Wanderer D 5,515 followers · 65 stories

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News Archive

  • 31 weeks
    The Day of the Dead Anthology

    The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is a now-famous tradition from ancient times that has been a huge part of Mexican Culture through the centuries. Like so many things in Mexico, it's influenced strongly by certain aspects of the Aztec people.

    It has shaped the way those of us with that heritage look at life and death in many ways, and most importantly on the remembrance of, and honoring the deceased. We traditionally decorate little altars dedicated to the memories of those that passed away… but it's not a somber occasion.

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  • 31 weeks
    Jinglemas 2023!

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

    You only have until November 24th to Sign up!

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    30 comments · 5,929 views
  • 55 weeks
    PSA: Using AIs to Write and Publish Stories in Fimfiction

    Hello everyone, this is a PSA (Public Service Announcement, for those of ESL) to put to rest consistent questions about using AI to 'write' stories and publish them here. This is not intended as a poll or a request for feedback. It is exclusively a clarification on an already-existing rule.

    People ask: "Can I, oh great and powerful D, post a story or chapter that I got ChatGPT to write for me?!"

    And the answer, my friend, is... No.

    Absolutely not. Not in a thousand years!

    Because you didn't write it.

    It is not your creation. You are NOT the author. In fact, you are the opposite.

    There seems to be some confusion when interpreting the following rule:

    Don’t Post (Content)


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    698 comments · 24,012 views
  • 83 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022!

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

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    62 comments · 12,550 views
  • 111 weeks
    Phishing Awareness

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation like this?

    And then you magically find yourself in a suspiciously familiar site, except that you're not logged in, and it requires you to do so?

    Well. Don't log in. This is a scam, and a cheap one at that. 

    There've been recent attempts to obtain Fimfiction users’ personal data, like passwords and/or emails through links like the one I'm making fun of above. And a distressing amount of people don't seem to know what phishing attempts are.

    If you HAVE entered a site like this and put in your data, make sure to follow these basic steps at least.

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    167 comments · 15,522 views
  • 122 weeks
    All Our Best [Royal Canterlot Library]

    As should be obvious from 15 months without a feature, life has taken the Royal Canterlot Library curators in different directions. While there’s still plenty of awesome stories being written in the My Little Pony fandom, we’re no longer actively working to spotlight them, and it’s time to officially draw the project to a close.

    Thank you for all of your support, suggestions, and comments over the years. We’re grateful to have been able to share seven years of exemplary stories with you, and give more insight into the minds behind them. In the spirit of the project, please keep reading and recommending fantastic fics to friends—the community is enriched when we all share what we love.

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    115 comments · 18,340 views
  • 127 weeks
    Jinglemas 2021 has come to a close!

    Jinglemas had 114 stories written and exchanged this year!
    You can read them all here, in the Jinglemas 2021 folder!

    Jhoira wrote The Hearths Warming Eve Guest for EngageBook
    GaPJaxie wrote Twilight and Spike Hide a Body for Telly Vision
    SnowOriole wrote The Armor Hypothesis for BaeroRemedy
    snappleu wrote Words Said So Often That They Lack Any Meaning for Trick Question
    NeirdaE wrote Starlight and Trixie Direct a Play for Moosetasm
    Ninjadeadbeard wrote Garland Graveyard Shift for NeirdaE
    Roundabout Recluse wrote Apples to Apples for Ninjadeadbeard
    MistyShadowz wrote The Times We Shared for NaiadSagaIotaOar
    Petrichord wrote A Gentle Nudge for Angel Midnight
    Jade Ring wrote Past, Future, and Present for Frazzle2Dazzle
    Jake The Army Guy wrote The Big Talk for Dreadnought
    The Red Parade wrote Heart Strings for Franso
    Greatazuredragon wrote A Hearth’s Warming Question for GaPJaxie

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    20 comments · 9,963 views
  • 157 weeks
    Reunions: A Swapped Roles Contest!

    Okay guys here's something fun presented by Nitro Indigo.

    Presented by me, I guess, but I digress.

