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Bad Horse

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The 11 Creepiest Things About My Little Pony · 8:00pm Aug 25th, 2013

11. Males are useless
Well, not useless. They're useful for pulling plows, moving big things, and pulling carriages. In the feminist paradise of Equestria, mares travel in carriages pulled by stallions. You sometimes see males in the background, standing around in fields looking off into space, waiting for a chance to be useful to some mare. The Equestrian royal court is full of stallions in armor striking poses and flexing their withers, although whenever there's an actual military threat Celestia leaves the boys at home and sends a cadre of untrained adolescent mares to deal with it.

My Little Pony is the only television show in history that hasn't produced a single episode that passes the Reverse Bechdel test. In a show about friendship, not a single named character has a single male friend, unless you count Twilight's "friendship" with Spike (see slavery below).

There are male characters. There's King Sombra, a personification of evil. There are Flim and Flam, who are con-men. And there's Discord, another personification of evil.

Not all males are evil. There's Snips and Snails, who are morons; Snowflake (also a moron); Shining Armor (prince of surfer dudes and donsel in distress); Blueblood (a cad and a moron); and the Diamond Dogs (morons with bad breath). (The dogs are technically evil; they're just not very good at it.)

There are positive male role models. There's Big Macintosh, who pulls heavy things all day for Applejack, doesn't try to think too hard, and limits his speech to "yup" and "nope" as males should. There's Mr. Cake, whose sole object in life is to avoid upsetting Mrs. Cake (such as by expressing any surprise that "his" two foals are a unicorn and a pegasus). And there's these guys:

Featherweight and Pipsqueak are the perfect males: They don’t say much, and they’re small enough to step on if they get out of line. The message for little girls is that males may seem cute and harmless when they're little, but unless properly trained, they'll grow up to be evil and stupid.

10. Ponies are control freaks
In the land of Equestria, ponies raise and lower the sun and the moon, herd rainclouds and schedule storms, tell the plants to grow, feed the animals, shake the leaves from the tree when they want them to fall, and decide when winter will come and go.

All those things used to take care of themselves. There's one place in Equestria where they still do—the Everfree Forest. It's seen as a place of evil and nightmares. The words "ever free" strike terror into the hearts of ponies, just as they did into the heart of this man:

Not as controlling as Princess Celestia.

There's a story that Stalin was once given a standing ovation that went on for nearly half an hour, because no one wanted to be the first to stop clapping. Finally, one man did. The next day he disappeared. This hyper-adulation is how ponies treat Princess Celestia. Twilight Sparkle, who knows her better than any other pony does, is terrified to the point of madness by the prospect of displeasing her.

9. Ponies are imperialists
In "The Crystal Empire", said empire appears magically, temporarily freed from the despotic rule of King Sombra (a male, 'nuff said). The Equestrians send a crack force of adolescent mares to prevent Sombra's return, to—free them? No; to place one of their own spare princesses on the throne and add the Crystal Empire to their dominion.

8. This:

7. You can have any color pony you want, as long as it isn't black

Ponies come in lavender, aqua, teal, lilac, vermilion, lilac, and probably puce. But not black. That's reserved for villains.

6. Ponies are slavers
Fluttershy keeps chickens in a coop and eats their eggs. In "Applebuck Season" we see that ponies herd, rope, and milk cows even though they're intelligent enough to speak. And why do they raise pigs? Perhaps more disturbing is how Twilight pretends to be a mother or sister to the baby dragon Spike. Spike was stolen from his true parents as an egg (probably by Celestia), given to Twilight to experiment on when she was just a little filly, and when against all odds he survived, she made him do all her scut-work from then on without pay and sleep in a basket on the floor.

5. Ponies are segregationists
The different pony races co-exist in an uneasy truce they were forced to make on pain of death from cold and starvation. They still prefer to live apart, in cities with others of their own pony kind: pegasi in Cloudsdale, unicorns in Canterlot and Manehattan, and earth ponies in Appaloosa, Ponyville, and other places without indoor plumbing. The unicorns are the master race, ruling from Canterlot. (Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the Harvard of Equestria, has a stricter racial admissions policy than Yale did in the 1930s.) Earth ponies can only get employment as manual laborers or in service industries. Equestria is just one Neighvon Martin away from civil war. Probably setting the pony races against each other is how Celestia maintains control.

