• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen March 23rd


Haven't been on since about 2014. Nearly 10 years have passed, and I'm back here. What a time.

More Blog Posts155

  • 441 weeks
    Not Again

    Another accident?


    Oh no. Magically?


    No. No, this will not stand. I will not allow this again.


    I know what happened to the last human, Shining Armor. I know full well, better than you.


    I have this under control. It's not like they have much more than their bodies to fight back with. We have the upper hoof.

    0 comments · 486 views
  • 446 weeks
    I May Not

    I may not reach the deadline I set of 12/20/15 for the release of the sequel to MPWFoE. And I apologize.
    I may not be releasing the updated Delicacy as I'd wanted to.
    I may not be surprising many of you if you know me and have followed me for a while.
    I may not be making much sense, and I may not be very relevant or important right now.

    I may not be writing what I said I'd write.

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    0 comments · 302 views
  • 454 weeks
    A Hundred Followers And More

    Well would you look at that.
    And I didn't even try for the last one.
    Feels somehow unrewarding for getting a follower randomly, but hey. I'm not knockin' ya.

    So anyway, it's been a while. Comparatively, been a while. Like... since my last blog post, not since...

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    1 comments · 394 views
  • 458 weeks

    Why this?
    Why that?
    Why then?
    Why them?
    Why? Just... why?

    Let me answer your questions.

    Why this?
    A 'Money Problems With Flavors of Eggnog' sequel. Why this?

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    0 comments · 359 views
  • 461 weeks
    Pumped Up

    I opened the bathroom door and turned on the sink water, ready to dip my hoof down to catch some and splash it onto my face when I heard a quick shout and a shuffle from the bathtub that shocked me out of my thoughts.

    "Pound, jeez, knock at least!" Pumpkin settled into a position facing away from me, and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

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    1 comments · 432 views

Chrysadence - Show Theory?! · 11:26pm Sep 10th, 2013

SO! After listening to "This Day Aria" repeatedly again I began to notice these little quips here and there through the lyrics that just didn't seem right.

Lemme think that through.
*start intro* ((that I'll have in a few weeks))

Now, we all know the song, This Day Aria and how it's so popular and just overall such a good song to a lot of us! But something that I noticed after several times of listening to it is that the lyrics are.. deceptive. No one seemed to have noticed it before, not that I've looked hard, mind you.

What I've noticed is that in the lyrics, if you pull the song up and listen through, you might not find anything strange.


Pull up this part of the lyrics: "Vows? Oh I'll be lying when I say that through any kind of weather, I'll want us to be together. The truth is I don't care for him at all! No I do not love the groom, in my heart there is no room, but I still want him to be all mine!

Now with that part of the lyrics, you can tell that she speaks her words honestly. HOWEVER - take a good listen to the song.

You'll hear, quite clearly: "Vows? Oh I'll be lying when I say that through any kind of weather, I'll want us to be together, the truth is I don't care for him at all! No I do not love the groom, in my heart there is no room, but I still want him to be all mine!"

See what I mean? No? Lemme explain before you leave.

What she's saying is that she's going to be lying when saying that she doesn't "care for him at all". The last part of the lyric, "but I still want him to be all mine!" To me, that's just shouting that she's been watching him and planning this, wanting to take control of the relationship.

THE NEXT LINE, WITH CADENCE HERSELF SPEAKING: "We must escape before it's too late, find a way to save the day! Hope? I'll be lying if I say I don't fear that I may lose him to one who wants to use him, not care for love and cherish him each day!"

Now, do what we did with the other line, change the grammar, and therefor change the entire meaning.

"We must escape before it's too late, find a way to save the day! Hope I'll be lying if I say, I don't fear that I may lose him to one who wants to use him, not care for love and cherish him each day!"

Now, with this new line, not changing ANY of the lyric itself, just the way it's said, it seems as if she's nervous that Twilight may have some power to detect lies or dishonesty, in saying in her mind "Hope I'll be lying".

Next, another point of view.

"Finally the moment has arrived for me to be a lucky bride."

It seems to me here that Chrysalis is mocking Cadence for counting herself as "lucky" to be marrying Shining Armour.
In the next line, sung by Cadence:

"Oh the wedding we won't make, he'll end up marrying a fake, Shining Armour will be.."

Then it transitions to Chrysalis singing "Mine, all mine." This could be the jealous side of Cadence, and her viewpoint on Chrysalis just being an evil bitch wanting to steal her man. ((I don't know, could only be me.))

It could also be the viewpoint of Cadence imagining Chrysalis as a stereotypically evil character, and just be imagining Chrysalis saying something like that, just to boost her will to get back up to the wedding.

If any of this has struck your minds in any way, or if I've made a mistake anywhere, please, let me know.

Report Kalreas · 175 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

You're overthinking this lol

Now, if only Slayer had done a cover of This Day Aria...:pinkiecrazy:


I know I'm over-thinking this, but my brain just went into over-drive over-analyze mode, and I just couldn't help but see the contradicting grammar in the way that the words were said.

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