• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2022

Enter Madness

I'm just a guy. Who likes ponies. And fan fiction. Why not both?

More Blog Posts34

  • 539 weeks
    New Star-Crossed Chapter!

    So, the new chapter of Star-Crossed is finally out!

    I know, right!?

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  • 540 weeks
    What you've all been waiting for...

    So, the new chapter of Star-Crossed is being edited by my... well... editor, Eldorado. If you don't know who he is, you should, 'cause he's a pretty cool dude.

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    4 comments · 539 views
  • 544 weeks
    Holiday Hysteria

    So, the holidays have been super crazy for me. Where I work gets especially busy during the holidays, I had family functions to attend, my brother is in town, and I don't get to see him very often, so most of my attention has been devoted to covering IRL things. I've written next to nothing for the past few weeks, and I feel really bad about that. I know that when I fall out of habit, it's always

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  • 556 weeks
    Another new story? What is this madness!?

    Yup, I'm posting a lot of one-shots. I saw all the cool kids doing it, so I figured, why not?

    I probably won't go all-out One-shotober or whatever, but I have several more ideas for one-shots. So expect at least a few more before, well... you know, in the future.

    I'm terrible with commitment.

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  • 556 weeks
    New Story: Slammed

    So I have been writing!

    I'm not dead!

    Other true things!

    I wrote a new story, called Slammed. It's about Rainbow Dash reading her first poem to a crowd. It's not very long, but I feel that it does what I want it to do in the words I use.

    So go forth! Read it! Rate it! Please!

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Weekly Update: 7 / 14 / 2013 · 11:44pm Jul 14th, 2013

O, gods of the calendar, let it be so that my second weekly update be on time and, in the words of the immortal Bill S. Preston Esquire and Theodore Logan, "excellent."

So here we are again. Firstly, updates!

The new Star-Crossed chapter is in the final stages, and should be out tonight or tomorrow. Get ready, guys, it's gonna be a doozy.

I submitted Brave New World to EqD, and I have to produce another chapter of equal quality to the first before they'll accept it. I had the second chapter finished, but I decided I didn't like it and I'm rewriting it, so I'm not sure when that'll be finished. So... yeah.

My one-shot involving changeling identity crisis, House of Cards, is at about 12,200 words or so. So that's coming along.

What follows is my personal thoughts on writing as of late. More specifically, my writing.

So, I think I know what my problem is with writing long fics. I feel like when I produce a good first chapter of something, nothing I write afterward will be as good. I've convinced myself that I'm going to make a huge misstep with the future of a story that will alienate everyone who liked it and turn me into a joke. That's why I'm absolutely terrified of doing a second chapter of Brave New World because once I introduce conflict, I feel like the story's going to fall apart even when, in all likelihood, it won't.

What if they just say, you're no good kid, you stink, get outta here, I mean, I just don't think I can take that kinda rejection!

And here I'll complain and then write some more, because I like doing both of those things.

Well, until next time, guys. Bye!

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