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  • 460 weeks

    Back from bronycon and recovering. Bunked with two good friends (Oldenbrony and Malwinters) and met at least a dozen people I’m looking forward to keeping in touch with. Also bumped into a few cool people from last year. Can confirm that Friendship is most likely Magic.

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    Chapter 14: Friends Close

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  • 502 weeks
    Service Announcement

    Writing prophesy is hard.

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  • 505 weeks
    Q&A Blog 05: Rainbow Dash

    NSS: After a long delay, we’re back with Rainbow Dash!

    Rainbow: Augh, I don’t have to write anything, do I?

    NSS: No, I think Spike has that covered again.

    Spike: Yeah yeah, I’m coming.

    Twilight: Rainbow, you can take the sunglasses off.

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  • 507 weeks
    Quick update

    Hey everybody! Sorry for being MIA for a few days. Rather than tell the story over and over again on different chat services, I figure it’d be best to type it up once here for everyone to see. Fortunately, it was a balance of fun and unfun reasons rather than all being unfun.

    The fun part first.

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The Answers Have Been Doubled! · 6:49pm Jul 21st, 2013

As promised, welcome to the Valor is Magic Question and Answer session. What started as a casual side project turned into something much, much bigger. This blog post is longer than some chapters in Valor is Magic, weighing in at over 4,500 words. I am, however, really happy with the result thanks to the thoughtful questions so many people submitted. It was a lot of fun to explore these characters interacting in a more relaxed setting. I’ve added notes in brackets for body language and other notes. But enough of this! It is time for Questions!

NSS: I’d like to get to the questions as quickly as possible, but first it’s only appropriate to do some quick introductions. First, Princess Luna. I know these trips aren’t easy on your magic, and I wanted to thank you for making these talks possible.
Luna: ‘Tis always a pleasure. Besides, Twilight has become ever more fascinated with other realms since her ascension. Thine is far more hospitable than most.
NSS: That’s…fairly unsettling, all things considered.
Luna: We meant it to be.
NSS: Um, right. I’m also happy to welcome Princess Twilight. Congratulations on that, by the way.
Twilight: [Blushes] Oh, right. If you don’t mind, please just call me Twilight.
NSS: Are you sure? You did earn it after all. [Looks to Luna] Is that even okay?
Luna: She seems to insist with everypony, and for now it is not a problem.
NSS: As long as it’s okay with both of you, then. Welcome, Twilight.
Twilight: [Nods]
NSS: And finally Kaleb of Tshaka. I’m familiar with your work, and I have to say it’s a real honor to finally meet you.
Kaleb: Your words are kind. I must ask, human. You did not bow to the princesses when you addressed them. I am curious why not.
Twilight: Oh! We talked about this last time. It has to do with the philosophy of his nation.
NSS: Yes, I’m American. It is part of our founding documents that all men, and by extension all sentient beings, are created equal in terms of rights and liberties under the law. Generally, Americans don’t make gestures that are based in the idea of one person being higher that another.
Kaleb: Then how does your nation function if you do not recognize authority?
NSS: We recognize authority, just not superiority.
Twilight: Which is why he still uses titles out of respect.
Kaleb: Authority, but not superiority. That is a confusing idea.
NSS: Historically it’s still fairly new even for humans, but it’s working out better than we hoped. We still need some practice getting it right all the time, but I have faith we’ll get there.
Kaleb: It sounds as if your kind is no stranger to change.
NSS: Heh, if only you knew. I’d be happy to tell stories after, but I’d kind of like to get started. If that’s okay with you three.
Kaleb: Certainly.
Luna: We are ready when you are.

NSS: Okay, starting with Twilight then. I’m sure you’ve read many, many books. How does it feel to be the lead author of your first book?
Twilight: Wonderful, actually! I always thought I’d eventually write a book about my studies of magic. I wasn’t in any particular rush, though. Most ponies wait until they have decades of experience before trying to publish a work on their findings, so it was something I always figured I would do much later in life. The fact that my first project ended up being a history was the real surprise.

