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Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!

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    Forthcoming and Current Projects/Fanfic Updates :)

    Well, now that the ole account's back, I think it's best that I use it for good and not for evil this time. Over the past year I've been involved with another fun lil project, but I'll get to that in a bit. First off, my plans for fanfictions :).

    Legend of the Titans

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    So I'm Back O_o

    Well yeah. A year after being banned and I'm back, it seems. And the truth is: I deserved it. I not only acted like a douchebag and got what was coming to me, but worst of all I let the people who I hoped to bring entertainment to down. The things I said and did were rotten, immature, stupid, and unnecessary, and for that I apologize to everyone who they affected, sincerely.

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    As a war against a mysterious foe rocks Northern Equestria, Ponyville begins to suffer from its fatigue, especially the friends of Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and everypony else who have been called to arms. Luckily, with surplus supply of cider and a bar in need of an owner... Applejack may just have a place for everypony to get away from life as they've come to know.

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    The Sound of Thunder - Being Taken Down For the Time Being

    Pending re-release :).

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    What Should Bobbo Work On (A Vote)

    Not this Bobbo: he hasn't done work since the 70's.

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Create a Villain! · 7:40pm Aug 9th, 2013

Yar! The Legend of The Titans, as I've stated before, is going to be my primary fic for a very long while. I have so many stories planned for it that I've thought it best to simply divide it into sections called 'Arcs.'

Naturally, there are a few villains already:

Slade's Mysterious Associate
Captain Black (Currently MIA)
Queen Chrysalis (Probably)
Wrath (From Slendermane Takes Ponyville. Very Likely)

However, I'll probably need a few more. Villains tend to pop up wherever there are heroes, and I'm going to need a few one-offs for the Titans to fight, and perhaps be part of a mercenary group under Slade's command. It's up to you, really. I'm not promising they will be used as main villains for arcs, but if I like them, they might feature as The Dragon to a main arc villain (if the Arc has a villain, that is). They can pretty much be whatever you can think of. I won't guarantee everyone's will get in, but if you seem to have put some time and thought into them, I'll make sure to put them in somewhere. And If I REALLY like them, they could become recurring characters.

So tally ho, lads! And don't forget to read the fic. If you don't know anything about the Titans, wiki em: that'll pretty much tell you what you need.

Don't be afraid to pm me if you have any questions or are unsure of something!

Report Silent Bob · 605 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

Villain, huh?

Alright. Lets see here...

Shamed Zebra Shaman

After getting framed for a crime he never committed, Maruchan, or Maru for short, was chased from his homeland. He now spends his days fighting for coin.
With his impressive command of the four elements (earth, air, wind, fire), he can conjure up powerful storms and stand hoof-to-hoof with most anyone.

So, like? Don't like?

~Skeeter The Lurker


I like it! Though it could stand to be expanded a little simply so I'll have more to work with. I always thought zebras would be bitchin at elemental magic.


Thank you.

I intentionally left it vague for you to do whatever with, though. That and I came up with him in the span of 2-3 minutes. Not enough time for a good backstory to come into play, yeah?

~Skeeter The Lurker


Eh, whatever works :).

This is my vilain

Phoenix is a Earth Pony who is said to be almost as old a Celestia herself. He share the blood of a phoenix (Thus where the name came from) He was imprisoned in Tartarus because he was considered too insane to stay in Equestria. Phoenix is a pyromaniac who will stop only when the entire world is consumed and the only thing he like to burn more than batiments is the very flammable fur of the ponies.

The Shapeless
It's a shapeshifting monstrosity that feeds on fear of sentient beings. When feeding, it usually takes the form of its victim's deeply hidden fears, or uses hypnosis instead. Its default form is that of a tall and lanky horse-like creature, with a long whip like-tail and multiple horns and spines on the back of its head and neck. It lacks ears, mouth or nostrils, but has something resembling an oval, convex mirror on the front of its head. Its body is black and amorphous, devoid of any fur. The creature is able to transform any part of itself into a deadly weapon.
It could be a mutation caused by the remains of NMM on some unlucky scientist if you don't like the villain being purely a monster.


