my best to answer them :ajsmug:

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    11 comments · 556 views
  • 379 weeks
    What the?

    I leave for a few hours, and come back to see this?

    I better step my game up for any upcoming chapters.

    Thanks to all who are following the story.

    6 comments · 820 views

Equestria Girls Review · 6:14pm Jul 2nd, 2013

Here's my video review of Equestria Girls. Time for you to hear my big dumb voice!

Report MaxBeezy · 271 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

How interesting, you made a video review about that My Little Pony Movie, good job on trying something different besides fanfic. This review is open-minded, as how it is informative at times, which I find quite nice. The voice recording is nice and well-recorded, I imagine that you spared no expense on having a good quality microphone of sorts, or so I imagine anyways. Good job with the editing, as you provide clips and pics from the cartoon (and otherwise) that adds some visual entertainment with the review, which I find is a nice plus.
However, If there's any criticism I may have with it, is that it took too long in the beginning where you explain the basic run down from the development of the cartoon show to the movie. Not to say that it is bad, but the length that it took to get from that to the actual review could have been too long that it would bored out the viewers from taking it seriously, which in turn would compromise the overall presentation.
I meant no ill towards this point, I imagine thinking of this if you were to present this review over a crowd and measure the length of time from what it takes to reach one segment to the next. Overall, the video is very good. I enjoy a review that can remain unbiased towards the pros and cons of a given material. Two thumps up, man

1184965uhh:rainbowderp:.............. what he said. Great review:pinkiehappy:

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