    Last year, I (Nitro Indigo) noticed that there was a surprising lack of roleswap fanfics on this site. To fix that, I decided to run a roleswap contest over the summer themed around secrets. While it didn’t get many entries, it nevertheless attracted the attention of some big authors and was the origin of two of my favourite fics. Overall, I think it was a success, so I’ve decided to run another one!

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    57 comments · 16,526 views
  • 230 weeks
    Minor Rules and Reporting Update

    Hope everyone is enjoying the new year.

    Some small changes have been made to our rules as well as to the reporting process.


    "No attacks directed at individuals or groups due to race, gender, gender identity, religion or sexual identity."

    This better clarifies our previously ill-defined hate speech rule and includes groups as well as individual attacks.

    "No celebration, glorification or encouragement of real life criminal activity."

    This includes past, present and potential future crimes.

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    747 comments · 16,008 views
  • 232 weeks
    Jinglemas 2019

    There's truly no time like the holidays. What's better than copious amounts of food, quality time with family and friends, hearing the sweet sound of Trans-Siberian Orchestra on repeat, and unmanagble financial stress from our capitalist overlords?

    Gift exchanges of course!

    Our Own Little Way of bringing Hearth's Warming to Fimfiction

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    28 comments · 8,438 views

Site Post » Reviews Round 26 · 2:15am Sep 2nd, 2013

The year is 20XX. The Seattle's Angels space station, Twixie IX, is in geosynchronous orbit with Earth, and the intrepid reviewers astronauts inside are discussing their mission with a holo-deck representation of the Man himself: Seattle_Lite.

“Sir,” says Pav, “we've found three more fics to review, but...” His voice trailed off.

“But?” repeated holo-Seattle.

“But they're... well—”

“Sir, they're about characters like Braeburn and Lightning Dust,” interrupted RedSquirrel. “No one gives a crap about them.”

Holo-Seattle rubbed his chin. “Hmm, is this true, Alex?” he asked, turning to the thus far silent angel.

Alex shrugged. “Man, I have no idea what people think these characters. Who were they again? Lighting Dart and Braefreeze?”

“No, it was Thunder Face and Applebutt,” corrected Pav.

“Ah, right.”

“Anyway,” said RedSquirrel. “The point is, sir, no one cares about these characters, so I'm thinking maybe we should find some stories about characters that people like. You know, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, the usual suspects.”

“Perhaps you're right,” said holo-Seattle.

“Although...” said Alex slowly, “that would mean we'd have to look for three more fics in, like, the next two days since we waited so long to find fics... as usual.”

“Oh... right,” Pav groaned. “Screw it. We'll do it live!”

And on that dated reference, so begins...


Wait, wasn’t I in the last round? What am I doing back here already?

[Reads the title of this fic.]

Oh, I see how it is. You find this fic, and immediately think of me. I’ve been typecast, then. Very well. So be it.

“I have so much strength inside of me that you don’t even know what I could do! If the world isn’t going to love me, then I’ll teach it to fear me instead!” –Jackie Chan

So, a one-shot comedy, teen-rated, a title like… this one (I refuse to even type it, lol). You can probably guess where this is headed. And I think that’s just fine. This story pretty firmly plants itself into “popcorn fic” territory, but y’know what? I love popcorn. I’m eating some right now as I type this up. I know that our group, and reviewers who are superior to the likes of us, likes to push for the deep, meaningful stories, full of character introspection and emotional impact. And that’s great, and I personally want to promote more of that. But sometimes I just want to read 2k about a silly innuendo-based comedy, rather than some 500k epic masterpiece, y’know?

[Takes a look at the Featured Box.] Yeah, I’m not sure why I just explained popcorn fics to this crowd.

Anywho, back to Poppi… Back to PTC. It’s not for everyone. No fic ever is, but this has its share of potential “eh” factors, like the innuendo humor for one, or a plethora of pop culture references. But again, I think that’s fine. Do you want to break up the emotional culmination of your sprawling romance epic with a Dr. Who quote? No, you do not. But this is not that kind of story. This is silly, and fun, and sometimes it’s fine to let yourself go in these situations.