Originally a normal pegasi, she was obsessed with becoming the master of weather and storms. In her attempt to perfect her weathercraft, she sought out and discovered beings made of weather magic, the last of the Windigoes. Upon seeing the mare, the Windigoes leapt up and all possessed the mare simultaneously, leading to her containing the power of 7 Windigoes in her body. As a result of so many minds inhabiting one body, she was driven insane, only her desire remaining. She is now bent of freezing all of Equestria, bringing forth the next coming of Windigo dominance and proving she has no equal, that she is the master of storm and ice.

She looks like a very light blue pegasus, with a white long white mane, and a snowflake cutie mark. Her wings have spike icicles jutting from the back of them, and her eyes glow with a chilling blue light. She is vain and likes to boast, but has the power of 7 Windigoes coursing through her veins, along with her natural pegasi magic. As a result, she is very powerful and dangerous, able to freeze everything she touches, and create snow and ice from nothing. If somepony defies her, she usually either freezes them or impales them on icicles.

Lord Goldhoof
Real Name: Flimsy

Lord Goldhoof is a hulking, brawny stallion of a pure white coat, with a long, flowing mane and tail... but is actually a young unicorn colt with an off-white coat and a short brown mane and a stubby tail. He is actually small and fragile, facing ridicule for his small stature throughout his early life. This endless teasing drove him to study for months on end to find a way to stop the torment. Flimsy eventually found himself with an astounding natural talent for illusion, and used this to make himself seem tall and powerful. Unfortunately, his desire for respect and recognition went too far after some refused to cease their bullying, and he has deluded himself through his illusions that he is the ruler of all, and those that do not give him the respect he believes he deserves are trapped in their minds in a world of the insane magician's creation.

Requiem, the Changeling Reaver

Disappointed at the hopeless direction that the hive is taking, Requiem set off to take power from its love-hungry leaders and bring about an age of peace and prosperity, where the hive can flourish in not only its industry and military, but also its culture, unbound by the constant placement of creatively-inclined changelings as infiltrators and guards.

To do this, she needed power. Unsatisfied by simple, common magics taught to her from her research, she turned to study dark magic, seeking every bit of advantage she can get against the queen. Though her foray into forbidden territory has corrupted her, she has found solace in the immense strength she now possesses. Though many that meet her believe her to be evil, she maintains that her dark magic is a tool, one that can be wielded for both good and evil. She focuses on necrotic spells that can alter the body, both able to cripple her enemies and animate the dead as well as heal her injuries and mend the broken.

Though she supposedly works for the good of the changelings, her methods for gaining power are ruthless, sacrificing the few for what she believes is the many. And though she wants the strength to be able to bring down the current queen, she also wants to be able to live long enough to guide them to her dream of prosperity, and to do that, she needs to find a way to live forever, undead or otherwise.

This is actually based on a lawful-evil D&D cleric I rolled up previously, one I created to convince a few others that it was completely possible to have a party with both good and evil characters. She perpetually wore a scarf striped with bands of scarlet and gold in there, so use that as you may.

Well, if you decide to use it at all.

Regardless, I'm still excited for how your stories are going to go and I hope you'll keep on writing!

Villian... hmm... Ooh! Ooh! I got one!

This is one of my extremely evil persona's:

Cousin of Discord

Pandemonium is an ancient draconequus and the cousin of Discord. The two had gone their separate ways a long time ago, so they don't have any more connections. Pandemonium is known to cause both physically, emotionally and mentally (insanity and others) pain through the chaos he creates. His powers are equal and possibly greater than Discord, but can be increasingly more arrogant. The elements of harmony are his normal weakness, capable of destroying the evil in his mind, but he can be defeated in other ways. If he thinks it will cause any kind of chaos, he will let anyone use him. He does, however, have some good in his immortal heart, so if it will simply cause destruction, he is known to try to stop it in underhanded and stealthy ways...

I'll leave it off there. I left some leeway in how he could be handled, and, if he's used, even I wouldn't know the way he's taken care of.

