• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2014

Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!

More Blog Posts136

  • 495 weeks
    Forthcoming and Current Projects/Fanfic Updates :)

    Well, now that the ole account's back, I think it's best that I use it for good and not for evil this time. Over the past year I've been involved with another fun lil project, but I'll get to that in a bit. First off, my plans for fanfictions :).

    Legend of the Titans

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  • 495 weeks
    So I'm Back O_o

    Well yeah. A year after being banned and I'm back, it seems. And the truth is: I deserved it. I not only acted like a douchebag and got what was coming to me, but worst of all I let the people who I hoped to bring entertainment to down. The things I said and did were rotten, immature, stupid, and unnecessary, and for that I apologize to everyone who they affected, sincerely.

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  • 559 weeks

    As a war against a mysterious foe rocks Northern Equestria, Ponyville begins to suffer from its fatigue, especially the friends of Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and everypony else who have been called to arms. Luckily, with surplus supply of cider and a bar in need of an owner... Applejack may just have a place for everypony to get away from life as they've come to know.

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  • 560 weeks
    The Sound of Thunder - Being Taken Down For the Time Being

    Pending re-release :).

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  • 560 weeks
    What Should Bobbo Work On (A Vote)

    Not this Bobbo: he hasn't done work since the 70's.

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    13 comments · 888 views

My Little Pony: World at War Turn-Based Game · 7:19am Jul 15th, 2013

Yeah, don't get your hopes up, it's not really a 'game game', though it's still a game. I've done online turn-based strat games before, and I think they're kind of fun. Basically, five or six players take turns moving armies around a grid and maintaining their nations. Well... take a look at this.


So hopefully that paints a clearer picture. If not, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. It'll become clear as time goes on. So basically, people choose a nation. You get armies/navies/ext. Every army has its own set of specials which depends on what units are in it. Some armies may be better than other armies. The bigger the nation, the bigger and more armies you get. Every one city = 2 army strength. Capital cities are worth 3. You tell them where to go. You also get diplomats, archeologists, and assassins (if you're nation is sort of dickish), or else you get spiez. More on that later.

The objective of the game is to be the last alliance standing. To destroy an empire, ravage/occupy five cities and kill the enemy leader.

But yeah, the map is just an example, so there's a long way to go. I don't wanna add any more nations, but if someone throws me a good idea I'll consider it. I will however most definitely add more city-states (diplomats can help gain advantages from them). They can pretty much be for whatever species you wish.

But most importantly: let me know if you're interested, I'd be glad to start up. Maybe everyone playing as an Equestrian army would be cool too, I dunno. It can be versatile. If we do play, turns will be daily, so it'll be pretty slow-paced.

And since I can't think of anything else to say, good night: I'll be up in fourteen... thirteen hours. Yeah. Thirteen.

Report Silent Bob · 394 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

I love that map, mainly for the Icecrown Citadel, but Equestria is big, like really big when you compare it to other nations, like the Crystal Empire, or Whisper Song. Does that means that they have a bad army?

I would most definetely be interested in this.

I've seen this map before and I've always liked it. I'd definitely be interested since I love Risk style games (I've even come up with an idea for a Command & Conquer/Civilization/Risk style real time strategy game. Now all I have to do is become some sort of game developer. Too bad I'm studying to be an astrophysicist…)

I'm up for this as link as I get to play as the Reindeer of the Everfrozen Forest :twilightsmile:

Actually, I'm just up for this. Count me in.

sounds cool. as long as it doesn't interfere with my school stuff, then I'm game.

Great idea, I'd love to play this game.

So, it's RISK but in Equestria?

I'd play this for sure.

I'm up for spoken some chumps at PWNY Risk lets go.:eeyup:

Usually smaller nations will have smaller, but slightly more badass armies. However, larger nations do have an advantage. Diplomacy is needed fo shure.

I really like this idea. Count me in.

I'd give it a go! I'd try being the changelings... although that'd probably screw over diplomacy... until I took over everyone else from the inside.:pinkiecrazy:

This idea pleases me.

I am interested in this

I call crystal empire

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