• Member Since 25th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 5th, 2020


Born again Christian, film and pony nerd who also writes non-pony stories and reviews of movies. I do have aspergers so I'm a bit of a space monkey but i'm also brutally honest. Just a warning.

More Blog Posts47

  • 203 weeks

    Since I almost never post anything and haven't done an MLP fanfic in a while, should I still have this account or no? Despite being one of my earliest ones?

    Feel free to comment.

    1 comments · 212 views
  • 287 weeks
    Oh Hey My Blog Actually Exists.

    To say this account has been in hibernation almost all year is an understatement but quite frankly I've gotten involved in a heck-ton of other fandoms recently that aren't My Little Pony though I've rewatched some episodes recently and had fun. I've also become more serious about finding a proper job and also at writing.

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  • 370 weeks
    My Alien: Covenant Review (Sorry It Took So Long)

    Well, this is another one of those films I’m conflicted on though not as much as others and it took me about three to four days to get this review out due to other movies I want to see, family time and partly cause I’m kinda lazy.

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    1 comments · 468 views
  • 402 weeks
    I'M 20 TODAY!

    Yup I turned 20 years old today. :twilightsmile: And man do I feel old.

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  • 443 weeks
    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!!!

    God bless you all and let's hope this year was better then the last. :raritystarry: :twilightsmile: :ajsmug: :pinkiehappy:

    1 comments · 445 views

LIFE HATES ME · 2:50am Aug 22nd, 2013

I'm so sorry that i haven't gotten any work done on The Thing From Beneath the Sea but I've been so busy working on my Tumblr that I haven't been able to focus. I'm sorry. Can anyone help me because if I do get back to the story the chapter I'll post will be the last (as I stated the stories paced like an episode)?

Report Jabberwocky1996 · 277 views ·
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