NSS: Is Valor is Magic a perfect telling of every detail, or did you have to change things to make the story fit?
Twilight: [Blush] Well, everything in the story is factually correct, and everypony says everything in the story. Some changes did have to be made from the events, but not anything related to the core of the story.
NSS: Such as?
Twilight: I suppose the best example is when the elements all come together for the first time after the war started and they all met Major Vedette. I had to cut out a lot of conversation from that just to make fit in the chapter. Pinkie is always excited to meet new friends, and as much as I would have loved to tell every piece of that first meeting most of it didn’t fit the story.
I did run the text by both Kaleb and Equestrian Intelligence to make sure they were okay with everything in the book as well. I had originally gone into more detail about Director Petronel’s telepathy spell, for example, but they asked that my descriptions be simplified. Kaleb, I don’t think you asked for anything to be cut, did you?
Kaleb: There was no need.
Luna: Truly? A great deal of thy story is personal in nature, Kaleb.
Kaleb: There is nothing there that is not known by prides already, though the gossips have spun the truth in little ways and continue to do so. This story will help silence rumor among my kind. Besides, Princess Luna, I am surprised that you of all ponies would express such a concern, considering even what has been made public so far.
Luna: [Sigh] We suppose we each have our own reasons for aiding Twilight in her telling of this story.

NSS: I’d like to start by elaborating on some details about groups we see in the story. Princess Luna, most of us are aware of what your guards look like, but not how you have acquired ponies with bat wings. Have they been changed through your magic? Can they be changed back?
Luna: Indeed they can be changed back, for they have not really been changed at all. [Smile] The illusion of bat wings is imposed over the pegasi’s natural wings. The magic to do this is inlaid in the pegasi’s armor, which they only don while on duty. ‘Twas a most ingenious enchantment conceived by our new armorer. We had asked him to produce a garb both useful and fearsome for our reactivated Night Guard. He took our advice about theatricality literally, but we have not had cause to complain.

NSS: Next one is for Kaleb. How many griffin prides are there, and are they often in conflict with one another? [Type-splices listed in brackets.]
Kaleb: There are eight prides, but only seven are confederated. Hierax [falcon-cougar] are the most numerous, but Aquila [eagle-lion] and Zinthos [raven-panther] also common in our lands. These three are the only prides that have built cites. I am Tshaka. [harrier-lynx, known for being the only griffins with ears.] The Strix [owl-snow leopard] have also appeared in the story. That leaves three others: Fleche, [kestrel-kodkod] Aevum, [osprey-bobcat] and Grix. [vulture-caracal]
Twilight: Which of those is the ‘unconferated’ one?
Kaleb: That would be the Strix, for they have no use for lands or politics as we know them. They have never been counted, but I cannot imagine more than a few thousand have ever lived at a time. They live in the snowy north, roaming freely as small family groups near the borders of the Dutchy of Kor and the lands that have been reclaimed Crystal Empire.
Luna: Indeed, was it not a Strix that first sighted the city?
Kaleb: [Nods] It was a Strix seer, yes. Seers can be born of many prides, but more are strix than any other pride, and the leader of their order has been Strix for as long as there is a record. I do not know enough about the seers to understand why.
Twilight: Wait, wasn’t your father a seer, though? I thought you’d be an expert on them.
Kaleb: For one apart from their order, I imagine few know as much of them as I. They simply do not speak of their order.
Twilight: [Beat] Oh.
Kaleb: As for conflict, yes. There are rarely times in our history where no strife existed between the prides, but usually this means little clashes between families. Disputes of this kind are settled much like duels, with terms agreed upon by both parties. No pride has declared open war on another in over 1500 years, and that is perhaps the greatest achievement of the Pridemothers.
Twilight: But…wait. I thought you didn’t like the Pridemothers?
Kaleb: Few things are all good or all bad, and it would be foolish to casually reject a system that has brought us stability for centuries. The Pridemothers brought us out of a dark age, Twilight. They ended a senseless bloodshed that would have eventually wiped all griffin kind from existence. I give them credit for that, and much is due. I also believe our kind has grown past the need for such controls, but I am not foolish enough to simply wave a talon and abolish what is. These things take time, and I will not rush it along, even for my own benefit.
[Twilight puts a supportive hoof on Kaleb’s shoulder. His reaction is unsure, but he doesn’t push it away.]

NSS: Maybe a change of pace, then. Twilight, Have any of your friends surprised you in the way they reacted to the invasion?
Twilight: Um, I think I’d be easier to list the ponies that didn’t surprise me! [laughter] We’ve gotten far enough in the story that you’ve seen a bit of how things start for Rainbow Dash and Rarity. I can’t really say much about the others without giving away big parts of the story.
NSS: Rarity was quite the eye opener for a few readers, or so I’m told.
Twilight: I know, right? Nopony really gives her enough credit for all that she does. They seem to get stuck on how she does it, and never look any deeper. Even so, I never would have guessed her to be the one to help me sort things out or so willingly follow Rainbow into harm’s way. But I guess that’s Generosity for you. When somepony is in trouble, or has a real need, a generous friend is there with more than you could ever ask for.
NSS: What about the others?
Twilight: Of course, anypony would have guessed that Rainbow would have wanted to go to Cloudsdale with everything going on, but her story is just taking off. Another of the elements gets a big moment in the next chapter, and it’s also not something you would expect, so that’s something to look forward to.

