• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2014

Star Twinkle


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  • 556 weeks
    Star: A Forgotten Tale

    For 1000 years, everypony still believed, it seems. But for the last 9 years, she had a friend. A friend that connected with her. And loved her. They loved each other..... like... sisters. But I am afraid that they have been separated for 2 years. What have I done? Why have I done this to her? Not only I send MY sister away... but I send her away, too?

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Star: A Forgotten Tale · 7:47am Nov 3rd, 2013

For 1000 years, everypony still believed, it seems. But for the last 9 years, she had a friend. A friend that connected with her. And loved her. They loved each other..... like... sisters. But I am afraid that they have been separated for 2 years. What have I done? Why have I done this to her? Not only I send MY sister away... but I send her away, too?
I have indeed been cruel, and selfish, for I, am the foolish one.... But what she said.... gave me nightmares... even today, I fear of her crushing words...

'A thousand years, how cold, Tia'

I just don't understand. She didn't make me feel bad, but she has scared me. Frightening would be of a word too weak, if I remember correctly. I need to fix her.... bring her back... Perhaps, but I'm too..... too.....
I cannot handle such monster... No... It would be unwise to have her and my sister reunite just yet. Never Discord... Somepony... who can be trusted, and can protect themself if I am unable to partake.....
Why how foolish am I?

Celestia looked around cautiously to see if anypony hss seen her talking to herself. "Princesses of sun and moon, thank goodness..." she breathed. It would have been quite embarrasing if one of the guards were to spread rumors.... again.
Then, a slight buzz came from the princess's horn, leaving a scroll in front of her. She looked to the right, where a table stood. On the table was a nearly empty beverage of apple cider, and a quill, the buzz was ever so slightly louder as she drifted the quill towards the paper.

'Dear Twilight Sparkle,
Come to the castle immediately, tomorrow. There is no need for packing, and with great respect, do not bring any company tomorrow, for this is your job, alone. This is urgent, so come as soon as you can.

-to be continued-

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