• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen April 24th


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  • 513 weeks
    Have you all been fine?

    I've been out of communication for a while, sorry boss man, but I have a valid excuse! So check It I went abroad a few months back, to get away from the house, and boom! I'm in Canada. So anyways I've been hunting elk and wolf but I found this cute little pup! I just had to keep him, but the people that are giving me room and board don't want it in the house. It's young and stuff so I slip it

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    3 comments · 548 views
  • 531 weeks

    I have been looking for a certain Spilight story and I simply cannot find it. I know for a fact it exists.
    Spike had loved Twilight for a long time, and Twilight knew, but she was trepidatious, flat out scared, of ever acknowledging his feelings. Shooting down Spike at every turn, but she loves him too.

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  • 553 weeks
    Story promotion.

    No this isn't any of my stories. Honestly it's a friend of mines, go read his stuff Bitches!! Two seconds to like and favorite not that long! Anyways I thought his story had high scores, its fucking amazing, but Zweiterversuch, hasn't gotten that many views... So my question is... Is something wrong with you people!! His story,

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    1 comments · 424 views
  • 558 weeks
    Boss man, I'm sorry.

    Boss man I know you are creeping around here somewhere. I know you might not go on the account for a while but I'm sure at one point you'll read this. Two days... Two days without seeing your face, hearing your voice, knowing you are aren't here right now... I... I don't think I can take it.

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    8 comments · 513 views
  • 560 weeks
    New perspective. It's actually pretty interesting.

    Hey guys. I'm having this urge to write out a thought but none of the stories boss man and I are working on allow us this luxury. So I thought... Why not a blog post?

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    9 comments · 457 views

New perspective. It's actually pretty interesting. · 9:23am Sep 18th, 2013

Hey guys. I'm having this urge to write out a thought but none of the stories boss man and I are working on allow us this luxury. So I thought... Why not a blog post?
Have you ever wondered just how weird and amazing the world is? Like have ever really taken a second to think about it? It would not be far fetched to say that if it was not for the amazingness of this world me and boss man would not be here. Life is epic don't get me wrong, something is always happening, somebody is being astounding somewhere out there in the world. But there are moments like these that just defy logic.
Boss man's grandma, the slave driver\miracle worker, almost died. Yeah we all almost do... But how many of us are told about our death? Her father, god rest his soul, had told her, unknowingly about her death. It was in his grandmother's youth. The pique of High school and it was the time of year were the students plan a big vacation, it was really more a day of just goofing off with teachers. They had made plans to go to the beach, if any of you have been to a beach you know it's a little turbulent. The bus had just pulled up to her house when her dad stood in front of the door and blocked it. Telling her she cannot go. Now as a teenager most of your reactions would be to lash out, leave without so much as saying a word and pay for it later, not this woman. She had asked him why and actually listened. He told her, her mom had told him she couldn't go, she was visiting and she should be there to see her. Now this would seem normal, yeah? A mother coming to visit her daughter... But she had died a few years earlier. Boss man's grandma was reluctant at first, not fully buying her dad's story, but in the end she stayed. By the end of the day only three kids from her school made it back from that beach. A freak swell had came in and taken, from what I heard, half the beach goers. She lost two good friends that day, she most likely would not be here today if she did go.
If that was not enough of a bombshell to hear in one day, enter boss man's mom to tell me of a time she almost kicked the bucket. She was 15 at the time, not even boss man's older bro had been born then. It was late at night, nearly 9, and boss man's mom was alone. She was three blocks from her house when a group of hoodlums had come out of nowhere to attack her. She was used to gangs and violence, since it's pretty common where she used to live, but they always left her alone too scared of her brothers or their friends to even look at her the wrong way. She was scared shitless, no mace, no purse, just her keys to get in the house. She honestly thought that was the end of her but a random passerby had heard the struggle and come rushing to see if anyone needed help, he was a third degree black belt. Now tell me how many of you would help a person, a complete stranger, in need?
Even boss man started laying down some morbid shit!! It was on one of his travels abroad that he and his brother came down with a virus, he was so used to it he didn't even bother to remember it name. The bastard almost died! From what he can remember it was debilitating, making the infected run a fever of 108, he even said it was supposed to make you hallucinate, nausea, vertigo, he didn't go to the hospital until the fourth day of infection. What!!
It was like god was saying fuck you boss man you can't live! Can you imagine how close your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and even yourself has come close to death? Literally I could have sat with just boss man's grandma and hear how close she was to the brink of death yet coming out unscathed for an hour and she would have had me beat by the first story. But they have story upon story upon story of times they got close to death but some strange thing, or pure luck, saved them. I cannot imagine what factors came into play when these events happen but by probability these guys should have kicked the bucket long ago.

Report Bennet001 · 457 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

.................holy fuck..............the grandma owns, the mom was batshit lucky and Bossman has balls the size of oxes.

and yeah, it is amazing, in my family there are 7 "near death encounters", 4 belong to me and in 1 of those I actually died and then came back.

Wow!! Boss man never actually died before... What did it feel like? Did you see a white light, golden gates, a flowing river? Don't tell me it was empty cause I already saw that one.

1357562 I was a child but I remember it clearly, before dying I saw a shadow thing with red, ruby like, cold, piercing eyes before felling down, I dont remember how long I fell but when I hit the ground I didnt felt anything, I got up and then I saw a light at the end of some sort of tunnel.