NSS: This one is a bit. Um.
Twilight: What is it?
NSS: I guess I’ll just read it. Twilight, ‘Indiana Jones hates Nazis. Do you hate griffins?’
Twilight: Uh. Who is Indiana Jones?
Luna: And what, pray tell, is a ‘Nazi?’
NSS: Indiana is an archeologist who goes on adventures. Think Daring Do, but with less wing and more hands.
Twilight: Oh, okay.
NSS: Nazis, well. They were a major aggressor during a multi-continent war on earth, something my nation calls World War II. I’d really rather not go into detail, except to say that they were a bit…genocidal.
Luna: Is that a new word? We have not heard it before.
[Twilight explains]
Luna: That is indeed dreadful! Do they persist?
NSS: There’s always someone willing to believe in an idea without question, so there are handfuls here and there. Fortunately none of them have had any real political power in quite some time. The Indiana Jones stories all take place around the time they were in power.
Luna: They are antagonists then.
NSS: Absolutely.
Twilight: But the question…I don’t understand. The griffins never tried to do anything near that horrific. No offence, Princess Luna.
Luna: We take none.
Twilight: What happened was horrible, of course. I don’t want to undermine the cost of the war, on both sides. Ponies that we’ll never see again… [deep breath] Even with all that though, I just couldn’t hate an entire species. It makes no sense. Even if the griffins tried to do all the same things, those would be the choices of their leaders being enabled by their military infrastructure. I couldn’t hate griffin hatchlings for something they knew nothing about. They might even grow up understanding why those things were so wrong.
NSS: You know, I think that’s a lesson that transcends our worlds. Thank you, Twilight.

NSS: Here’s a bit of a heavy one for you, Kaleb. 'Which do you value more: Your loved ones? Or your honor? And how do these two concepts affect each other?'
Kaleb: That…
Twilight: [Smiles] Oh, I want to hear this.
Luna: [Nods in agreement]
Kaleb: That is a silly question. It is not at all that simple. Such things are never one or the other.
Twilight: I don’t think you have to answer one or the other, Kaleb.
Kaleb: What?
Luna: We are certain the purpose is for you to explain your thoughts on the subject.
Kaleb: Why would it matter?
Twilight: Well, I think while you are your own griffin, you also have a very firm grasp on griffin ideals. How you answer would be more than just understanding your thoughts on the subject, but also what the prides think on the matter.
Kaleb: That would be a wild and baseless assumption.
NSS: To be fair to the question, you were nominated as an official representative of the confederation in international affairs.
Kaleb: That is…not related.
Twilight: Look, just say something about the play between the two. Just speak from the heart, and I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with the answer.
NSS: And the reader probably will be, too.
Kaleb: Hm. [Thinks] I do not have a large family. My parents both soar forever and I lost track of my sisters for many years, until after the war. I there are few I call friend. Those that are of my blood or I call friend are dear to me.
Honor is good, for it inspires griffins to do well by their own kind. The quest for recognition has guided many griffins to seek good for their pride. But…both of these can be wrong.
Luna: [Confused] Please explain.
Kaleb: Twilight, have any of your friends ever been in error?
Twilight: Of course. [blush] Well, not all the time, but it happens.
Kaleb: Certainly. And you, Luna. Have you ever sought to do right by Ponykind, but done wrong?
Luna: …You know we have.
Kaleb: But this is my point. If we are not careful, seeking honor could lead us down the wrong path. Also, there are times when even those dearest to us must be opposed. Neither the pursuit of honor nor the support and protection of loved ones is an absolute good.
Twilight: Huh. I never would have put it like that.
NSS: That…doesn’t really answer the question, though.
Kaleb: No, it does not, because I have never sought either of these things for their own sake.
Twilight: Maybe a third option then. What would you value more than your options?
Kaleb: Truth, maybe, but that word suggests a search for facts more than I would mean it to. [thinks, then nods] The Confederacy is changing, and we griffins must be sure that the new ways are truly better than the old, not just by appearance. For my part, I wish to understand justice.
NSS: That’s a really thought out answer, Kaleb. I just hope the reader is happy with it.
Kaleb: If they want direct answers to a question, they should take care to not line a question with tricks and traps. Ask another.

