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    Rule 34 update coming soon...

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    Rule 34 Updates resuming June 2016

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    MLP Rule 34 Update: February 2016 / Porkyman 20th Anniversary

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    MLP Rule 34 Update: January 2016 / Zootopia

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Alicorns in Embryo · 5:35pm Oct 19th, 2013

I was originally just going to add this to the IDW MLP Comics group thread, but the message was so important, I felt it was deserving of its own blog post.

Andy Price is an illustrator on the MLP comics, which are produced by IDW. If you haven't read them yet, do so. Seriously. They're awesome.

Recently, Price received some flack from bronies after it was announced that alicorn Twilight would be included in future comics.

Many anti-Twilacorn bronies took the time to write Price and voice their displeasure. This was not a proud moment for me as a brony.

Being a creative person comes with its own set of challenges. I'm not suggesting that we shield creative people from criticism. All feedback, including negative comments, helps us to grow. I don't begrudge the fans writing Price and voicing their concerns, but I fear that many of those who wrote negative comments did so without the proper levels of restraint or maturity.

Price responded to the feedback on his DeviantArt page.

Regarding alicorn Twilight, while I think her first appearance was rushed, I'm not upset that it happened. Having Twilight be given more power and responsibility through her study and efforts really resonated with me on a personal level. While I may have a long way to go on my spiritual journey, it is my firm conviction that we are all children of God and as such, we can grow to be like God. I view humans as gods in embryo. Each of us have the seeds of godhood within us; the power to create worlds. Twilight becoming an alicorn like Celestia mirrors my own beliefs on our relationship with God.

Wow. This little blog post got surprisingly deep. It suffices to say that it's impossible to learn everything there is to know about our existence while we're alive. Just remember that every life is precious. Study and learn with the understanding that those who apply themselves will rise to great heights.

And as long as we're on the subject, what are your thoughts on alicorn Fluttershy?

Report Bronystories · 1,224 views ·
Comments ( 35 )

That Rarijack going on in the second comic cover, any idea on where I can get the comics?

I tend to order mine online. You can also download digital versions of the comics through iTunes. Other than that, I'd suggest seeking out your local comic shop.

You would think a couple of months after the finale people would learn to accept her ascension. I don't particularly think it was the best decision for the show, but I trust them enough from making quality episodes to know they won't run it into the ground.

As for the comics, it was bound to happen eventually. You can't make a major change like that to the story line and expect it to not crossover into the smaller outlets. It really ends up being the same with the show; I've enjoyed the comics and trust them to keep up the quality even with the changes. I'm not sure why everyone is so up in arms about it.

Regarding the last comic cover:
"Fluttershy, what do you plan to do with that octopus?":rainbowhuh:
"Have you ever heard of 'The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife' before?":yay:

The only problem I have with alicorn Twilight is Celestia never asked Twilight if she wanted to be a princess. Twilight... never asked for this.

Also, that second comic cover has killed my Sparity boner. :raritydespair:

Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them. Of whom by no means few have served to glorify the name of Equestria's green and pleasant land.

But there is one who's claim to fame by mention of her very name all other claims doth put to shame. So if you would hear of untold glory, then gather 'round and listen to my story.

Twilight Sparkle! Twilight Sparkle! Twilight Sparkle! Yes! Twilight Sparkle! (Whistles)

1434515 Fluttershy semi-confirmed for genki?

And some are born through the wrong hole and we call them assholes


we call them assholes

Please! We prefer to be called "butt babies."

1435103 Rarity is completely okay with this... :raritystarry:

I never got the alicorn hate in the first place; it always made sense as a way to develop Twilight as a character. I also thought they'd save it for the season finale, ut hey, they've done well so far so I'll keep watching.

I'm not proud to see the Brony community act like this. I'll agree that I didn't like Twilight's 'ascension' but that was more of how it was handled. Very rushed. Since I've yet to see what is the outcome of this aside from new wings and a terrible coronation dress, I can't make too many judgements yet. Additionally, you think we'd have learned after Equestria Girls not to rush to conclusions so quickly. I believe the bronies agreed that Equestria girls didn't suck. Besides, the comics are great. that amount of fanservice and wonderful stories should be commended. All in all, I agree with Price's rebuttal, and think he handled it sternly, but effectively.

You never cease to surprise me, Bronystories. I didn't expect a guy like you to be so spiritual.

On the topic of Twilicorn, I've hated it right from the start. I'll continue to hate it for as long as everyone working on the show tries too hard to sell the idea. Let me explain.

This is going to be the most obvious point, so I'll just get it out of the way first. We all knew it was going to happen. We knew there was going to be an end goal for Twilight, and we kind of had a feeling that she'd become a Princess herself.