Despite being pulled in by special request as Seattle’s Angels’ resident pervert (and yes, I apparently hold this status in other groups outside of SA…), I frankly don’t have much to say about this one, as it speaks for itself quite well. You either like this kind of irreverent fun every once-in-a-while, or you’re a frumpybutt. The latter group would do well to avoid this one, but the former should give it a whirl. I’m no frumpybutt.

We all know the classic set-up: there's a pony who wants to do a thing, and they say something, and that something gets overheard and twisted into another, much more sexy something, and everypony thinks that sexytimes happened when in fact it did not. Or did it?

This is basically that story.

But the best stories aren't always the ones we've heard a million times before. Sometimes we like to hear them because they are so familiar, and at least here, we can see a comedy that is, at times, genuinely funny. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a comedy that is funny. I think the most that can be said about it is that it is a decent example of a story that does this idea well, even if it's ground well, well trodden by now.

Essentially, Twilight is trying to do an experiment involving magic. Specifically, the kind of magic that Pinkie does whenever she is being Pinkie. Due to the nature of the experiment, Pinkie wanders off and blabs about it in terms that can only be described as... ambiguous. Ponies are perplexed and wonder about what really happened, and good times are had by all. Clean cut, amusing, and nothing too earth-shattering. Which, sometimes, is all you really need.

The sun shone over Ponyville. It was a pleasant, cheery celestine bauble of light and warmth, which just went to show the power of perspective considering it was, in reality, a hundred tonnes of seething cosmic plasma.

You know what I like? Comedies. It's an often under appreciated genre due to it being flooded with so much crap, much like [Dark], and also like [Dark], it's one of my favorites. If you've seen any my stories, then you may already know that I really enjoy comedy with a lot of sexual innuendo just for kicks, and Popping Twilight's Cherry is basically that... the fic.

No matter what Pav tells you, this was his literal reaction to reading the fic. This is actually a picture of him, just as he finished Popping Twilight's Cherry.

Unfortunately, there's not a lot that can be said about this story that hasn't been said about many other comedy fics. It's short, funny, and filled with misunderstandings which lead to humorous situations. What it does well is manage to not be annoying, which is quite surprising given one of the lead characters is Pinkie Pie, and for that I admire it greatly. On top of that, it never really wears out its welcome. There's never a point where I go, 'yeah... I get it'. However, on the other side of that token, there's also never a point where I said, 'yeah... I get it', and by that I mean, it never really reaches that unassailably high peak which so many comedy fics strive towards. Its reach exceeds its grasp, as it were.

Popping Twilight's Cherry (which I've nearly misspelled as Pooping Twilight's Cherry at least eight separate times), while a humorous and entertaining fic, is never really anything more than that, which is okay. Not everyone can be Arthur Douglas, or Terry Pratchett, and not everyone needs to be. That fact that I can read this story and enjoy it more than I had anticipated is enough for me to give it a recommendation. If you'll recall a different [Comedy] fic we reviewed awhile back, Space Captain Pinkie Pie, this is much like that in that I was quite happy with it, though I'm willing to admit that it's perhaps not the greatest fic out there. It blows its proverbial load rather quickly, and then sort of just continues on for awhile, but it, at the very least, manages to remain humorous throughout. Oh, and it's fairly well-written in terms of technical details, so there's that.

So, with that being said, I would wholeheartedly recommend this fic to anyone who enjoys one-shot comedy fics, but I would also add the caveat that if comedy and misinterpreted sexual innuendos aren't your thing, then you're not missing out on a whole lot. At the end of the day, it's comedy fic without much substance, but really... who needs substance when you have laughs?

Okay, yes, you’re very clever.

I am well aware that having a story involving both the Apple family and the apple fruit is, how do we put this, a slightly overpopulated genre. Being on the verge of losing the farm, doubly so. An overdone story concept is not necessarily bad, though. Unoriginality is bad. The only means by which a story idea can be “beaten to death” is when there is nothing original, nothing special, nothing “you” that you can put on the story. Let’s focus on that then: what Croswynd did that makes his story stand out.