Do you like?


Command input accepted. Searching databanks for Villain profiles. Please wait while loading.
(I'll get back to you later with some ideas.)



Alternator- previously known as Dark Arc- was a high-ranking unicorn in who lived as an assistant to the mayor of Trottingham, and was tasked with keeping any magic incidents in check and directing the school system involving magic. Over time, he became more and more disappointed with what the government allowed him to use. Deciding that he would not be tethered by morals and ethics of the society, he smuggled some locked-up books from the restricted section in Canterlot's library during an out of control storm, and set back to Trottingham before anypony noticed.

Seeking immortality and infinite power, he started searching for the spells involving alternate realities, hoping to find one in which he could gain life and power from his alternate version. When he opened a tear into another universe, he saw himself, dead after gaining mortal injuries in a battle against the royal guard. Stepping through, he ransacked the alternate's home and then went back through the tear to his own home, closing the tear. Before he made it all the way through, however, an officer who had noticed disturbances within while waiting for the DMCS (Dark Magics Control Squad) hit him with a severe waterflame spell, freezing and melting his body twenty times in a single second.

Nearly dead and fading fast, he read through the books he stole, searching desperately for a cure. When he could only find incomplete notes on shadow-binding, he performed the spell with haste. However, his mind and body were beginning to fracture from both the wounds and being in a universe where he was already dead. With the spell faltering and his vision going faster, he tossed aside the portal frame and used the spell circle to power his healing. Almost immediately, he began to strengthen, but when he stopped the spell, the glyphs glowed all types of colors, even those which were beyond his understanding, and he felt pain like never before. His entire essence was ripped away from him, and replaced by the essence of all of his different forms from different realities, and he lost his mind in a field of chaos.

After the incident, Alternator's physical and mental form has been constantly changing. When without a direct motive and left somewhere he can't do anything, he just lays down and holds his head, trying to control all of the thoughts that were screaming at him at the top of their lungs. When he does have a motive, he scrounges up what little mental capacity he still has and simply lets a perpetual frown show through, shoving the voices aside for as long as he can. If put under enough stress, he will lose his bearings and go into an unresponsive state where he falls to the ground and constantly mutters things to himself with little or no relevancy to what is going on around him.

Every five hours or so, he undergoes a more serious change, where his entire essence rips away from him and is replaced by 'new' essence from his alternates. The changes are usually minor, such as becoming skinnier, becoming a mare or even just getting a new haircut since he has lost his ability to actually keep his magic, but if he has enough, his essence can change to that of an alicorn or even a draconequus, and even if he was made of pure lightning, the chances would be small, not to mention unbearably painful, causing him to attempt to destroy anything he sees in pure rage.

His body has gone through the process visually unchanged, but with so many different muscles of his alternates working together, he has become extremely strong but has a low resistance to magic, and his own magic is broken, simply seeping out around him and causing random events to occur in his general area, if not contained and stored in an anti magic vial. His life time has been increased, but by how much depends on how long it takes for someone to kill him.

His mental state is very unstable, and he can't keep his train of thought going for more than a minute before getting distracted, but he's able to keep on the general target during a fight for the most part, often changing enemies, and sometimes just attacking his comrades. He's bipolar, and he finds it impossible to keep one emotion for more than a few minutes, sometimes expressing quite a few at once.

He has a purple left and a yellow right eye, his mane is black with white streaks, short and spiked back. His coat is the color of the night sky (Literally, there are little stars in it if you look close enough) and his cutie mark usually consists of something resembling a semi-circle of white lightning.

He's currently in custody of the Canterlot Hospital, where they're trying to 'fix' his condition, and will most likely remain their for the rest of his days....given that there is not any intervention.


Ooh I got one!


A pegasus who runs a less than successful doughnut shop in Canterlot. (Doughnut Joe's place is way better than his) To make ends meet, he bakes and sells doughnuts that double as weapons to a variety of shady characters. He has doughnuts that act like smoke bombs, doughnuts filled with liquid rainbow extract, doughnuts filled with various degrees of poison, as well as a variety of others.