4. Fluttershy kills some animal friends to feed to other animal friends

In "One Bad Apple" we see Fluttershy, kind, gentle, friend to all animals, making friends with fish. In "Dragonshy" we see her killing those fish to feed them to ferrets, without even asking whether the ferrets are hungry. This is obsessive-compulsive kindness. Now we just need an episode where she throws baby birds out of the nest so she can tend to their broken wings.

3. Princess Celestia sends anyone who doesn't obey her to some kind of hell for a thousand years
In the first episode, we learn that Princess Celestia, benevolent ruler of Equestria, had a little sister who refused to obey her. So Celestia exiled her to the gray, dusty, airless, silent surface of the moon for a thousand years. And never wrote.

In season two we meet Discord, a being of supreme evil whom Celestia turned to a statue in her garden for a thousand years for not doing what she said. On actually encountering the guy, we discover that he's basically—a guy (see males). He doesn't do anything very dastardly; he just thinks Celestia's perfectly-ordered world is boring (see control freaks above). When he talks to her, he takes the high moral ground: "It's quite lonely being encased in stone. But you wouldn't know that, would you. Because I don't turn ponies into stone!" But there's a happy ending: He ends up encased in stone again. The really creepy thing about this episode, though, is that Celestia's sculpture garden where Discord is imprisoned as a statue is full of other statues.

Her cousin Jadis arranges hers more tastefully.

“But Celestia had no choice! She had to sent Luna to the moon. (And never write.) She had to turn Discord into a statue.”

In reply, I have compiled this list of characters who have defied Celestia and not suffered either death (Sombra) or a thousand years of torment:
● (nopony)

One out of many is a tragedy. Three out of three is a policy.

2. Hell actually exists in Equestria
In "It's About Time", Twilight Sparkle encounters Cerberus, the three-headed dog, and worries that this means the damned (who presumably once disobeyed Celestia) may be escaping from the underworld. The actual lines from the show:

Twilight Sparkle: That's Cerberus! He's supposed to be guarding the gates of Tartarus, but if he's here, then all of the evil creatures that have been imprisoned there could escape and destroy Equestria!
Spike: Destroy Equestria?!
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, isn't it great?


1. Twilight Sparkle murders a room full of innocent ponies
In the episode "Too Many Pinkie Pies", Pinkie uses the magic Mirror Pool to make copies of herself, so that she can attend all the different events that her friends are having at the same time. This multitude of pinkies proves supremely annoying. Instead of exporting Pinkies to towns that don't have any and creating a profitable party-catering franchise, Twilight solves the problem by getting them all together in one room, then murdering all but one of them by blasting them with magical energy from her horn.

But it's all in good fun! See how much fun they're having as they watch their fellow clones being killed off one by one?

“Look, even her blood is pink!”

So people shouldn’t worry that we’re gay pedophiles because we’re bronies. They should worry that we might murder them, sell them to Somali slavers, or vote for Hillary Clinton.

So what do you think are the creepiest things about My Little Pony?

Report Bad Horse · 14,300 views · #creepy #humor #cracked
Comments ( 90 )

In a conversation with a friend of mine, we used logic to prove that Celestia was Hitler in pony form, leading Equestria on a blitzkrieg across the rest of the MLP universe.


I feel like I just read an article from the onion...

Unicorn supremacism. Don't say it ain't there; Canterlot, the capital, is a unicorn city where earth ponies are only in menial roles.

Also, all male dragons are bad, too, except for Steven, who flamingly homosexual feminine.

The message for little girls is that males may seem cute and harmless when they're little, but unless properly trained, they'll grow up to be evil and stupid.

