• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

More Blog Posts94

  • 284 weeks
    Essay for my novel. (Sorry it's not MLP related)

    Hello guys,

    It has been a while.

    So I stated in my last blog post quite some time ago,

    I have been focusing on my own novel Project. After months of World Building, I'm now beginning to write some actual novelization content. Both as practice essay and as a mean to introduce some elements of the world I created as well as a testing how those elements hold together.

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  • 314 weeks
    It's time to put everything on hiatus.

    To anyone still following those blogs,

    First of all, I'd like to thank you a whole lot for your support throughout the my active years on this website.

    Secondly, I'll address the big elephant in the room : I have failed in my plans of keeping up working on my fanfics.
    For some reasons, I can't manage to write about the next updates for GTVS, Scratchin' Thieves or Apple Scratch Saga.

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  • 357 weeks
    Questions you might want to ask me and The GTVS Comic pages.

    Hello there old friends,

    It is I, Mariacheat-Brony and I'm writing to you answer the questions you all might have about what has been going on with my writing for. That is a blog post that is extremely long overdue to be perfectly honest.

    Have I left the MLP Fandom?
    I still am into MLP, but I'm nowhere near invested in the show as I was back to my beginning.

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  • 411 weeks
    First stream tonight (this afternoon) on The Apple Scratch World Building.

    Hey guys,

    How are you all doing? Well, I hope.

    Anyhow, it's just a quick announcement that I'll be doing my first attempts at creative writing streams in a couple of hours.

    Subject : Brainstorming about the Apple Scratch Verse : Other Countries, others races, world building, Map of equestria Completion... etc

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  • 422 weeks
    Possible Creative Writing Streams with Mariacheat?

    As you might know, I've had the chance to co-hosts some of Kare's steams related to GTVS and its comic. I've taken a liking of those co-hosts (reminds me of my short time as a youtuber), but sadly I can't draw really good so I doubt that I could host some streams without Kare there to draw. (

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I'm back from London!!! · 2:51pm Nov 9th, 2013

After rather stressful days in London, I'm finally back in the warm, comforting embrace of my belgian home.

It was great, got to see a few things, even brought back a companion with me.

(excuse her bad mane, the train ride was dreadful for it) (I'm a bit pissed because they didn't have Vinyl or Octavia at the shop :fluttercry: )
I'm a step closer to the complete brony ! I got a plushie, now I need a T-shirt or two...(and an Octa-Scratch pair of plushies...) and I'm good to go!!!

Anyway, I couldn't really get much work done on my chapters while I was London, much to my deep annoyance, so You'll have to wait a bit for an update...

On another note,


You guys just rocks! thanks to all of you for sticking up with me for, I hope, the best :)

Now, I said it before! One does not simply not celebrate a quarter thousand ^^
What would you like to see as a special fan service?


Report Mariacheat-Brony · 199 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

How did you like it in England? :twilightsmile:
And how does "more OctaScratch romance and OctaScratch sexy times" sound for a 250 celebration?

Hurray! :derpytongue2:

On another note... I'm considering getting a Commission from BillieW for a certain character that may or may not make an appearance in one of your stories. :raritywink:

England was cool... People on the street are sure more polite on the street than in Belgium:rainbowderp:
Though the weather was bit annoying as I basically walked everywhere I needed to go:twilightsheepish:

Maybe the epilogue you were expecting for Thief Charming?:ajsmug:

You're OC with ice magic right? :twilightsmile: Might be a good idea... She may, or may not be in the next Cloud Kicker's story update :raritywink:


Maybe the epilogue you were expecting for Thief Charming?

Yes please. Also, a Mature sidefic to GTVS. :pinkiehappy:
And no drama in GTVS. :ajbemused:
(All right, that's just too much to ask...)

And one thing: in Belgium, people may walk on the streets. The Brits walk in the streets. :ajsmug:

Ssssh! Don't spoil it! D:

hope you had a good time :)

and ...octascratch plz ?! :twilightsmile:

I had a great time, thanks:twilightsmile:
It will probably be something like that:twilightsmile:

On the other hand, why don't you check my AppleScratch series? (despite the name it has Octa-Scratch in it:raritywink:) Or Thief Charming:pinkiehappy:
Ok I'm done with shameless self promotion :rainbowwild:

HMM... I want you... to write my STP: TwiPie <3
And a full story with it, like GTVS and AppleScratch :3

1494293 its does ?! why didnt you tell me ?! as a hard core octascratcher i must read this !

and yay !!!! i never hav enough of those two XD

I thought it was known :twilightsheepish:...
Anyway, the romance git begins in Summer at the farm, but They meet in Apple Scratch toward the world which is currently in rewriting (I can give you a link to the first, missing chapters when you get there :raritywink:)

Continue GTVS, that's all I need.

How about some fucking updates?:ajbemused: Yeah, I like that.

Congrats though, bro. Hope you had fun.

Yay, you're back! I hope your trip was fun and cool, but I can see that it was fruitful. I like your plushie. :pinkiesmile:
For the celebration, the first thing that comes to mind would be a commissioned art piece. But, the cost is a bit much for this, so maybe a oneshot of popular request? I dunno. Edit: Maybe some more Scratchin' Thieves?
All in all, it's good to see you back buddy. :twilightsmile:

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