• Member Since 14th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2021


"It's simple. We kill the Mykan." ~Johoker

More Blog Posts8

  • 505 weeks
    On the Day of Leaping's Birthday she was gifted Two Awesome Drawings~

    So Friday rolled around and just lookie what a friend decided to draw for me for my birthday.

    [9/26/2014 10:21:44 PM] Mondai Shunfunktaketsu: Happy Birthday Leaping part 1
    (Heil Leaping!)

    Happy Birthday Leaping part 2

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    2 comments · 489 views
  • 531 weeks
    *EDITED*A friend of mine drew me.

    *EDIT* I noticed that the pictures weren't working properly, I tried again though and they showed up when I clicked preview. Hopefully they'll work this time. *END EDIT*

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    1 comments · 455 views
  • 539 weeks

    Remind me to never listen to my depressing/creepy/uplifting playlist while sleep deprived on a 4 hour long plane ride home with nothing to do.
    I will end up writing a close to 2,000 word story involving technicolor ponies, an OC, and the tragic and dark tags.
    A story which eventually leads into a scene that involves the words prison and rape.

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    8 comments · 534 views
  • 545 weeks
    So I got bored....

    And I made a group for Misty Fly
    Misty Fly Fans

    I honestly love this character to death, she's just so adorable, and I couldn't help but notice she goes pretty much ignored in the fandom despite the fact that she's one of the first Wonderbolts shown in the show along with Spitfire and Soarin.

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    0 comments · 452 views
  • 548 weeks
    Who changed their banner today

    to the Sweetie Bell one to match the snow feature?

    I did. after getting annoyed that it shouldn't be snowing in my Zecora banner. I think it looks rather nice.
    kinda makes me wish it would snow over where I live.

    If there were a Snowdrop banner I think it should be this one, it's so pretty.

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Update · 11:32pm Sep 25th, 2013

Remember how I said that my laptop had to be sent back to my school for updates? yeah well apparently along said updates my school wipes the laptops' memory. No biggie, cuz I totally have everything on a flash drive and backed up to the schools LAN folders, right? I wish, it apparently slipped their minds to let us know that EVERYTHING on the LAN was also being wiped. Guess where all the stories/rough drafts were saved?
It wouldn't be that big a deal since I did save everything on a flash drive but when I went to restore all my files none of the files that were saved on the LAN reappeared. So I don't know, I'm trying to fix this problem but at the same time I don't really want to continue the story. To be honest I'm more upset over my other FF's getting erased. I'll try to see if I have enough ideas to finish it so I can just focus on my other one, but it's a stretch, I don't really like it anymore. It wasn't thought out with the sequel in mind so there's a bunch of stuff that was written in the un-uploaded chapters that would have to be rewritten. Never the less, I shall try to get something out soon.

Report Leapingriver · 468 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Yeah, something similiar happened with my Blueblood fic, where I lost an edited draft. Starting over wasn't the easiest thing in the world.

If the story isn't interesting you, then don't work further on it. Put it away from now, but certainly don't delete it. Even incomplete, it may still bring joy to others. So please don't be one of those people who wipes their account routinely.

Otherwise, I hope you can find the ideas somewhere. You might try e-mails or noting the rough drafts to someone.

1375968 yeaah. I mean even if it hadn't deleted I still would have had a hard time motivating myself to rewrite it. the thing is, I like the story, I just hate how I basically left myself nothing to work with. It was meant to be a bit of a stand alone story, but then y'know I got that idea about Ditzy and I realized it actually would fit nicely and then I realized I f'd up the time frame and random other stuff wrong with it and yeah... or maybe I'm just making this seem a lot more complicated then it really is...
I don't think I'll delete it, the thought crossed my mind but I'm like eh, it's a good 2 chapters on it's own, might as well just leave it be. I'll figure out a way to make it work somehow, like perhaps conveniently retconning a thing or two. maybe they'll be subtle enough that people wont notice. but I'm a big fan of continuity so editing written chapters could be an option as well

1376007 Just make your continuity in broad strokes. Or an alternate universe fic.

I've done that a lot, having up to three branching continuities in a given universe. It frees you up and makes you feel better.

