• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

More Blog Posts94

  • 283 weeks
    Essay for my novel. (Sorry it's not MLP related)

    Hello guys,

    It has been a while.

    So I stated in my last blog post quite some time ago,

    I have been focusing on my own novel Project. After months of World Building, I'm now beginning to write some actual novelization content. Both as practice essay and as a mean to introduce some elements of the world I created as well as a testing how those elements hold together.

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    10 comments · 1,198 views
  • 314 weeks
    It's time to put everything on hiatus.

    To anyone still following those blogs,

    First of all, I'd like to thank you a whole lot for your support throughout the my active years on this website.

    Secondly, I'll address the big elephant in the room : I have failed in my plans of keeping up working on my fanfics.
    For some reasons, I can't manage to write about the next updates for GTVS, Scratchin' Thieves or Apple Scratch Saga.

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    13 comments · 1,319 views
  • 357 weeks
    Questions you might want to ask me and The GTVS Comic pages.

    Hello there old friends,

    It is I, Mariacheat-Brony and I'm writing to you answer the questions you all might have about what has been going on with my writing for. That is a blog post that is extremely long overdue to be perfectly honest.

    Have I left the MLP Fandom?
    I still am into MLP, but I'm nowhere near invested in the show as I was back to my beginning.

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    13 comments · 1,356 views
  • 411 weeks
    First stream tonight (this afternoon) on The Apple Scratch World Building.

    Hey guys,

    How are you all doing? Well, I hope.

    Anyhow, it's just a quick announcement that I'll be doing my first attempts at creative writing streams in a couple of hours.

    Subject : Brainstorming about the Apple Scratch Verse : Other Countries, others races, world building, Map of equestria Completion... etc

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  • 422 weeks
    Possible Creative Writing Streams with Mariacheat?

    As you might know, I've had the chance to co-hosts some of Kare's steams related to GTVS and its comic. I've taken a liking of those co-hosts (reminds me of my short time as a youtuber), but sadly I can't draw really good so I doubt that I could host some streams without Kare there to draw. (

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    1 comments · 541 views

Pinkie! What does your scouter says about my views counter? · 7:25am Nov 4th, 2013

:pinkiesick: I'm not doing that!


Because it's been done too many times! Even I can see that's been long overdone! And I'm still going trick or treating at age of.....What's my age again?

Depends... Which story you're referring to?


A year younger than Fluttershy... That's all we know from Hasbro.

Huh.... They could be more specific about that.... I don't even know if I'm a late teenager or an adult with the peter pan complex....

*Shrug*Can't really answer that question, Pinks.... Anyway, I'll just get on with the other part of the blog... Seeya!

BYE! Have fun in London! :pinkiehappy:

So, Like Pinkie implied, I'm going on a short trip to London with my work group from UNI tomorrow morning. Should be back saturday morning at worse.

That means that there won't be any update before then. I'll take my laptop with me to finally work on them while I'm gone, but I can't be sure I'll have time to do so efficiently.... (as I didn't start on them since Halloween update for GTVS.. Had quite a bit of work to do for the trip in question.)

So, planning for the next update is....

1) Finishing the Apple Scratch Rewrite (still three chapters or so left)
2) A Lieutenant Cloud Kicker's chapter : When Cloud arrives in the Guard training camp!
3) Onward to the Equestria Games update : The aftermath of Celestia's idea (most likely ^^)
4) Scratching Thieves: or in which the Japanese triplets try to score with Jack....all three together...(At least that's what Josh wants.... :raritywink:
5) GTVS: the aftermath of a make out session between a lady Vampire and a Werewolf with sick curves :p

That planning might be interrupted by the special reward for the followers (when I reach 250 followers)... I still need ideas for that by the way ^^

Anyway that's it for today!

Seeya again tonight, and if not Seeya at the end of the week!


:fluttershysad: Hummm... Pinkie asked me to do this, so, if you don't mind...

.....it's over ten thousands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



PS: Thanks to Cyber-Flash for the new avatar ^^

Report Mariacheat-Brony · 227 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Don't you mean over 9000? :rainbowlaugh:

But nice work, you're doing well! :pinkiehappy::ajsmug::yay::twilightsmile::raritywink:

I like the Fluttershy part in the end :derpytongue2:


5) GTVS: the aftermath of a make out session between a lady Vampire and a Werewolf with sick curves :p

I like this part of that sentence xD

Yay! Hope you have fun in London buddy! :pinkiehappy:

2) A Lieutenant Cloud Kicker's chapter : When Cloud arrives in the Guard training camp!
4) Scratching Thieves: or in which the Japanese triplets try to score with Jack....all three together...(At least that's what Josh wants.... :raritywink:
5) GTVS: the aftermath of a make out session between a lady Vampire and a Werewolf with sick curves :p

All of my yes.
Even more also:

5) GTVS: the aftermath of a make out session between a lady Vampire and a Werewolf with sick curves :p


Oh hey, a feature. Thank you :twilightblush: . Glad you like the thing I made. Also, congrats on the followers!

Oooh, can't wait for saturday! *g* or Sunday... it depends on the time.
Different timezone and so on. :D

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