NSS: Okay then. Let’s see here… 'What was your life like before you met Cyrus?'
Kaleb: Simple, good.
Twilight: I actually don’t know anything about this either.
Kaleb: I was on walkabout at the time. We met in the wilderness.
Twilight: Um, what is…
Kaleb: It is how a griffin male becomes an adult. At the age of 16, during our first harvest moon, we are marked with a cord wrapped around our leg so that we may be identified by other griffins.
Luna: To what end?
Kaleb: For one year the young male must live in the wilderness. They may not enter towns or any home, nor carry currency.
Twilight: What, why? That’s right before winter!
Kaleb: It is not as though they are sent unprepared. Griffins begin to teach their young how to survive on their own as soon as they can fly, but that is not the nature of walkabout. It is a journey of discovery and self reliance. With no elders or society to turn to, they must fend for themselves. How each griffin does it is a test of character. There are many choices to make. Some join groups. Do they follow one leader, a pair? Do they vote? When food becomes scarce, do they fly east or west? What of tools or other supplies? They may trade, but only outside of town and never with coin.
Luna: We begin to see the intent.
Kaleb: I chose solitude for most of my walkabout. I met Cyrus during the spring of those months. It was an eventful week, but when we parted ways I thought little more of it. After returning to my village and being declared a full member of my pride, I found I missed the wild. Within the month I had returned to the wilds. I lived off the land of my pride like that for a few years.
Twilight: So things didn’t change for you after you met Cyrus?
Kaleb: Because I met him, yes, but not right away. Events in my blood brother’s life later caused him to seek me out, which took time. When I was found, that was when the changes began, and when I met the rest of his clan.
Twilight: [Shy smile] Herger?
Kaleb: [Nods with an unhappy grunt]

NSS: That brings up a point one reader made. To quote the question directly, ‘Why do you even hang out with Herger?’
Kaleb: [Sigh] We do not ‘hang out.’ Herger and I only end up in the same place due to our common connection with my blood brother. Even then he is bothersome.
Twilight: [Muffled laughter] Mmm. Sorry.
Kaleb: Why is this funny?
Twilight: I have to say, Kaleb, you and Herger are about as different as Pinkie Pie and, um. [She stops to think.] Well, Anypony. It’s just nice to see friendships like I have with the other elements aren’t just for ponies, but for griffins too.
Luna: Well said, Twilight.
Kaleb: [Long pause] But we are not friends.
Luna: [Grins]
Twilight: If you say so.

NSS: Herger mentioned you were in a pair of duels. Can you explain how Griffin duels work, or talk about yours in particular?
Kaleb: They are…are rather complex affair.
Luna: [Confused] Really? We would not have guessed.
Twilight: He’s right. I’ve read a little bit about this. Clover the Clever saw one once during time as ambassador to the confederacy. She could tell there was a tradition to it, but that the method was so intricate it was beyond her.
Kaleb: [Nods] Clover is well thought of among griffins to this day, and she was correct. This is not something generally explained to visitors, but the time for such taboos is coming to an end. I must first say that any duel that does not follow the proper observance of tradition and with the proper number of witnesses can put all participants under judgment, to various degrees. Even being an official witness has significant responsibilities. [Thinks] Firstly, only males may duel. The pridemothers have never liked the practice but could never bring it to an end. They did however refuse to allow potential mothers to participate in a practice that risks life and wing.
Twilight: So, maybe it is better say that females may not duel, rather than only males may duel?
Kaleb: [Brightens slightly] That is essentially correct, yes, and for the sake of their future offspring. There are a great many restrictions. Seconds must be appointed, witnesses must be present. There is a waiting period that may only be waved with the blessing of a Pridemother. Things only become more confusing when the conflict involves griffins from different prides. I could not explain it all quickly, but perhaps someday I shall write it all down.
NSS: What about your duels?
Kaleb: The second was…unfortunate. Cyrus was very near convincing some Heirax khans to support his cause. One of their rivals schemed to discredit my blood brother through our connection. He talked one of his warriors into claiming I had injured his reputation for the sole purpose of drawing me into a duel. I had no grudge again the griffin, but he would not desist. Eventually I had to fight him.
Luna: It is unfortunate that you had to kill for so petty a reason.
Kaleb: Kill? No, he survived. It is common for the seconds to arrange the rules so that both parties may live. The only permanent damage he suffered was the death of his political career.
Twilight: That’s comforting that not all duels result in death, at least.
Kaleb: Most do not. For death to even be permissible each party must have a sponsor in addition to seconds, which means an adult female from their own family or one of their Pridemothers. Sponsorship is not given lightly.
Luna: You spoke of your second duel, but what of the first?
Kaleb: He called me a liar.
Twilight: …And then what happened?
Kaleb: I killed him.
[Luna and Twilight exchange glances]
Twilight: Oh.