... you seem to be implying that this is in some way wrong. :trixieshiftright:

Don't be silly, I'd never hurt anyone :pinkiecrazy:

Hmm. Not bad at all. I'd have brought up the casual racism endured by donkeys and their mongrel offspring, the mules, or the fact that every character seems to be one minor upset away from a total mental breakdown (which suggests all kind of widespread damage to mental soundness). Also, the whole fact that the gender numbers disparity has all kinds of implications, from increased chance of accidental incest to reproductive slavery. As said, though, good article. It would have competed favourably on Cracked.

That said, this was very obviously written as a Cracked article. I don't think you do as well trying to echo someone else's writing style; best stick to your own voice.

Questions that beg answering:
Where did Celestia get the dragon's egg that Twilight hatches?
What kind of mother (dragon) would sell the Princess an egg, knowing that it was going to be used for target practice by a bunch of young students?
Why does the instruction manual for the Elements of Harmony, contain no instructions such as "Point this end to enemy" or "Turn knob to setting desired: Banish, Stone, Purify, Cake."
What kind of blithering incompetent secret police does Celestia employ that can't even tell when an invading army (even if they are changelings) is right outside the castle?
What does it say when Celestia's prize student didn't even know her brother was getting married until a few days beforehoof? (I presume it means she's in line to become head of the incompetent secret police department). Doesn't she even read newspapers?
Six prime famous mares, and no stallions sniffing around, looking for a date. For shame!
Ponyville is within visual sight of Canterlot, and no semaphore station has been set up to provide a backup emergency signaling system in case Draconic Hiccups prevent the Elements from phoning for help.
The Everfree Forest is right next to Ponyville, and yet no warning signs or even a single border guard is assigned to prevent tasty ponies from wandering into the buffet. (well, maybe the Everfree monsters just eat the signs)
(From the Lunaverse) Discord, who nearly destroyed the world until stopped by Celestia and Luna, is kept on an open stand in the public Canterlot gardens instead of being locked into a secure vault with magical wards and a few tons of concrete. (The Lunaverse treats him much more sensibly)

1307838 Yep, I wrote it for Cracked, then I retracted it when I read the other articles they've published about MLP.

Fans who overthink the show.
On the other hand, those are also the most funny thing about FiM.:rainbowlaugh:

1307847 Don't forget the bat-ponies and changelings, Georg. Man, those things are creepy. :applejackconfused:

ICN #11 · Aug 25th, 2013 · · ·

You know, #8 reminds me that MLP is the only show I can think of that fails a reverse Bechdel Test.

3 out of 3, really. Sombra also got a thousand years of some kind of torment.

Also, don't forget the male authorities in Appaloosa, who were both incompetent enough to pick a completely unnecessary fight with the native buffalo population and then attempt to fight said fight with pastries.

1307847 I'm curious on that last one, the Lunaverse/Discord thing. Having never read any Lunaverse stories, I'm not sure what "more sensible" steps are taken, but I am reminded of that quote from Einstein; "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war". I wonder if by prepping for a return of chaos, you in fact enable the return of chaos, and if the nonexistent canon defenses are in fact essential to maintaining harmony.

1307838 You would think that, in Equestria, "mule" would be as bad as the n-word.

No offence.

Let's not forget the implications of magic. Teleportation, lasers, reversing gravity. Any crackpot with enough magic and the right spell book can became a world-class terrorist in no time if he felt inclined to.

Cadence's mind control or the Hearth's Warming Eve play both come to mind when thinking about unsettling parts of canon.

The sheer amount of borderline fridge horror in FiM is probably what keeps me interested in the fanfic.

1307877 Don't call them "terrorists". Call them, "Your Majesty." :trollestia:

What, no mention of sheep herding in point 5?

You could've just asked!

Regarding point 2, don't forget that Hell not only exists in Equestria, it exists a few hours' walk from Ponyville. Consider how long it took Twilight to return Cerberus to his post.

Still, I have to object to the picture in point 1 bring taken out of context. Those Pinkies weren't reacting to the murder of their fellows. They were just trying to focus on one thing for more than five seconds.
Speaking of whom, Pinkie Pie has eaten Celestia's cake on no fewer than two occasions and has not received a millennium of imprisonment or torment. And then there's Chrysalis, who, if the comics are anything to go by, took far less than a thousand years to recover after defying Sunbutt...

