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    Hello! I don't post much, but I've made a discovery, and I would like the input of the wonderful people who take the time to visit my page.

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[no title] · 3:18am Oct 16th, 2013

Hello! I don't post much, but I've made a discovery, and I would like the input of the wonderful people who take the time to visit my page.

Long ago when I was first introduced to fimfiction, there was a feature called tracking allowing anyone with an account to, as you can guess, track a story. I used this feature quite liberally, as my style of story collection is to note stories with interesting prompts, then read them once the author has declared them complete. Then an update came along as essentially rolled tracking into favorites, and created the Read Later function. The problem found itself in that read later would only let me make note of a story, but with favorites I could sort stories based on genre, completion, word count, etc.

So this was fine and dandy, all things considered. Yes, I would feel small pangs of guilt when people commented on my page thanking me for reading their fic, but I felt it a necessary evil compared to doing unnecessary amounts of digging every time I wanted to read a fic. And while favorites were used to track stories, Read Later was used for stories I had either accidentally hit the like button on, Fics I had started reading and stopped (for whatever reason), or things I felt I needed to read sooner rather than later(especially sequels and associated fics).

So here's the conundrum. After demonstrating Fimfiction to a friend of mine just starting to get into fanfiction, I made the discovery that, Gasp, I can now sort Read Later. I now find myself at a oddly moral crossroad. do I A) go on as I have been with the system I have used, continuing to deceive authors into thinking I have read their fics or B) Spend long, arduous hours transferring all my noted fics From Favorites into Read Later and retraining myself on how I track stories.

So in a sense I leave the vote to you. Most likely if you are seeing this you are an author about to give me thanks for favoring your fic, and you are then definitely who I'm reaching out to here. Leave a comment, send me a message, whatever, tell me what you think about this. As it is, I will continue as I have been and assume its not enough of a bother to anyone, but if enough people contact me I will consider changing my ways.

With much appreciation for all the good fics,

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