Or just say when you start the new one, "This is loosely based on a lore I have already written. Not everything fits snuggly, but I hope you enjoy." And I am sure everyone still will.

1376105 hmmm, it's not exactly alternate universe... like the two are connected and the second refers to the first on occasion. I like that idea, knowing I can bend the rules a bit will help me feel a lot better, I'm one to think they have to live up to expectations. When I do publish the second I'll say something along those lines, it's not like I'm changing something significantly drastic so people should be able to enjoy it with ease ^^
thanks for that

you know I just realized I've never actually thought of a name for the second story about Ditzy. I always referred to the work in progress as Aftershock for some reason, not sure if it's fitting for the entire story though... what do you think?

1376191 I don't think Aftershock is a broad enough title. I will think about a possible title though and send them over, though. Float On might be good. I was going to use that for my Blueblood fic, but I don't think that'll ever be posted.

1377109 Yeah, like I said I just used it as a WIP name, since it was the story of the aftereffects of Ditzy's rape so y'know after an earthquake there're aftershocks. I might just name one of the chapters that, maybe the one where the aftereffects of her rape are presented/told. I'm not sure how I'm going to tell that part of the story, the idea I'm leaning towards is that she tells Turner, but I'm not to sure if I want to do it as a flash back or told in Ditzy's words.
aw thanks, that's really kind of you. I'll try to think of some also but as you know I'm bad at coming up with names for things. I spent an entire evening coming up with names of a characters siblings and I'm still undecided on a few. I like the sound of Float On, it's very nice and it does fit the theme of the story, but I wouldn't want to take the name of one of your stories. I mean what if you change your mind?
well it'll still be a while 'till I post a chapter since I work so out of order so *shrug* there's still time for you to decide on lending it to me. I really really appreciate the offer though.

soo... anything new? life, ideas, theories? oh random question, have you heard of that Life and Times of Winning Pony series?

1377313 I think Float On works better as a Ditzy fic. The fic I am doing is really about Blueblood, with Ditzy as a supporting characters, so I doubt very strongly I would even name the fic that, if I ever finish it off. So, anyway, you can have the title. I promise.

And no, I haven't heard of that, but I have been inching out of the fandom somewhat.

1377423 hmm good point.
Oh thank you, thank you so much.

Well it's no loss really. The only reason I asked was because its apparently a "very popular, must read, amazing character developing story" as said by many a fan. I hadn't heard of it until I mentioned Cloud Kicker being in my Ditzy story to a friend. She asked if my story was going to take place in the "Derpyverse" and gave me a quick summary of it and... yeaah I think I like my Cloud Kicker better.

Really, huh. So is it just the fandom you don't like or are you edging away from MLP too?

1377625 I didn't like Season 3 of the show. It kind of killed a lot of my interest.

With that being said though, I love my own stuff. I love my OCs, and my Blueblood, and your Ditzy (who I based my Ditzy on).

And I never liked the fandom. Only so much even a workhorse can take.

1377647 hmm, well to give it some credit it did give us good character development, sure there were moments that well... were questionable... but it was only 13 episodes. from the first two seasons take the first 13 and I bet you that there are episodes you liked, loved, and downright despised. making season 3's overall weakness a bit more understandable. I'm not defending it per say, there were episodes I didn't like, but it only had 13 episodes to cram a whole 26 episode season's worth of character development. So I tend to cut it some slack.

yeah, our own creations are the ones we love the most. hehe your Blueblood, one of the only Blueblood's with actual personality in this whole fandom. I love my Ditzy as well. hehe whenever I read a Ditzy story now and she does something I would't make her do my mind has a total wtf moment until I remember that my headcanon doesn't apply

well that's interesting. I don't have a clear cut opinion on the fandom, I get really easily annoyed with fans who rage at something in the show when all they have to do is think for like 30 seconds or get all dramatic when something that the fans created is jossed by the canon of the show. but, I just love some of the art they can create, some of them are truly magnificent pieces.

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