Oh, and counterpoint to point 8: Fancy Pants. Respected, successful, considerate, suave, and has an insanely attractive (for ponies) significant other. Also, probably qualifies as Rarity's friend. And Discord definitely qualifies as Fluttershy's friend, though the whole "redemption" thing could be seen as a castration analogy...

Yeah, that kind of went all over the place, didn't it? :derpytongue2:

If you look closely enough, #8 kind of falls apart.

Historically, any military unit designated as a "Guard" are the roughest, toughest badasses around. The Roman Praetors, the 300 Spartans, Napoleon's Garde Impériale--hand-picked crack troops, who would kill you with impunity if you called them "useless". They protected VIPs, yes, but were also considered VIPs themselves. The Roman-style armor on Celestia's Guards is a dead giveaway that this is the intended impression. Chrysalis's army did get the better of them... once she had taken out their main defense and their commander using infiltration, which, with a single exception, fooled everyone.

I could go on. Featherweight may be unassuming, but he was smart and gutsy enough to take a candid shot of Celestia. And him going from photographer to Editor-in-Chief in short order is nothing to sneeze at. And let's not forget a certain Mr. F. Pants, Esquire. Et cetera, et cetera.

Often, things that are funny, are funny because they're true. No offense, but you've done much better work.

Lauren Faust is secretly a Unicorn Supremacist. And a communist.


If we're gonna argue against this stuff, here's an important example of male agency:


That is a very rude and slanderous remark. I demand you apologize.

So what's this about selling Hillary Clinton to Somali slavers?

(I really need to get some sleep.)

Also, In Applebuck Season we see Big Mac being more intelligent than Applejack

Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue.

1307940 I understand what you're saying, but a few days ago I posted a blog with a line that made fun of men, and I justified it by saying that a) it was funny, b) it had an element of truth to it, c) my persona made me do it, d) I was experimenting, and e) I'd rather this blog be a place where people felt comfortable enough with each other to insult each other in good fun sometimes, than a place where they always had to be polite.

What's appropriate in public isn't the same as what's appropriate on Bad Horse's blog. The name Bad Horse implies some inappropriateness. Bookplayer said that to me, because she's comfortable enough with me to do that. It's a little offensive to men, but within the context of "I'm a My Little Pony fan" it's also making fun of the show.

I'm declaring this a some-offense-permissible zone, as long as it isn't a personal attack. So what exactly is off-limits here? If women can make fun of men, can men make fun of women? Can whites talk about blacks eating watermelon?

Please, please don't anypony make me decide that one. :twilightoops:

As referee here I'm calling bookplayer's comment as "on the line," not out-of-bounds enough for me to do anything about it. It's up to bookplayer whether she wants to apologize, and it's up to you whether you want to shun her, but I'm not going to delete the comment. I'm put off by the word "demand", because it implies you have the authority to impose consequences. "Please apologize or I won't talk to you anymore" would be less ambiguous and less unsettling. Please take further personal grievances after one or two comments to PM so they're not my responsibility.

1307866 I assure you, the defenses Luna placed around Discord in the Lunaverse seem *very* organized and non-chaotic. The L!Luna is very much a double-tap and insurance policy (two in the chest, one in the head) kind of ruler, but in that universe, Celestia and Luna are *really* goddesses. I really can't count one L!verse story I haven't liked, and several of which I've laughed so hard that my kids told me to keep it down. :facehoof:

1307856 How can I forget them? I've written *five* stories that either featured them or had them in a prominent role. They're tied into Luna quite well.

1307981 Forget it. We wouldn't get enough to pay for postage.

1307828 since I'm married, I must refuse to answer that question.

