• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2022

Dash Attack

Aspiring film editor. When I write I shoot for awesome and nothing less. Anti-censorship and pro free-speech.

More Blog Posts461

  • 96 weeks
    A Canterlot Wedding 10 Year Anniversary

    I said in my last blog I might make some classic brony content, and I did!!! I've been experimenting with shorts lately. Out side of my nerd opinion rants and video essays I find the shorts a good way to making AMV style content without getting copyright flagged and Youtube even lets you sample certain sounds from other videos and artist but only for 15, seconds. One of the Naruto music shorts I

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  • 112 weeks
    I'm now a committed YouTuber

    I was thinking about blogging about it for a while. I do apologies for never finishing any of the many stories I wrote. I just lost my spark and my drive after collage and struggled to motivate myself. But now I'm doing gaming and pop culture commentary on YouTube, trying to get monetized so I don't have to work at Home Depo anymore. I'm doing interviewers, reviewing that poorly written Halo

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    3 comments · 290 views
  • 245 weeks
    Inspiration has hit! Teaser for a new project

    Those who lose their humanity shall be slay by their comrades.

    0 comments · 291 views
  • 353 weeks
    Would you like to see more BE characters in the story.

    Been having righter block. Wanted to keep the focus on Rin but am now considering more characters.

    0 comments · 500 views
  • 353 weeks
    Stand For Our Flag

    Regardless of your views on President Trump, he is absolutely right on this issue. National Sports should be about unity, and disrespecting the flag only divides us and insults our men/women in uniforms. You can protest racial injustice without lumping the flag into it or politicizing a sport.

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    10 comments · 679 views

Hydra Dash 2014 · 7:46am Nov 24th, 2013

This Winter, Rainbow Dash will have more then one head in the clouds.

Report Dash Attack · 461 views ·
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