The most obvious facet of course, is that we’re with Braeburn in Appleoosa. This already opens us up a lot, as compared to a typical Applejack-versus-the-world fic. Centering on the town gives us a sizable supporting cast of townsponies. While this is still primarily a character piece about Braeburn and his struggles against overwhelming odds, the supporting cast really helps to keep this from devolving into an angst fic—a pitfall that several stories of this genre fall directly toward.

A surprising solid addition comes from Apple Bloom and Babs Seed. Well, okay, not surprising in that they’re family members… or in that they’re tagged… I simply mean that they provide a strong dynamic to the group. While I’d argue that at some points they seem a bit too sharp or mentally-together for their age/characters, they’re able to provide a number of moments of “from the mouth of babes” style of wisdom. They also end up taking care of a lot of the administrative fluff of the story. This way, Braeburn isn’t getting bogged down with needing to plan or manage too much; he’s able to get in there and just do.

I also liked the fic’s lack of clear moral lines. Just as the Over a Barrel episode that precedes this fic, there seem to be multiple forces in play here, each with their own motivations. It’s not a conflict of “the bad guys here to foreclose me.” Everypony simply wants what’s best, for their own interests.

While this story sticks to the basics, it sticks to them well. It’s worth looking to a story like this one when someone tries to convince you that your idea has “already been done”. Sometimes they may be right, but sometimes your vision is strong enough that you need not fear about your competitors.

How many fics are there of Braeburn that don't include him hitting on or being hit on by another pony? I suppose the question could be asked of any character, but it doesn't make it any less relevant. It's good to remember that there's a life outside of what we usually see in fics, be it grand adventures or dramatic revelations where star-crossed lovers are sorely tested.

This fic is about Braeburn trying to save Appleloosa from being returned to the dust from whence it came, not by ancient evils but that most dastardly of devils: the power of bureaucracy! It looks like the Sheriff established the whole town on some kind of bogus financial deal, and the usual solution of kicking apples out of trees just isn't cutting it! Braeburn faces down the anger and frustration of the town, his visiting family Apple Bloom and Babs Seed, and the machinations of those who want the town off the map. It's interesting in that it tries to take on a story that has been done many times in the Western genre - our town is going belly up because of the bad rich guys - but one we haven't really seen much in My Little Pony. This sets it apart from every other story about the Apple family ever because it's not about the usual three, which made it catch my eye almost immediately. What made me stay is the fact that this story tries its best, and manages to pull off good writing and solid characters in the process.

Braeburn is familiar (from what we've seen in the episodes) with his staunch love of his town, and also fresh as we're given a little peek into his psyche during the crisis. He's a fun character, no doubt, and I've come to love him as much as anyone can love a completely fictional pastel pony. Croswynd knows how to write a character that you can actually care about. I might be a little biased. Okay, I'm really, really biased in favor of Braeburn stories. But there's good writing to be found here and a story that can make you sit up and pay attention to an idea that doesn't run the usual gamut. The writing is solid, the story is decent, and it's about Braeburn, who you know you were gay for even before you heard about this story or read this review. What are you still reading this for, anyway? Go read the stories themselves, they're probably much more entertaining than this.

“If there’s anything I know,” Little Strongheart’s voice interrupted his reverie, “it’s that working hard for something, striving for a goal, is how anyone accomplishes anything.”

As I strive to finish my last review (yes, I realize it's not the last one on the list, but it's the last one I'm writing, and I also realize that that was an exceedingly clever joke, so you may PM me your thoughts about how funny it was at any time) a day late, I can't help but feel a certain kinship with Braeburn, a character I never particularly cared for before now. Yes, he's charming, lovable, and downright quotable, but I just bring myself to give a crap about him. I feel I may be in the minority here, but I really hated Over the Barrel. It was, without a doubt, my least favorite S1 episode by a wide margin. There was just so many things I disliked about it: Little Strongheart, Chief Thunderhooves, the abundance of Pinkie, literally every resident of Appleloosa, and of course “You Gotta Share”. It's the only episode I've never watched more than once, but you know what? Croswynd made me give a crap again. He took characters and a setting that bored the hell out of me and made it into a rather interesting little piece with a nice twist on the “we gotta raise money to save X!” genre of stories. But as I was saying way back at the beginning of this paragraph, I'm doing my best to finish this review as quickly as possible so I can write up the intro and outro before D goes to bed so he'll post this today, and in doing so, I find myself feeling a bit like Braeburn.

