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Web of Hope

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Sometimes, there's just no easy way to say things... · 12:22pm Sep 5th, 2013

Things like this:
Winning Agent sucks.

I love the character (Star Kicker is a blast to write for), and I'm excited for where I'm going to eventually take the story, but as it stands...

It's a piss-poor attempt to shoe-horn myself into a group that, as the evidence stands now, I clearly have no business being in. The writers of the Winningverse (Chen, Comma, Ponibius, JaketheGinger, ect.) are a highly talented group of writers who have put an immense amount of work into making an incredible web of stories.

Up to this point, I can't really say that I've come anywhere close to measuring up to that, and that's a problem. One I intend to fix, as soon as I'm able.

To that end, I'm going to revise everything that exists for Agent, and return to my original outline (which I never should have deviated from in the first place). By the time I'm done, Chapter one will go from the same place it starts, all the way through the Funeral Reception (If you don't know which funeral that is, go read the original Winning Pony), bringing the writing much more up-to-snuff in the process.

This is, however, not something that I think I can accomplish alone. I already have a few who are willing to help make this story the best it can be, but more heads is better than less. If you're willing to help, either as prereader, editor, or just idea-sounding-board, please feel free to PM me.

My only real constraint is my schedule, which until somewhere along the lines of right before Halloween will be a nightmare to write in (unless I can procure a half-decent laptop, or fix the one that's currently in pieces on the couch behind me...).

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