• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2020


More Blog Posts11

  • 424 weeks
    yay new laptop!!

    just got my new computer machine and now is time for my mediocre return to the interweb.

    so now for the *fun* stuff, my next upload will be for my fetishes of ponyville story; it'll be focused around the always lovely and beautiful princess of the night.

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  • 515 weeks

    I was just musing on my blog post yesturday and i thought maybe i could use this downtime to plan my chapters ages in advance; that said, i was also thinking that i could use this blog space to post a few short stories or perhaps i could make a short series to fill the gap and sedate my writer's lust... At least until i've saved up for a new laptop, still hate writing on my stupid ass phone

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  • 515 weeks
    just to let you know

    Hi everypony, you know that i've been somewhat abscent from fim fic for the last few weeks; this is not by choice but rather by a cruel trick of fate.
    You see as i write this i am sat on my break at work for the 12th day in a row and as of april i've been on such long shifts and 6 day week; which has left me unable to add anymore to my many stories.

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  • 533 weeks
    stuff and updates

    Righto, hi to everypony reading this if you stumbled upon this it either means you are a current watcher or someone with far too much time to kill, either way i'm glad to see you here.

    Now onto business, i know i've been somewhat M.I.A.for a while, but i assure you all that im still making progress albeit very slow.

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  • 551 weeks
    Happy Hearts Warming And New Year's Announcements.

    Hi there everypony.

    Firstly, I'd like to wish you all a very Happy Hearts Warming and I hope you all get what it is you asked for.

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Updates · 9:18am Aug 16th, 2013

Right guys and gals I have some news on my stories for those that care.

i'm most of the way through the next chapter of Fetishes, but i need a proof reader and editor as my normal guy is busy on his own story. so if anyone wants to volunteer message me; of course i only need one of you so sorry if i don't pick you.

As for Crusade for love i'm stuck on the next chapter, so please bear with me and hopefully it'll be worth the wait.

so that said, see you all next time.

Report JPTrixie-Fan · 279 views ·
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