Evidently there is a meme wherein everypony is gay for Braeburn... and I can see why.

Upon receiving some rather distressing news regarding Appleloosa's impending closure (can you actually close a city?) at the ends of some less-than-enthused investors, Braeburn finds himself at a loss for what to do, so he does the only sane thing he can do... ask two little girls for advice. Applebloom and Babs, two characters I feel don't get near enough love, come up with the “brilliant” idea of hosting a large festival to attract attention to Appleloosa and drum up some much needed business for the (apparently) floundering town. Now, ignoring the fact that if they're so in debt that they probably couldn't afford to hold such a large event (do you know how much it costs to set these things up?), and Croswynd's apparent obsession with reminding you that Appleloosa is literally falling apart at the seams (which makes no sense given the town is one year old. Just one! Did they build it out of the lowest grade materials they could find?), this is actually not a bad idea. Tourism is the main source of income for many large cities, and even though Appleloosa isn't exactly large, it does have some unique features that would be attractive to “big city ponies”.

This review is already (somehow) getting really long, so I'm going to try and make the next few paragraphs a wee bit shorter. First off, it's pretty clear early on that Croswynd is a very competent writer, and that can honestly carry a story a long way. But even more than that, he writes the characters in a very believable manner. As I said, he made me care about Braeburn, something I'm almost bitter at Croswynd for because now I get all the love for him. On top of that, he included Babs Seed, a heavily underused character, and managed to not make her accent incredibly annoying, and gave her a real purpose for being there. Plus, above all else, it's clear this story is going somewhere, and there's a point to all of it. It's not just rambling along as it struggles to figure out its own message, something I see a lot of non-one-shots struggle with. Oh, and Strive also has the best characterization of Little Strongheart I've ever seen. Remember how I said I didn't like her? Well, she's my favorite character in this story by far.

Now, I do have a few problems with this fic that I want to mention. Two I've already talked about, those being more on the logistical side, but one I haven't, and it's kind of a big one. The villain of the story, Morton Saltworthy (at least I'm fairly certain he's the ultimate villain), has absolutely no reason to do what he's doing, namely sabotaging the Appleloosa fair. Unless Croswynd pulls some really crazy stuff in the last act, with a lot of twists thrown in to make his actions make sense, Morton is an entirely unbelievable villain. He has no reason to sabotage the festival, especially not after it starts to actually work. He feels like they have no hope of raising the money in time, so he, rather than help, decides to work against the other Appleloosans, a decision which makes no sense, but is slightly more defensible than when their plan to hold a festival actually starts to work. So, unless Morton is not all he appears to be, which may very well be the case, his stubbornness to not save Appleloosa feels more like a plot device than anything.

Anyway, even after promising shorter paragraphs I failed to deliver on that promise, so you know what? I'm done. This is the end of my review. Go read Strive. It's a good Apple Family story that doesn't involve AJ, something which is rather impressive in its own right.

I never really cared for Lightning Dust as a character. In fairness, I never feel like I gave her a fair shake. I strongly disliked the episode on air date for its panda-tossing nature (we’re on much more amicable terms now, thanks.) And then that feathering ending with the—

Editor’s Note: Pav had a ten paragraph rant here about the nature of Equestrian clouds, which has been removed for the sake of brevity.

—and even overlooking all that, Lightning Dust was… nice. She was a literary forewarning, a Ghost of Christmas Future for Rainbow Dash (as well as a “hey, at least RD isn’t this big of a d-nozzle” counterexample for the RD haters out there… those foolish fools). Rainbow rejected this reckless version and grew as a person pony, and all was well and good. Lightning served her role and served it well. In my mind, that didn’t really open her up for much potential beyond that one episode. Sure, there’s all the usual tropes you see with Gilda or pre-S3 Trixie: soul-crushingly impoverished, angry revenge on RD, begging for friendship from RD, sloppy makeouts with RD, et cetera, et cetera. And maybe this is just personal bias, but I feel like if you’re gonna do any of those tropes, Trixie’s a better fit for em, cliche though they may be. So, I didn’t see much of a future for her. She seemed like a one-note, relegated to be forgotten like those teenage dragons from Dragon Quest.