It was done in the most ridiculous fashion possible. Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn is a big deal. Therefore, it should have had more oomph to it than it received. We had a two-parter for a fucking wedding, but we couldn't have a two-parter for an ascension? That makes no sense.

The episode itself was rushed and rife with musical numbers that slowed the pacing of the episode down to a crawl. If you removed the songs, the episode would have likely been around five to six minutes long. The only song it honestly needed, in my opinion, is Celestia's song since she never got one until now and it's easily one of my favorites.

By the way, what was it exactly that gave Twilight her alicorn status? Fixing a mistake she herself made? She did that on average at least once a season, but this one was a real whopper -- changing the destiny, yet not the talents, of other ponies? And she discovered the cure to this particular affliction, which implies there wasn't one before. This has all sorts of nasty implications all in itself.

But this is veering a little off-track, isn't it? It's sounding more and more as if my beef with Twilicorn lies more in Magical Mystery Cure than with Twilicorn herself.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's because it's true.

I could say Twilicorn needed buildup -- to which you'd say there was already plenty of buildup -- to which I'd say name examples -- to which you'd name examples -- to which I'd counter -- to which you'd counter. And so on and so on.

But it all falls back on that one episode. Every problem regarding Twilicorn stems from Magical Mystery Cure. The reason people hate Twilicorn is because Magical Mystery Cure was almost completely botched start to finish.

Wait, does that say: "From: EROTIC PETS"? :rainbowderp:

Wow, Bronystories, were we cut from the same cloth or something? I felt the same way about Twilacorn: thought it would be a great opportunity for the show, but my god that episode is the epitome of bad writing, and anyone who says that episode was "outstanding" or even "good" is living in denial, a la Digibrony.

Not much of a praying man, sad to say. But it's good that you have a spiritual center, man. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody, then what's wrong with a little faith? Oh, wait Bill Nye says it's "destroying" the human race's future. Jeez... :facehoof:

"Our knowledge has made a cynical, our intelligence hard and unkind," -Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator, summing up our world in a nutshell.

And yes, unlike other people who've just seen that one scene, I saw the whole movie. Bam!


As long as it doesn't hurt anybody, then what's wrong with a little faith? Oh, wait Bill Nye says it's "destroying" the human race's future.

That "science guy" is overrated.:raritywink:
Personally, I was always preferred watching Beakman's World.:pinkiehappy:

No. It's 'Exotic Pets'... with a triple 'X'.:raritywink:
(EXXXotic Pets. If that's not the title for a clopfic, then I don't know what is!)

I used to hate Twilicorn. As of right now though, I don't mind her. Just so long as she doesn't become god. If they can keep her true to Twilight Sparkle, then it's all right with me what they did.

I never hated Twilicorn and I don't hate Fluttercorn either.
they've done everything right so far, even when I didn't think it could be done right.
It's a show about colorful marshmallowy cartoon ponies and the fact they have made it into something I like says something.

Sure enough some things fell short like Discord's reform but I'm guessing they're going to go back to that later on, sounds kinda dumb to expect all of that to go down in twenty-two minutes anyways. All I can do is have faith and that's what I'm going to do.

Who let Fluttershy release the baby Kraken?

Fluttercorn? Oh god, seriously? Please tell me this isn't happening in the show.

Beyond that, the truly insulting thing was people messaging to declare that the book was poor because it contradicted popular or personal fan fictions.


~Have a good one.

Dunno what the funeral comment is directed towards tbh... considering it's cannon Twi won't live longer despite her being an alicorn now.

1435582 Appears entertaining, but nothing can compete with the epic "BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!" in his theme song. :twilightsmile:

Why is nobody saying anything about Larson's tweet?! That was... gaahhhh *spasms*

I hated alicorn Twilight because I felt that it came out of nowhere and was handled poorly in a sloppy, rushed season finale that made no sense. Even during the height of my opposition though I never went so far as to actually send hate mail to anyone because I honestly have much better things to do and it is not going to accomplish anything. I did become neutral though after seeing Equestria Girls which while not perfect did turn out better than I expected. I still have lingering concerns and doubts but feel much better about the whole thing.

One good thing that came out of it was it did in its own strange way remind me of what I like about Twilight Sparkle. Much of my opposition stemmed from the fact that it released my inner protective fanboy which beforehand only came into play with Applejack, I soon realized that I like Twilight Sparkle just as much as I like Applejack which is quite a bit.

For it being introduced in the comics, the comics have even more creative freedom than the show itself does so I have no doubt that it will be handled properly there.