1308009 >> Bad Horse How can I forget them? I've written *five* stories that either featured them or had them in a prominent role.
Seriously, the implications of bat-ponies are that Luna magically altered their ancestors at least a thousand years ago, making them unable to fit into pony society and giving them no choice but to serve her, effectively making them her slaves and complete social outcasts. They remained loyal to her for a thousand years, apparently hiding from pony society in a secret underground cave, despite believing that she was Nightmare Moon, so they're either mind-controlled or evil. :twilightoops:

I'm over-analyzing again, aren't I? :facehoof:

>> bookplayer since I'm married, I must refuse to answer that question.
You've been well-trained! :raritywink:

In "One Bad Apple" we see Fluttershy, kind, gentle, friend to all animals, making friends with fish. In "Dragonshy" we see her killing those fish to feed them to ferrets, without even asking whether the ferrets are hungry.

Pretty sure those are meant to be otters. Ferrets are to polecats as dogs are to wolves, and polecats live in woodland districts. Otters live next to water.

You also missed more Celestia tyranny: Given that the Crystal Empire vanished at the same time Sombra did, it's likely, given his trap fetish, that he set this up as a hostage situation. Celestia -- with the help of her sidekick, the blue one -- nukes him anyway.

Additionally, the intro tells us, in Celestia's own voice, that she banished her sister permanently in the moon, not just for a thousand years. She was meant to be Damien, not Jason Todd.


Discord, who nearly destroyed the world until stopped by Celestia and Luna, is kept on an open stand in the public Canterlot gardens instead of being locked into a secure vault with magical wards and a few tons of concrete.

We know from the later Discord episode that he was fully aware of everything occurring around him while in stone. Placing him in the gardens was probably an act of mercy.

That was awesome.
Never knew you were so great at comedy.

Too Many Pinkie Pies would be a really good setup for an existential, Blade Runner-esque story.


I'm declaring this a some-offense-permissible zone, as long as it isn't a personal attack. So what exactly is off-limits here?

I am a man, and she made a disparaging comment about men. Therefore, she has insulted me.

In fairness, if she had included a "troll" smiley, I would have taken it as a joke. But because of how many people believe this and similar nonsense, I often find it difficult to tell. Text communication doesn't include tone or body language, so I admit I may have misinterpreted her comment.

I'm not going to delete the comment.

I would never ask you to. Your decisions are none of my business. On that note...

I'm put off by the word "demand", because it implies you have the authority to impose consequences.

It was a poor choice of words on my part. I was making a demand in the capacity of a human being, as I believe all people have an innate right to defend themselves from harmful slander. I wouldn't question your right to run this place, since it is, after all, yours.

The Saddle Arabian carriagebomb made me lose my shit. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm not sure I want to apologize. It's a joke based in truth, the interesting thing being that it's offensive only because Bad Horse's statement was offensive, implying some sort of feminist agenda when all people will grow up stupid and evil without proper training. People just put more focus on training (socializing) girls in a way that's directed towards non-aggressive, cooperative problem solving, through shows like My Little Pony, and society is beginning to value that. Boys are often (not always) socialized in a way that may have worked historically, but is no longer considered as acceptable. (How many disaffected young men loved Fight Club?)

I'm very sorry if you were raised in an isolation chamber and developed a working social and moral system entirely of your own accord. Your achievement is admirable, but uncommon among humans in general.

There's a story that Stalin was once given a standing ovation that went on for nearly half an hour, because no one wanted to be the first to stop clapping

Apparently he started the killing his citizens because he thought they were applauding against him at a rally. He must like clapping.


Ah, I understand now. Thanks for clarifying.

This kind of thing is why I love this show, it's so happy and cheerful on the cover, but once you read into it you see that it actually has some pretty messed up things about it.

I like how you failed to mention that the Changelings did what they did out of necessesity to survive as a species. They feed on love, and appearently require the love of others to sustain themselves, yet does any certain alicorn even think that banishing them all was an act of genocide?

Nope. :trollestia:

1308070 It's a joke based in truth, the interesting thing being that it's offensive only because Bad Horse's statement was offensive, implying some sort of feminist agenda when all people will grow up stupid and evil without proper training.
Nooo... can't agree with you there. I would say the way MLP portrays males is offensive, and I called them on it. I like the show, but I really do think it teaches girls a bad message about men.