Signas might’ve sold me on the character, with his portrayal of Lightning Dust.

As a first-person introspectivey piece, and my predisposition against LD as specified above, I was a little meh about her getting existential, at first. I don’t recall when it happened—probably at some point of the conversation with Tailslide—that I started to realize that this ran deeper. What Signas was doing here was one of those rare treats that only the fandom can provide: an alternate interpretation of a character that is entirely plausible. Not the sort of huehuehue character assassination of Cupcakes!Pinkie, but rather, something that meshes quite well with what we see of them in the show. Something that forces you to take a step back and say “...whoa. Maybe I need to rewatch that episode, with this in mind.” Sure, this most likely was not what Merriwether Williams had in mind when writing the episode, but that’s not the point exactly. It gives me, as a humble brony, a different way to enjoy the episode, to reflect on the character. Viewing the episode through different filters and perspectives gives a deeper, more encompassing enjoyment of the show.

Sure, maybe Signas wasn’t the only person to portray Lightning Dust in this manner. But the fact remains: if this story hadn’t popped into my inbox, I would still find LD bland and not worth exploring. The work of another fan—loving of the show but in slightly different facets than my own—helped me to reassess my view, and led me to a better appreciation. I dig that. I dig that a lot.

How many other people think of sociopaths when they think of My Little Pony? That's probably a rhetorical question given the obscene amount of gore, darkness, rape, and murder flowing in the underchannels of FimFic's canals, joining together into a slurry of body parts, tears, and rage. Many of those stories, while some may have artistic merit on their own, do not add or take away much from canon characterizations. They either take certain aspects of characters and exaggerate or play them down to fit the story at hoof, or downright make up stuff about them that has nothing to do with what we've seen in the show. This story is different: it takes Lightning Dust, who like many antagonists was a one-note throwaway character, and shows us a plausible and realistic portrayal of their total jackflankery.

In this story, we are presented with the reasons why Lightning Dust committed all that attempted murder ridiculous flapdoodle on Rainbow Dash and her friends, and it's an interesting, unsympathetic take on a character who is quite unsympathetic already. Sometime after quitting the Wonderbolts for being such team players, Lightning Dust signs up with the royal guard in an attempt to find herself. After graduating, she is given the task of rooting out a dragon that has inexplicably gone violent, and is appointed a partner named Tailslide to help. She finds a dragon, but she also finds what kind of pony she really is. It certainly isn’t the true blue patriot we see in Tailslide. It isn’t even any kind of pony anypony really wants to be.

This is a story of realizing who one really is inside. It contains no sudden deus ex machinas, no unexplained reversals on what we've seen in the show. There is only Lightning Dust being who she always was, but now she is devastatingly aware of it. I'd have gone so far as to add the "tragedy" tag to it. There’s not much to work with here, and Tailslide is more just a convenient foil than an organic part of the story, but there isn’t much to work with in Lightning’s character in the first place, which is why I applaud the author for taking her on. All this sets it apart, if only just, from the pack of other stories about our weekly villains. It's a story that does something different than your normal "antagonist makes out with/sobs with/murders/all of the aboves character X from the show." And frankly, I give points for that kind of novelty alone. But this story is also interesting and thought-provoking, which is why it was on this list.

"Uh, duh. I'm Lightning Dust!" Reminding myself that I was, indeed, myself was one of the few comforts I could afford in such a place.

Everyone has something they're willing to die for, though I doubt most people realize it. Hell, I don't know what I'd be willing to die for, but I'm also willing to bet that that something does exist. I just don't know what it is yet. For Lightning Dust, that something is not the thing you'd expect, at least not given the premise of the story and given the author's claim that it was written for EqD's Memorial Day flashfiction event. A Cause Worth Dying For is, on the surface, a story about patriotism, but once you delve a little deeper, you realize that there's something else at work here, something a lot darker and far more frightening.