NSS: Princess Luna, I have a question here that might strike a little close to home. If you’d like we can do it later or skip it entirely, but I wanted to leave that choice up to you.
Luna: We understand. Please, continue.
NSS: Alright, here it is. ‘You have a potent weapon at your disposal: The Nightmare. Would there be a point in this war that you would ever consider using her to save the realm?’
Luna: You cannot mean…
NSS: Trust me, I don’t, but I’m pretty sure the reader means exactly what you think. Are you okay with this question?
Luna: Yes. ‘Tis a valid concern, and deserves an answer. [Deep breath] When we took the name of Nightmare Moon, it was not as though we simply wore a mask or donned a new hat. We…believed things, things that changed our identity. These new views justified us overthrowing our sister and threatening all lands with eternal night. During those days, we did violence to her and subjects for the sake of our foolish pride. It was not without cost. Not even one thousand years in our moon changed our views. In truth, it was not even Harmony that caused the change; it stripped us of our dark powers and opened our eyes, but we still had a choice. Were I…
Twilight: Princess…
Luna: Were I to take up that mantle, ponies would again suffer at my hoof. Again, our sister and the elements would have to stop us, but with respect to Twilight it was too near a thing the first time. Would we use our darker self to save Equestria? That would be like pouring oil on a fire.
Kaleb: [Nods]

NSS: Since we’re talking about weapons, where did the siege cannon come from? It doesn't seem like such a weapon would be in regular use.
Kaleb: They are not.
Luna: In truth, we had thought the skills to make such a weapon had been lost to time.
NSS: Really? It’s a giant cannon. If you’re motivated to hurt someone, that seems like a pretty good way to go about doing it.
Luna: Only when your enemy is holding still behind walls or a magic barrier. Weapons of that scale are difficult to transport and protect.
NSS: So how did the griffins get a hold of such a weapon?
Kaleb: Khan Cyrus’s greatest concern short of the princesses was the Shieldbearer, he who is named Shining Armor. So long as he lived, he believed Luna would hide in the capitol and wait for the superior numbers of Equestria to drive us out.
Twilight: [Shifts uncomfortably] That was his reason for the raid, right?
Kaleb: Yes, but he suspected the princesses would be able to protect him, so he commissioned the Brass Knuckles to forge and fire the cannon. It took months to find a descendant that knew the secrets of the old minotaur siege smiths, but it was the only means the confederacy had to bring down his magic from the outside.

NSS: We’re almost done. This one is labeled for Twilight, but I’d like to get each of your thoughts on it. ‘In the aftermath of the events that have taken place, what is the most important lesson we could take away from this tragedy?’ Quickly, just one line each.
Twilight: Just one lesson? But…that’s why this wasn’t just a letter in the first place!
NSS: [Smiles] It’s okay Twilight, you can go last. Princess Luna?
Luna: There is a time for war and a time for peace. Anger is appropriate when already engaged with an enemy, but when the time for fighting is past that anger must be put aside. Otherwise, the fighting will never really end.
Kaleb: Do not allow yourself to think that a mistake will curse you. Face tomorrow with honesty and hope.
Twilight: Um, just one…Um. When everything started, there were a lot of things I didn’t understand. One of the biggest things I learned about was soldier ponies. When they’re all dressed up in uniform or armor, they all look the same, but they really aren’t. Each one is a different pony who decided to help keep Equestria safe. I should have discovered that earlier, but I didn’t, even though my brother is a soldier too. I really don’t want anypony else to make that mistake. So when you see a soldier in uniform, thank them if you want to, but mostly just walk up and say hi. You might even make a new friend.

NSS: Alright, final question. It’s kind of a doozy, and I wouldn’t bring it up if there weren’t so much reader pressure. Princesses, have either of you, um, spent any time with Petronel? Intimately, I mean.
Luna: [Gapes]
Twilight: [Blushes bright red] What?
Kaleb: [Begins laughing]
Luna: That is a highly inappropriate! It is not that kind of a story.
NSS: I know, I know, but a lot of readers were curious about this.
Luna: ‘Tis none of their business! Come you two. We are headed home.
Twilight: Wait…already? We just got here!
Kaleb: [Still laughing] But I thought we were supposed to answer the questions as best we are able!
[Luna opens a portal]
Luna: [Glares] Mr. Subtle, should we do this again please take care to be more selective in your questions.
NSS: Um. Yes ma’m.

And those were our last words before they departed. Now I need to write an apology letter to Princess Luna. Thanks a lot, guys.

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