ADDED: I didn't write this as a protest to expose the My Little Pony agenda. Like all the points, it's (hopefully) funny because it's an exaggeration of a core of truth. Mostly they're just things somebody did without thinking about very carefully. Getting a TV show out once a week is a hectic business, and fridge horror is inevitable.

I think that's a really complicated issue that you've kind of reduced to one that only takes into account the world of Equestria, and not our own social constructs that girls are learning at the same time they're watching MLP. I feel like you're setting the show up almost as a Straw Feminist, with Equestria as a "man hating" entity, as opposed to a show designed to give little girls who live in a much more complex world one possible framework to used when presented with all of the other paradigms they'll encounter throughout their lives.

Little girls are frequently shown that they can be friends with the boys, and help with their adventures- the token female on pretty much every show accomplishes this. MLP focuses on girls being cool without the help of males. There are sympathetic male characters-- Spike, Big Macintosh, Shining Armor, Braeburn, Hoity Toity and Fancy Pants are all intended to be loved or respected, but those characters aren't there to help save the day. If this was the only, or even the predominant message on television or in movies, I might totally agree that it's harmful. But it's barely present for girls, typically they're limited to a support character in an otherwise all male cast, and that makes it necessary to have somewhere. I'm sorry they put it on the show you happen to like.

ETA: Just to make myself totally clear here, because Bad Horse has some really smart commenters who will call me on shit, let's look at Prince Blueblood and Shining Armor. Yes, there're pretty negative portrayals of the "prince" archetype- Bad Horse was totally correct in calling them "Shining Armor (prince of surfer dudes and donsel in distress); Blueblood (a cad and a moron)." If this was a girl's only interaction with the idea of an ideal romantic partner, this would be a negative message to send.

But Blueblood and Shining Armor were written to be viewed in a larger social context, where girls see hundreds of versions of gracious princes who save beautiful princesses and take them away to a perfect castle. MLP didn't need to add to that, it needed to comment on that. To that end, it gave us two comments: Sometimes the handsome prince is a jerk, and sometimes the handsome prince is really nice, but still needs saving by a plucky girl. For little girls who know their princes[1], these two add some alternative viewpoints.

[1] I was recently a backstage babysitter for fourteen girls aged 4-7 at their dance recital. All but one of them wanted to be a princess when she grew up. (The one who didn't wanted to own a ranch and 3,000 horses.)

1308177 I don't begrudge girls one show where the women do everything, esp. given the number of shows where men do everything. I'd have to stop watching TV if I held every show up to that degree of correctness.

Wait--I did stop watching TV. :derpytongue2: Anyway, it doesn't bother me, much, given the social context. It bothered me more that you said that for me to complain about it was offensive.

ahhh Best thing Ever ^^

:pinkiesad2: "I've... seen things you ponies wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the withers of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhorser Gate. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like tears... in... rain."
:facehoof: "You've only existed for a few hours."

You know, I'm getting tired of that word.:ajsmug:

I may not have meant offensive, I personally wasn't offended by it. Would "reductive" have made you feel better? That's more what I meant by it. That could potentially give offense to someone, somewhere, especially if that was your total argument and you refused to look at the larger context of the show, but I have faith in you to see the larger picture. (Similar to my own joke, actually.)

1308206 Would "reductive" have made you feel better?
I believe the tradition, when terminological wiggle room is desired, is to choose some French word that means something different, and say you're defining it in a new technical way which means precisely whatever it is that you want it to mean.

I think that the creepiest thing I have ever seen out of My Little Pony was Equestria Girls.

The message for little girls is that males may seem cute and harmless when they're little, but unless properly trained, they'll grow up to be evil and stupid.

:rainbowderp: But isn't that true?

No, I'm not serious. I could hardly ignore the fact that power corrupts regardless of gender.

The Fluttershy observation interleaves nicely with something I'd come up with a while back for a story, that older animals volunteer to be killed for food. (My context was in the case of the cows on Sweet Apple Acres, that AJ et al have family reunion barbecues of chicken and beef, but that it's from euthanasias.)