I like you, Bronystories, but one more nay-say about Bill and you get one of my size eleven combat boots up your butt.

...I'm kidding, of course. :twilightsmile: I'm amazed to find someone else who thinks of humans as gods in embryo. And thanks for the inspiration to get over my embarrassment and actually go buy the comics!

I have often wondered about your particular... 'spiritual tradition' as it were. You and I are very distinct, in many ways. Mostly because I'm shocked that someone with a God-idealism can craft worlds based on the horrors of libertinism. I thought it encouraged moreal growth rather than horror. But I'm an agnostic atheist and most spiritualism is alien to me. So, another thing I need to understand.

I had Twilight abdicate because it was not her ideal, and there was a choice available. She didn't want to be a virtual goddess, she wanted to play D&D with her girlfriend and fight other academics for grant money while spending hours in the archives of a library inhaling the cool, dusty, musty and heady scent of old books. As you can imagine, I spent a LOT of time at the university library.:pinkiesmile:

I have no horse in the race, really. And I leave personal spiritual thoughts out of my writing because the universe has a distinct spiritualism that depends on definition, from atheism-by-godly-death-or-phase-change, to polytheism, henotheism, misotheism-and-dystheism. So... if anythhing I say is wrong or offensive I don't mean it to be.

I'm certainly not angry that alicorn Twi is around:duck:. I will admit though that at a deeper level it bothers me. I disagree with the thought that she earned her status:twilightoops:. She was born gifted and was in a family wealthy enough to get her into a prestigious schools exam ( Cant really argue her family doesn't have major connections if they have a princess baby sitting their daughter). Would Twilight have become an alicorn if if weren't for being a naturally powerful unicorn? I doubt it:unsuresweetie:. The moral I carried away from her ascension was that unicorns are a master race (magic is the most powerful and important thing in the show, how many threats/heroes dont either have or in some way rely on magic. re: elements of harmoy) and good deeds will never get you as far as connections.:fluttershysad:

On a side note I thought the moral of the show was how anything can be done or overcome with friendship and working together:scootangel:. Now the moral is make sure you're the leader of your group of friends so you can get the credit and godhood?:rainbowderp: They were the elements of harmony not the elements of support Twilight.:trollestia:

I would love alicorn Fluttershy because it would take the 'ickyness' that leads to so many of my complaints and throw them out the window. Having the 'lesser' ponies rise up like that gives a much healthier message about earning your place and reaching higher than you thought possible. :yay:Twilight was already privileged so her becoming a princess felt more like the son of a CEO inheriting a company to me.:ajbemused:

I would like to reiterate that despite my many dislikes of how it was handled and the undertones I feel it carries, I still love the show and think there will be plenty of fun things to see happen in the future regardless of whether it had a poor start.:raritystarry: So until season 4/alicorn Twi comics come out I will just have to hope they make a better message out of what they have.:twilightsmile:


I like Applejack which is quite a bit

Ya, I'm a huge fan of some of the background ponies too.:scootangel:


There's a Deus Ex joke in there somewhere...

The twilicorn thing, huh? The episode never really did much for me since it seemed really rushed and the conclusion was sorta out-of-nowhere for me. Could've been done better, maybe as a 2-parter. Although making it a musical was a smart idea to me, since song is a an effective way to convey(?) alot of meaning and emotion in a limited amount of time. I could follow and relate to what was going on, but still didn't think Twilight's acsention was forshadowed well enough.

Interesting analogy, that god in the embryo thing. Though if I were ever to say something like that it would probably be metaphor for our progress as an intelligence. However, I can't honestly say that I think of faith as a good thing. But I tend to tolerate things that I consider dangerous so long as they remain benign.
I think that the "destroying the race's future" thing may be in reference to that one Big think episode where Nye calls teaching creationism as a science to children abuse. And I can agree with that, since indroctrinating chidren to believe in dogma that's contrary to reality can damage their ability to logically and realistcally adress issues later in life.
As far as "faith" destroying our future goes, I think it's fair to say that his sentiments are more aimed at organized religion itself. Faith is just a quality people have that those with nefarious intentions take advantage of as means to influence people to their own ends.

"that one quote from the Great Dictator"

A rebutal To us being cynical because of our knowledge http://youtu.be/9Cd36WJ79z4

A rebutal to our intelligence making us hard and unkind

Peronally, I'd trust people with a background in ethics, anthropology, physice and history to tell me what maniknd has become and what it's capable of. Some silent-film comdian whom people only remember as the guy with the funny mustache is hardly qualified on the matter, I think.

Now that you mention it, I could go for a cookie.

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