Here's an OC I've been tossing around in my head for a while: I devised him originally as someone I would have as an ally to the Titans if I ever got around to including him in a story, but he can also play the villain exceptionally well who am I kidding, this guy is villain material through and through.

Diesel was once a normal pony. However, a mad scientist (Maybe Slade himself?) kidnapped (foalnapped?) him while he was very young, and using him as a test subject for his experiments. Fully grown now, Diesel has many scars, both physical and mental, from his experience. From his waist down, he has crude mechanical replacements for his legs, hips, hind quarters, and tail. His front legs are also mechanical, and he has a red lens wired over his right eye that is equipped with heat fuel, and pressure gauges for all of his various mechanical pieces. His main torso looks normal, except for the numerous scars, but underneath the stitched together skin is a mass of gears and grinding pistons that keep him alive. What kind of pony he originally was is now unknown, although it is clear that he does not have, and never has had a horn. Where a pegasus's wings would be, an array of exhaust pipes poke out from his skin. His blood is a noxious mixture of motor oil and actual blood, and the only thing he ever eats or drinks is various kinds of oils, fuels, and other flammable liquids. He hates his mechanical parts with a burning passion, and wears a long, ragged coat to cover them up. His hatred for what he as become has twisted up inside of him, however, and become a hatred of "meatbags," or basically anypony that isn't a tortured mix of flesh and metal like him. He hires out as a mercenary to anyone or anything that will pay him, or that gives him an opportunity to kill stuff. Preferably the latter. His front hooves can transform into chainsaws with a thought, and he can shoot fire from his back hooves. Not enough to fly, but enough to maybe jump a little higher, or to act as an equine flamethrower. By "Overcranking," running his gears and engines at higher speeds, he can increase the power his legs put out, becoming stronger and faster. When he is Overcranking, he starts visibly shaking from the engine running inside him, and his chainsaws and flamethrowers become much more powerful. While Overcranked, his right front hoof can also turn into a powerful drill, and he shoot out his left hoof like a grappling hook. His weaknesses are both physical and mental. He constantly runs through fuel, and needs to periodcally take a break to guzzle a few quarts of gasoline or what have you. When he Overcranks, he runs through fuel even faster, and his internal temperature starts to rise alarmingly. If he ever gets too hot, whether from Overcranking or from fire around him, he runs the risk of spontaneous combustion as his own fuel-rich blood ignites. His mental weaknesses are that he tends to give himself over completely to rage at the slightest possibility of a fight, and his own insecurities about himself that he hides under all of his rage and hate.

Now that I look at him, he's a pretty clear Shadow Archetype of Cyborg, but I hope you'll find him promising enough to use. Happy writing!

Since I have no idea how to make a good villain, I'll make a horrible villain. I first thought of making a spy/saboteur but there is already a changeling.
Name : Ins4n1ty | Real name unknown
Gender : Male
Race : Earth pony
Age : Data missing
Profession : Psychologist/Scientist ?
Coat : Blue
Hair : Green
Eyes : Purple
Particularities : Have scars all over his bodies, eyes glow in the dark in the same way than a cat (Night vision?), enhanced strength and stamina coming from self-experimentation. Always wear a lab coat and a gas mask.
Characteristic : He love making people insane, and torturing them, or using them as test subject. He also love ice-cream. He is also a fan of DJ-PON3 and King Sombra.
Bio : No one know who Ins4n1ty really is, and what turn him into what he is now, which is a violent but clever psychopath. He usually like to play game with his preys, he torture them mentally, pushing them over the edge of sanity and beyond. He chose his victims either randomly or because he think they will put a challenge. At first his name didn't have number in it, but after DJ-PON3 became famous, he thought that it would be fun to change his name. He can sometimes set up a good plan, or act purely on instinct. His fighting skill are wild, he usually use scalpels or other sharps objects, but he always have a few syringe containing different poisons.

I don't have a lot of information to go with them so feel free to do with them what ever you will.