Fridge Horror My Little Pony

Hit CTRL+F: Fridge Horror


I think it's funny that alot of what you said my bro's Fiance said as well. Heck even Cadance who is the Sakura of the Group [pre-Shippuden], and has what is basically the weakest applied power in the show. And only keeps Shining Armor around to save him, or use him for an epic one shot Power Up that he's needed to power [either by Comedic spousal abuse, or by combining power to send weaponized love at peeps].

Making the Head of the Military basically a portable power supply when she needs to do something useful.


Another one is that the parenting in FimVerse is atrocious. Let's not go into the fact that Rainbow Dash's need for attention caused the Ursa Minor catastrophe yet. You have multiple two underage colts whose parents:

A) Never taught them fantasy from reality.

B) Allowed them into a forest known to be filled with Pony Eating monstrosities, and nightmare fuel. So that they could enrage a Celesial Beast and draw it into town. [Males are human point you made].

[This applies to Apple Bloom as well in that she multiple times goes to Zecora's deep in the Everfree and nopony knows she's there nor cares].

Then you have all the times where Adults are useless. Sweetie Belle's parents are negligible to her at best, if Sister Hooves Social reaction to Applejack + AB in the Grape Vat is any implication abusive as well [and no pony bats an eye]. The CMC get into town breaking hijinx. Yet no parents are around to punish, discipline, or even notice what's happening at most. At least they notice after the fact.

So you have a place where Child Negligence is the norm.

2a) If Equestria Girls is Canon, than S1E1 the girls were 14 when they became the Element Bearers. 14 year old girls sent off to face world changing threats. Have been on their own / with minimum adult supervision and work full time jobs for who knows how long. And of course Word of God put them at a young age, but said that with a Horse Mentality they are near adult. But that doesn't fix their younger siblings or lack of adult guidance.


You have a pony who deals with entertaining the masses, and if you've ever watched a comedian on youtube deal with a Heckler it's beautiful. So when Rainbow Dash notices that she is for once in Ponyville not the center of attention, heckles her.

So Trixie who does what any good Showman(mare, what not) does and shows her up so that her crowd can get back to enjoying her show. Gets an even more worse heckling by AJ who drags Rares into it. Stating that boasting is wrong when Dash not only started it, but is worst show boat, boaster in the show for 2 seasons straight.

This of course leads to the above point of horrible parenting. And when she has her home, property, and worldly wealth / possessions destroyed. Then is ran out of Ponyville.

Now not only is what happened spread throughout Equestria preventing her from doing what was her only form of income / thing she enjoyed doing [Cutie Mark Crisis right there], but the Mane 6 allowed her to take the blame for what happened and never owned up to their hoof in things.

Living in the shadow of that event drove her to desperation to get the Alicorn Amulet for power to finally rise out of it. But was corrupted [thus not her fault for her actions completely], and even then she is insulted by Pinkie Pie [who loves everypony but her], and at the end is the one who has to apologize. Even if it was the Mane 6 who caused her problems to begin with. And when it comes out that any economical downfall for shutting down a major section of the railroad, preventing the biggest apple distributer in Equestria, and enslaving an entire town gets out. That'll only be worse for her.

So basically it was Rainbow Dash, and AJ who caused all the problems in Trixie's life.


And one last thing that creeps me out.

Cows and Pigs are secondary, or lesser citizens, but while Cows are given food and shelter to be penned up, and placed in confined housing since they provide a needed part of Equestria's diet. Pigs have no inherant purpose? So why are they kept around and fed? [btw. Horses can eat meat. And have been known to do so. So it's not out of the question that ponies eat actual bacon.]

So either Pigs and Cows are lower than Mules on the Citizen totem pole. Or they are slaves kept for food, glue, and off screen amusement.

Since this was written for Cracked, I guess we need a pun thread.

Celestia's defense policy seems rock solid to me.


Keep in mind the title of the blog is "The 8 Creepiest Things About My Little Pony" not "The 8 Creepiest Things About Equestria".

The show creative team have admitted that the show does not present a gender balanced social lens due to demographic.

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