I walked towards it, I FELT a calling so I went there, reaching the end of it I saw a big and almost endless rocky shore, the rocks were something like river rocks, then a BIG ocean with MANY MANY ships arriving and going, to where? I dont know.

I saw A LOT of other people and other creatures I had never seen before making long lines, again I felt a calling pulling me to take my place on one of those lines, but before I could step foreward something grabbed me by my left shoulder, looking up and behind I saw no other than one of the Archangels, Michael, smiling at me, his 16 wings open in magnificence, his aura warm and pure, his blue eyes as beautiful as the clearest skies on a summer day, his hair golden as the purest of honey.

For a moment I couldnt even think of anything, then he spoke to me "It is not yet your time, go back and fulfill your promise once more"

then he tossed me back, next thing I know I wake up harshly on the bed I gad died a minute ago with a terrible pain in my chest, followed by twenty full seconds of past lives memories, emotions, experiences, knowledge, etc.

Since that day I have being able to hear and feel the spirits of the dead, see demons and angels, manipulate spiritual energy, talk with my past lives, and many other things.

If you are wondering how I died, well, I ATE a whole light scorpion, here in mexico we call them "Alacran Guero" and those fuckers are the deadliest ones we have in almost all of Mexico, 1 sting and 1 hour without treatment and you are done, now Imagine what happened to me when I ate the damn thing (by total accident, I was sucking at a hose trying to get out a little toy of mine) and went without treatment for almost half an hour, is a miracle I didnt died for good.

1357562 oh, and the empty is not dying, when you "die" and everything goes empty, it means your body is still alive and you are, most likely, on a coma of some sort.

You can realize why I have to call bullshit on this right?:facehoof:
First of all you had just described hell, limbo, and an archangel in perfect detail. Are you trying to convince me that you not only went through three planes of reality but viewed a creature of such benevolence and power that it has been said souls burned before his brilliance. I simply cannot believe that, boss man himself can say he saw god! And I wouldn't believe it. Now you want me to believe this? Tell me the truth. How much of this is real?

1357570 All of it, when I returned I got my past memories back and I knew where I was, its called "The Spiritual Bay", there are many ways to enter it upon death, some like me, other feel like they fly, others just embrace the darkness, etc. It is the lowest part of the first heaven. (also the Purgatory is not what they describe, the purgatory is a door frame that cleanses the soul that passes it from any demonic taint, not sins or personal evil)

Anyways, the Spiritual Bay is not the Limbo, the Limbo is the phase between our plane and the Spiritual plane where souls are stuck and cannot leave towards the Spiritual Bay, most of the time because said souls think theu are still alive.

What I saw before dying is a Shadow of Death, creepy fuckers that I can see, most of the times they signal caution or incoming danger on health or some sorts, not even I really understand their nature, all I know about them is that 1 means caution, 2 means incoming death, 3 cercatin death and 4 you are as good as dead.

Technically, what you say about the Archcangels is true, but only works that way against corrupted beings and demons, in short evil beings, towards anything else they show calmness, peace and a warm fuzzy feeling that makes you smile.

1357570 Also if there is something I know about God, is that he may be good, he may be love, he may benevolent and whatnot, but God, all three parts of him and combined, are the very definition of Trolls, they love to troll, a lot, so you never know when or who or how or why God decides to show up in certains ways or to certain people.

For all the goodness God has, there is an equal amount of Troll power inside him

Ichigo! That's your name from now on. Also I cannot argue the point of god since that would put boss man's well being at risk, guy's too lucky.
Err... Then they might not like boss man so much. Archangel nor the shadows of death. If I indulge you for a moment. Let us say these SOD signify someone's passing may they be attracted to someone? Boss man has a long list of near death experience the first of which was before he was even out of the womb. His mom had come down with a flu a little after the six month mark, if she kept him he would lack in one of his senses, if she didn't she would have killed an amazing man. Then came the complications, boss man had a weak immune system, his skull was enclosed, born overweight. The list goes on. There is few, relevant, moments in his life that haven't had him either close to death or narrowly missing it. Every vacation abroad has someone sticking a knife in his face. He's had so many good things happen to him and a lot of hard things. But here's where it gets weird boss man's grandma had many close calls in her life, but with the birth of boss man's mom sisters birth her life gets relatively quiet. Then comes boss man's mom, she had a good life but had to go through so much bull shit and so many shitty guys, in comes boss man and his brother and it all stops then comes boss man and his worlds fuck tons of problems while his siblings are almost left alone. What's up with that?
P.S. I had to resist so hard to not use my in this paragraph. Thats my dream.

1357585 For that I cannot say anything for sure, but I believe it has something to do with the line of blood, things as talents and diseases, some other kind of problems and gifts can go down the round, for example in a family a grandma has clairvoyance or medium abilities, then she has 3 or 4 sons and none gets them, maybe just 1, the same case for the grandchildren.

That also works with "curses" or "bad luck", I think Boss man, his mom and his grandma have what I call "Death attraction" its a condition where the one with it suffer multiple, un explainable near death experiences and may actually die in one of them at a young age, but they als tend to be very perceptive, see the world with two sets of eyes, logical and impulsive, be open minded and have uncanny good luck.

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