And then she ate Spitfire because Lighting Dust don't give a f---

Lightning Dust, having been removed from the Wonderbolts, joins the Royal Guard where she is promptly sent out to Middleofnowhere, Equestria, to fight off some vague enemies that may or may not appear. It's not too far removed from out current military situation (if you're American that is), and I think that's very clearly the point of this story. It's a commentary of sorts, though it seems to have trouble deciding what its message is... well, at least until the end. That message is very clear.

At the risk of spoiling the ending of the story, I'm going to say that Lighting Dust has a revelation near the end of the story, a revelation that is equally horrifying and fascinating. She discovers something about herself that she always knew was there, but could never quite give voice too. She finally understands the reason why she does the things she does, namely, putting her life, and others' lives at risk, and it's a rather sobering understanding, though it doesn't have that sobering effect on Lighting Dust. Rather than become appalled at her own nature, Lighting Dust what only a pony who is in her position could do, she relishes the revelation and decides to embrace the darker side of herself fully.

I'm being purposefully vague here because I don't want to completely spoil the end of the story, but suffice it to say, Signas took a character that I merely saw as “just another show-offy pegasus” and turned her into something far more terrible, and at the same time, far more interesting. I'll never look at Lightning Dust the same way again. I really want to talk more about specific things, but at the same time I don't want to spoil the story, so I'm going to compromise and put a bit more into this review, but I'll put it in spoiler tags, so you can avoid it if you want. Just know that I absolutely recommend this story to everyone, and that I think it's definitely one of the better character-study pieces I've seen on this site.

Having gotten her friend/fellow soldier killed by a dragon due to her own selfish actions, rather than feel remorse like a normal person/pony, Lighting Dust loves the sensation of having almost died. She realizes that she joined the Wonderbolts because she liked the rush of adrenaline when she performed death-defying stunts. But more than just being an adrenaline junky, Lighting Dust realizes that she's in love with almost dying, and she's willing to do almost anything to feel that feeling, even if, as is the case with the dragons, it puts others in harm's way. It's a rather scary notion, that a person/pony could feel so little for others that even when they are the cause of another's death, they feel nothing for them. It's a far darker take on Lighting Dust than I ever would've expected, and even moreso after having read the story's description, and for that, I love it. It's been awhile since I said this, but I think A Cause Worth Dying For is going to go down as one of my favorite stories we've reviewed since our inception.

And on that largely spoiler'd note, so ends Round 26.

RedSquirrel, being the astute rodent he is, turned to holo-Seattle and said, “Hey, I just realized something.”

“Oh yeah?” said Pav.

“Yeah. I realized that we're on a space station... but I'm not really sure why. I mean, everything that happened so far could have happened anywhere, so, like, what's the point?”

Holo-Seattle frowned. “Who's writing this week's intro and outro?”

The squirrel and the fiery guy turned to Alex.

“What?” he asked. Their eyes narrowed. “Oh, for... fine! It was me!” he shouted. “I freakin' put us on space station because someone in the last rounds comment section said 'Next month, I expect reviews from a space station' so I freakin' did it. I hope you're happy, Firebirdtops!” Alex said, angrily shaking his fist at nobody in particular.

“Do you think that's what he actually meant?” asked RedSquirrel.

“I don't care.”

“Good enough for me!” said Pav.

And then they all went to the mess hall and ate Captain Crunch while discussing the Seattle's Angels group and lamenting the fact that not enough people recommend stories.

The End!

Report Wanderer D · 15,059 views ·
Comments ( 32 )

Sees the title "Twilight gets her cherry popped" and reads it a bit and discards after seeing its teen and groans in frustration. :fluttershbad:
Notices one about appleburn and ignores it completely. :derpytongue2:
Finally sees the last one on lightning dust and accepts the fact she's basically rainbow's ghost of christmas future and stops reading. :trollestia:
First review I ever read by you and I like it! :pinkiehappy: When's the next one? :raritystarry:

Twilight's cherry what is this why?

After reading this I realized that they managed to stay on a cloud. Did Twilight plan ahead and use the cloud walking spell?

It's a rather scary notion, that a person/pony could feel so little for others that even when they are the cause of another's death, they feel nothing for them.

You mean a sociopath?:rainbowhuh:

You're weird.

