• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2014

Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!

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  • 495 weeks
    Forthcoming and Current Projects/Fanfic Updates :)

    Well, now that the ole account's back, I think it's best that I use it for good and not for evil this time. Over the past year I've been involved with another fun lil project, but I'll get to that in a bit. First off, my plans for fanfictions :).

    Legend of the Titans

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  • 495 weeks
    So I'm Back O_o

    Well yeah. A year after being banned and I'm back, it seems. And the truth is: I deserved it. I not only acted like a douchebag and got what was coming to me, but worst of all I let the people who I hoped to bring entertainment to down. The things I said and did were rotten, immature, stupid, and unnecessary, and for that I apologize to everyone who they affected, sincerely.

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  • 559 weeks

    As a war against a mysterious foe rocks Northern Equestria, Ponyville begins to suffer from its fatigue, especially the friends of Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and everypony else who have been called to arms. Luckily, with surplus supply of cider and a bar in need of an owner... Applejack may just have a place for everypony to get away from life as they've come to know.

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  • 559 weeks
    The Sound of Thunder - Being Taken Down For the Time Being

    Pending re-release :).

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  • 559 weeks
    What Should Bobbo Work On (A Vote)

    Not this Bobbo: he hasn't done work since the 70's.

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Legend of the Titans Chapter 9 Preview · 5:59pm Aug 18th, 2013

Once again, all previews are unedited :). If you find anything wrong, it'd help me out. Honest opinions please. Keep the Scrubs reincarnation characters? (No, they're not from the artifact)

Ponyville Hospital Emergency Ward
Twenty Minutes Later
12:42 Eventide

"Whelp Newbie, what do ya think?" a stern, brown pony grunted, a doctor as indicated by his white coat. He stood next to a bed-ridden Robin currently dressed in a hospital gown.

He furrowed his brow. "Do you think tights like those would be uncomfortable in... certain areas?"

The brown pony gave a low groan. "That is assuming you have said 'certain areas', and right now: that question is still up in the air."

"But he's going to be alright, isn't he, Dr. Cox?" Twilight asked worriedly.

He twirled about, giving her a blank look. "Ya know: alicorn or not, asking me that over and over again isn't going to magically spur the answer out of me. For the third time: we have to wait for the lab results!"

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. "Hey! Don't be so disrespectful towards the princess!"

Dr. Cox raised an eyebrow. "Must be fun having brown nosers already, huh?" he grinned.

"She's my friend!" Twilight cried.

"Yuh-huh," he grunted. "And Newbie here is secretly a professional wrestler."

The blue Earth Pony referred as Newbie smiled dreamily. "I would call myself 'The Masked Pirate'."

Dr. Cox suddenly whacked himself with a clipboard. "Please, for the love of Celestia, let those lab results get here so I can go kill myself already..."

"I told you he was a prick," Rainbow Dash muttered to Twilight.

"Honestly, I don't know how the heck this guy is still alive," Dr. Cox grunted. "His heart's barely beating: his brain is showing minimal activity - and no I'm not going to make the obvious joke - whatever you did, Zecora - it probably saved his life."

"I just gave him some time," Zecora said. "It is you who must make his recovery sublime."

Newbie cocked his head. "Have you ever considered freestyling?"

"Who said she doesn't, Dr. Adorable," Twilight smirked.

Zecora merely smirked mischievously.

"Dr. Cox, I have the results!" a new voice called. "Just ran them up from the lab!" She handed Dr. Cox a clipboard with multiple medical diagnosis'.

"Thank you Dr. Gopher: can you get me some coffee, next?" Dr. Cox said.

"You got it!" she called, and scurried off.

Dr. Cox sighed. "This is why I love being Chief Resident."

"Huh," Dr. Adorable, AKA Newbie blinked, glancing at the readings with a baffled look. "This... isn't looking good."

"Oh no," Twilight gulped.

"It appears that he's suffered severe internal trauma in the form of what appears to be a large electrical jolt," Dr. Adorable said mournfully.

Dr. Cox lifted an eyebrow. "Couldn't explain the other damage... looks like he was affected by something else, too." He glanced at Zecora, baffled. "What the hell did you say attacked this guy, again? What sort of monster?"

