• Member Since 14th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2017

Another Army Brony

One of the few Bronies in the Army, I decided to try my hand at writing down my ideas. It's been over 4 years now, and I found that I enjoy this.

More Blog Posts49

  • 337 weeks
    About my absence

    I've been around for a bit. I've seen some things, done some things, and I've got my fair share of regrets.

    I have enjoyed writing as an outlet, to get these feelings out of my head and onto a page so that I can inflict share them with you.

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    3 comments · 534 views
  • 405 weeks
    Updates for The Elder God story

    Hey, so I've been inspired recently to revisit this story, and so have made a few changes to the story as you know it (or don't).

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    0 comments · 380 views
  • 494 weeks
    It's been a long time since I've been around. Let me explain why.

    Short version: Divorce.

    Longer version: I'm getting a divorce.

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    5 comments · 623 views
  • 520 weeks
    Well. Progress has been made.

    So, after receiving some encouraging news about how I failed to make my writing suck (I know, it surprised me too), I've been smacked upside the head by my muse and dragged to my computer.

    So, yay.

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    2 comments · 558 views
  • 520 weeks
    Well, you see... what had happened was...

    I've hit a bit of a snag with the writing.

    Actually, this is a bit of an understatement.

    I've slammed into the concrete barricade of writer's block at about 350 miles per hour.

    Yeah, that sounds better.

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    4 comments · 451 views

Today, I attend a funeral. · 5:14pm Nov 20th, 2013

Today, I have the grim task of acting as an usher to a funeral. The funeral is for none other than our Command Sergeant Major, the senior enlisted in our entire squadron. Yesterday, at the rehearsal, I almost lost it. When Taps sounded, followed by the 21 gun salute, it tore at something in me. This man was a leader, a mentor, a father, a husband, and a grandfather. We was a friend and an inspiration. Today, we mourn his passing.

His life was ended by his own hand.

Let that sink in.

One of the most successful and well respected people I have ever had the pleasure to meet took his own life.

Today, I will stand by for four hours and watch as his family grieves. I will see first hand the depth of their loss.

Once more, I implore you. I am on my hands and knees, begging you with tears in my eyes. If you ever feel that there is nothing left for you, that you have no friends, talk to me. Reach out to someone. All I want is to spare families from the pain I know this causes. My personal email is DCAMPBELL4410@Gmail.com.

Email me. Reach out, ask for help. Share this to all of your friends, and encourage them to do the same. Please, I beg you, never rob the world of your light. This senseless act tears apart family and causes nothing but pain and misery.


Ask for help.

Six hours later, I am at a loss. I was the usher front and center of the congregation, nearest the altar, and directly beside the family. I cannot describe the anguish as the service went on. Standing beside them, it was all I could to do keep my composure. His mother kept asking God "why". I watched a fully grown man openly weep as he remembered his friend.

One after another, his peers stepped forward and saluted the soldier's cross, reverently touching his dog tags or his boots, before leaving a token to his memory.

After his peers, his family approached. I watched their tears fall upon the altar, heard his mother's lamentations, and watched as his wife, blinking away tears, straightened and ordered the mementos at the base of the cross.

Their suffering was absolute. Moreover, it was needless. And so as I tell you this, I again ask you... please, seek help if you need it.

Hell, I don't care if you're certain nobody loves you, or even if you just feel a little bit lonely. Whether your problem seems like the end of the world or you just want someone to talk to, you can always talk to me. I will be your friend and confidant, and I will offer what little wisdom I have at my disposal.

If nothing else, you've got me. Please, I beg you, don't put another family through this. Please, do it for me.

Report Another Army Brony · 473 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

It nice that you're so willing to help people in need, that's why I'm a member of "Thinking of Suicide? Talk With Us" I don't want to see that happen to people :fluttercry: And I'm sorry for your loss, though I've never met the man myself. Hang on in there :pinkiesad2:

Comment posted by markoatonc deleted Nov 20th, 2013


I had three major depression attacks, all of which my family ignored, (Another teen is trying to get attention, nothing to worry about... Ehhhh.....)

I started to cut and burn myself. (I still have tendency co cause pain to myself when I feel down) And was thinking about doing more to myself. It was not suicide thoughts, not yet, but it was dangerously near.

Bronies helped my all three times, I never had friends before joining this fandom. They talked to me, some had similar problems, some had worse. It helped a lot. I am not cured, I would need psychiatrist or psychologist for that, but I do not trust them. But I can live, and know that there are people I can talk to, that can help me.

So I sign myself under his words,talk to someone. Even those you don't know. They may be your future friends. I am not good person for this, I am really good to talk to when In real life, But at distance I suck. So try talk with him, try talk to others in this site.

There is true power in those ponies, and their magic of


I... Words are failing me. I am truly sorry for your loss and somehow, I felt it too.

Listen, I am kinda chocked up right now... and feelings to brain to words are not working at all, but if you would listen and give your two bits worth, I am struggling right now. If you would listen, I will pm you the details after work.

It took 30 minutes to write that.

Sorry for your loss, Battle. Suicide is always senseless, but it's worse than a combat death because even if you barely knew the person, you can't help but think, "What could I have done to save him?"

i happen to feel invisible, happen to feel that i have to act as someone i'm not just to get noticed. i am sad, but i am not suicidal. i just feel lost.

I know there is something to live for.

You just have to wait and find it. i am waiting.

I guess that's why i like MLP so much.

First, I want to say I'm sorry for your loss. It is always difficult to see this happen to a brother in arms. While I, thankfully, haven't had someone I know do this, I have seen first hand what happens to families and the entire base community as my base had two last year, one of which being two doors down from my dorm room. I didn't know the guy but now I wish I did, maybe I could've helped prevent it.

You're doing the right thing by offering to help anyone, I thank you for your efforts in that.

First, I've updated the story.

He was an inspiration and an example of what a leader should be. The army is a worse for his loss.

Friendship is the most powerful weapon we can wield. It can save lives, really and truly.

I am here for you. You can PM me or email me directly, whichever you prefer. You are not alone, my friend.

That's exactly it. The "what if" is the worst.

You are not invisible. I see you, and I hear you. I will be here for you, as a friend, if you ever feel like just chatting sometime. Never underestimate the power of a good conversation to brighten your mood.

Sometimes, the least you can do is the most you can do. I know it's just words on a page, but I mean each one. I... I just don't want anybody to suffer like this again.

I... I'm at a bit of a loss for words on this one. I'm deeply sorry for yours and his family's loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family tonight. He sounds like he was a great man, and he will no doubt be missed...

And I can sympathize with what you are going through, having been friends with a family who experienced a similar loss... All I can really say is that I am so incredibly sorry to hear what happened... I know you and I have only interacted a handful of times and I can barely fathom what it must be like for you and others who were so close to him, but if there is ever anything I can do to help, I'd certainly do my best to do so...

Really, words pale to insignificance in the light of this tragedy. Your offer of help is appreciated, and I will take you up on it if I ever need to. Thank you.

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