• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen March 23rd


Haven't been on since about 2014. Nearly 10 years have passed, and I'm back here. What a time.

More Blog Posts155

  • 441 weeks
    Not Again

    Another accident?


    Oh no. Magically?


    No. No, this will not stand. I will not allow this again.


    I know what happened to the last human, Shining Armor. I know full well, better than you.


    I have this under control. It's not like they have much more than their bodies to fight back with. We have the upper hoof.

    0 comments · 486 views
  • 446 weeks
    I May Not

    I may not reach the deadline I set of 12/20/15 for the release of the sequel to MPWFoE. And I apologize.
    I may not be releasing the updated Delicacy as I'd wanted to.
    I may not be surprising many of you if you know me and have followed me for a while.
    I may not be making much sense, and I may not be very relevant or important right now.

    I may not be writing what I said I'd write.

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    0 comments · 302 views
  • 454 weeks
    A Hundred Followers And More

    Well would you look at that.
    And I didn't even try for the last one.
    Feels somehow unrewarding for getting a follower randomly, but hey. I'm not knockin' ya.

    So anyway, it's been a while. Comparatively, been a while. Like... since my last blog post, not since...

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    1 comments · 394 views
  • 458 weeks

    Why this?
    Why that?
    Why then?
    Why them?
    Why? Just... why?

    Let me answer your questions.

    Why this?
    A 'Money Problems With Flavors of Eggnog' sequel. Why this?

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    0 comments · 359 views
  • 461 weeks
    Pumped Up

    I opened the bathroom door and turned on the sink water, ready to dip my hoof down to catch some and splash it onto my face when I heard a quick shout and a shuffle from the bathtub that shocked me out of my thoughts.

    "Pound, jeez, knock at least!" Pumpkin settled into a position facing away from me, and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

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    1 comments · 432 views

Thinking About Changing My.. What?! · 4:46am Oct 19th, 2013

The name of my OC.

Now, it's probably not uncommon, but I feel that "Sorin Kanire" really doesn't mean anything in the pony world. Also, considering his cutie mark is a sound wave, it would make sense with my new name choice. Just kinda need help with the last name.

The first name is Voice.

The second name, I want a word that at least relatively means "support" or "carrier" or something along those meanings.
I'm really not very good with names, but, I'm sorry, Sorin really isn't doing it anymore. Especially "Kanire". What? What even is that?

So, first name "Voice", and I haven't decided on a last name, if it's even 100% needed.
Some kinda word meaning something similar or matching "Support" or "Carrier" or "Strength" in some way.

If anyone could help me out, I'd appreciate it.

Also, I'm kinda looking for someone that would be willing to help me write Pinkie, RD and possibly another of the mane6 in a little story of mine. It'd be much appreciated. ((The scene is a Truth or Dare / Spin the Bottle situation.))

((Insert Incomprehensible Babbling Here.)) - Me For Now.

Report Kalreas · 71 views ·
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