"It's called The Shapeless," she whispered. "There's only one of its kind."

Dr. Cox gave a deep sigh. "I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do, then. Even if we somehow managed to net the thing, it'd take months to learn what it does when it attacks somepony."

The group sagged their heads.

"Poor guy," Rainbow said sadly. "He just gets here and boom - it's all over."

"I... I wish I had stayed with Fluttershy... maybe I have gone with them," Twilight whispered. "Instead - I just had to go study... damnit: I hate having these wings..."

Dr. Adorable closed his eyes. "If he has any family or friends - I'd recommend bringing them here... to say goodbye."

"You won't need to bring anybody," a stern voice grunted. "His family is right here."

The two Doctor's eyes widened, and the rest of the group twirled about, gasping in awe. There, along with Fluttershy, were the other four Titans.

"Robin!" Starfire cried, swooping to his side. "Nononono! Please - what happened to him?!"

"Ask her," Dr. Cox grunted, glancing at Zecora. After a second of shock, he was pretty much acting like having four costumed heroes storm into the ER, including a half-cybernetic one, was normal business.

Zecora opened her mouth, but Fluttershy interrupted her. "I already explained everything to them. T-Thanks for getting him over here, Zecora. I-It was you, right?"

She nodded solemnly.

"I think what Starfire meant was what's it going to take to save him?" Cyborg said, narrowing his eyes.

"Um," Dr. Adorable said, blinking rapidly at the sight of the half-metallic pony. "W-We currently don't have any means of diagnosing what exactly happened to him..."

"Allow me, then," Cyborg grunted.

"Woah!" Dr. Cox growled, standing before his patient. "He may be half-dead, but I'm not about to let somepony mess with him who may not have proper training!"

"Thanks Doc," Cyborg said. "But I've got some know-how you may not have... as well as some tech."

"Please - let him pass," Starfire whispered.


Dr. Cox glanced towards Twilight, as if waiting confirmation. "You're the princess, here..."

She glanced about, not liking being put on the spotlight. "I-I'd say let him do it. It couldn't hurt, right?"

"Well, yeah, it could," Dr. Cox snarked. "But it's your call."

With that, he moved out of the way, letting a grateful Cyborg pass. Immediately, to the awe of the entire group, his right hoof suddenly transformed into a strange, metallic device. He swung it over Robin, it emitting a quiet whirring sound, before he nodded to himself.

"Alright - here's the deal: he's been hit by a decent bit of radiation, some unknown even to me, as well as a severe electrical jolt: over three-hundred kilovolts."

"Radiation?" Rainbow Dash grunted. "What the heck is that?!"

"I've never heard of it, either," Twilight said, looking absolutely baffled. "And - and who the heck are you?! How do you know all of this?!"

Cyborg glanced at her, sternly. "We're the Teen Titans, and we're the closest thing Robin here has to a family."

Slowly, Twilight's eyes widened to the point where they seemed they would stretch out of her skull.

"T-The Titans?" she whispered.

"Duuuude!" Beast Boy grinned. "Even people in another universe know about us?!"

Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "B-Believe it or not... yes. I do, at least..." She squinted in absolute confusion, before saying in an almost whimsical tone:

"B-But - y-you shouldn't even exist... you're just legends."

"And the mystery thickens," Raven said, with a hint of a smirk.

"We'll have time for introductions later," Cyborg muttered. "Right now, we've got work to do."

"So you know how to save him?" Dr. Cox asked, glancing at him skeptically.


"Just tell us what to do, then," Dr. Adorable smiled.

Report Silent Bob · 315 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
#1 · Aug 18th, 2013 · · ·

So wait...you've become Silent Bob again? Now I'm even more confused...

Between the music I was listening to while reading this and all of these little hints you've dropping, I'm really, really hyped to see some more of the actual chapters get published. Keep up the good work!


Cog, the chapter's up :P. :D.

... Huh. Somehow, somewhere along the line, I must have accidentally hit the favorite button on it again, and ended up un-favorited Legend of the Titans. Whoops.
Oh well, time for a marathon reading session now!


Haha, believe it or not, this has happened to a lot of people :P. Just thought I'd let you know.

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