The Others
A group consisting of four individuals from different species. None of the members of the group are ponies through out their lives the ponies have acted with fear around them due to their appearances. Sick of being treated like monsters they decided to become the monsters society saw them as.

Name: Professor Tannabok
Aka: Professor
Species: Ahuizotl (The Daring Doo Villian's species)
Powers: Genius Intellect
He is suppose to similar to the Daring Doo villain, he was a professor of archeology but after being rejected by the archeological community he turns to a life of crime and forms 'The Others' to bring together others who have been rejected by Equestrian society. He is the brains behind all of of the groups crimes.

Name: Brute Strength
Aka: Brutus
Species: Minotaur
Power: Super Strength
Bio: Minotaurs have always been fear though Equestria due to their size and Strength, Brute Strength had it worse as he was a lot stronger than the average Minotaur, his strength easily matching that of a full grown Dragon. So with not only the ponies fearing him but his own species Brute Strength Grew angry and resentful to society so when someone offer him friendship he took it. Since then he has been the muscles in 'The others'

Name: Gregory
Aka: Hawkeye
Species: Griffin
Bio: Hawkeye is a master of all types of weapons although preparing long range ones like guns or bows. He is the weapons and demolition expert.

Name: Rover Joe
Aka: Midnight
Species: Diamond Dog
Powers: Invisibility
Bio: Midnight has a coat that is black as black can be. As a diamond dog ponies have always looked down and been afraid of him. Rover had been chased out of several towns due to his appearance.

Comment posted by 6flyer deleted Aug 11th, 2013

Alright, I'll try my hand at it.

Blackheart, a black alicorn with a red mane and tail, who has powers that could destroy a country with but a whim, but is kept at bay by his wife, Fluttershy...

Well, I'll be scrapping that idea. Lemme find a better one. Let's see here... Ah, here we go!

La Muerte
Real Name: Águila Ojo
Age: 53
Appearance: Earth Pony with tan fur, dark brown mane & tail, black goatee, & cutie mark of an open eye with an extremely shrunken pupil.
Personality: Very cold-hearted & emotionless, but has a fondness for animals, especially pet-type animals (cats, dogs, birds, etc.).
Special Talent: Expert tracker & can pinpoint objects at distances up to double that of normal eyesight.
Preferred Weapon: Viuda Negro, a specialized crossbow equipped with poisoned bolts.

Bio: After growing up in Mexicolt (or Marexico, whatever fuels your fire), Águila first put his unnatural eyesight to work as a guard, keeping watch over a remote military outpost in the Dragon Badlands, working there until finally retiring at 47 years of age. After he turned 51, he came back into employment as a gun for hire, until he found a better offer from an anonymous source. If he took the offer, he would act as a sniper, picking off enemies from a distance. He agreed without question, and has worked this job ever since, not knowing, and frankly not caring which side was the good side, as long as he got to use his crossbow again.

Tell me what you think.


Not too bad, man. I'll try to fit em' in there somewhere.

Here's another villain:

The Glitch
A mass conglomeration of electricity and light blue computer code in the shape of a human being. In it's midsection a black and red orb and be seen.
The Glitch is a robotic entity that has no emotions of any kind. It's only goal is to make life worse for all around it, and it will do anything to fulfill this goal. It has complete power over atoms and electricity, allowing it to use electric style attacks in battle. It's power over atoms gives it the rare ability to change matter like a professional alchemist and move anything, no matter the weight, with ease.It is extremely calculating and has the ability to teleport and communicate telepathically with it's mind. It will not hesitate to back stab a co-worker if it achieves his goal.


And here's a hero:

This cyborg is a white plated machine with light blue glowing internal wires. It is in the form of a human, hinting that it was built by them. It has the goal of making the life of others around it better than normal, and will do so with it's programmed morality and emotions.
It's powers consist of a uranium laser cannon in the ends of it hands. It uses a time looped uranium cell to power itself and discharge mass amounts of nuclear energy to defeat it's opponents if it has any. It is very intelligent, like a computer, and cannot be duped or tricked. It will help certain people more if they are also going after the same goal.

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