1322709 Sounds a lot like it. This was the sentence that un-sold me on that story; I have no interest whatsoever in reading something like that.

I am.

Even if my name is misspelled. Again.

I was slightly saddened he didn't actually make your name a link, Firebirdbtops. :pinkiesad2:

We put these out biweekly-ish, plus livestreams on our off-weeks.

No, Twilight didn't! The intent was that Rainbow Dash compacted the cloud, making it denser and thus more solid, somehow? Which is absolute horseapples, because it has been firmly and repeatedly established that manipulation of clouds, be it walking, pushing, or otherwise, is a pegasus magical talent akin to unicorn's magic or earth ponies' connection to nature. Pulling this out at a visual gag to same a collection of falling ponies, while admittedly a bit of a callback to S1E16, still nevertheless violates all previously established—

[Alex injects a syringe of something into Pav's shoulder. The latter grows sleepy and eventually passes out at his table.]

Livestream?! :raritystarry: I love watching streams! :pinkiehappy:

Signas' Lightning Dust is simply just the hottest thing ever.

We need some new smileys. I recommend more Lightning Dust and Diamond Tiara. Not enough smug and awesomeness to express feels through these limited selection.

The year is 20XX... and yet the intro/outro has nothing to do with Mega Man. Unless of course this is supposed to be a spoof of X5. If that's the case, Pav, Alex and Squirrel, you three are soon going to die fiery, catastrophic deaths. Eh, it's just as well. From the looks of the last two rounds, Pav finally ran out of ways to misspell his name.

Anyway, let's see what we've got. Two one-shots with a total word count of under 8000... and the Braeburn one is incomplete... At least it's gotten recent updates.

And then they all went to the mess hall and ate Captain Crunch while discussing the Seattle's Angels group and lamenting the fact that not enough people recommend stories.

Incidentally, I also keep track of how many stories on the rec thread get featured. So far it's eleven (assuming that Csquared's recommendation of Mantles way the hell back in November counts for anything) out of sixty-nine stories, with the most recent one being A Wake of Mist and Flame back in Round 21.

1322811 I don't rate a link yet, but that's ok. The only thing I'm sad about is that they didn't have enough food on the station, and had to resort to cannibalizing their captain.

Not everyone can be Arthur Douglas, or Terry Pratchett, and not everyone needs to be.

Not everyone can be Arthur Douglas...

...Arthur Douglas...




I think you mean Douglas Adams. :facehoof:
You're getting the author confused with the character Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

Do the next one from inside a volcano >:)

Huh, interesting considering I submitted Signa's other Lightning Dust story a long time ago to the group and you've selected the not funny one.

I hate not being able to see spoiler tags on mobile.

How many fics are there of Braeburn that don't include him hitting on or being hit on by another pony

I'm going to lump the clop in there. An Ocean to a pond my friend. Or rather the land to the water.

The spoiler is what sold me on reading the fic... I almost feel bad about that... almost

Already been done, I believe.

Bah, I don't have time to be bothered with spellchecking people's usernames.

...or author's names apparently.

God, I feel stupid about this one. I guess that's what I get for crapping out the intro/outro in about 10 minutes during my lunch break. :facehoof:

Like Plum said, I think we already did that one. One of the earlier rounds took place from inside our "secret hollowed-out volcano lair".


What about Titan?

The next review is going to be late.

Late as in the late Magnetalexmagnet.

To be fair, we were two days late this time. Considering we know the schedules in advance, so therefore we're more than capable of being prepared ahead of time this time we only had a week since the last one was so late, I'd say a two day tardy is understandable. We got caught up because of Bronycon, which disorganized our schedule.

Moral of the story: none of us can ever go to Bronycon ever again.


Yep! The only other body in the solar system with a liquid on it's surface. Sure, it's methane instead of water, but the fact still stands.

I don't know who's up next, but if you're lucky, they may just grant you your wish. If not, I probably will, but it won't be for awhile.

" for the RD haters out there… those foolish fools"
... :rainbowhuh: I don't want to be a foolish fool :ajsleepy:

1325309 Then don't hate me.

And on that bombshell... it's time to end this program.
Good night everybody

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