• Member Since 10th Sep, 2013
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Silver Thread

"How can a golden heart carry so heavy?"

More Blog Posts14

  • 23 weeks
    How Silver Thread Got Her Cutie Mark

    Or, in truth...the defining moment in my past, that started me on the path to who I am now. But, as many humans do...I only got mine once I realized its significance, long into adulthood.

    It all started in high school.

    A time many remember nostalgically, but honestly, I'm just glad I survived it. That's the whole point, as Hard Harry would say.

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    0 comments · 32 views
  • 343 weeks
    Where does the hushed hoof fall?

    The past few years have been...they've been.

    I am currently still trying to better myself emotionally, and I can (for the 2nd time) assure the doctor that no, doubling up the medication does not help, it only ruins my life. I love it when doctors don't trust me. It's beautiful to feel a personality-changing fight-or-flight response.

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    1 comments · 266 views
  • 530 weeks
    Roseluck name resembles an old, witty poem...

    Of all the poets, it is Dorothy Parker who inspires me most. Her wit, her sarcasm, all bleeds beautifully into her poetry.

    And Roseluck's name happens to resemble a specific poem...


    One Perfect Rose

    A single flow'r he sent me, since we met.
    All tenderly his messenger he chose;
    Deep-hearted, pure, with scented dew still wet -
    One perfect rose.

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  • 533 weeks
    Applejack's Past

    So...this episode had a very out-of-character Applejack.

    Since it is now...semi-canon (seeing as so much this season has been SO CONFLICTING; like snowflake), we need reasons.

    I say? Applejack had something happen the first time she was left alone, or left someone alone in the past.

    Go with that where you want.

    0 comments · 320 views
  • 535 weeks
    Painful reading materials

    You may have encountered it before --- the story starts. You get curious what'll happen. But the story's quality? Painful.

    I happened upon an extremely painful story. It started alright. It's just been getting worse. Every new chapter is worse. Suddenly, there's no commas. No details. Pacing is gone, characters aren't in character...

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My Thoughts on Season 4 Premiere (and why i didn't like it overall) · 6:44am Nov 26th, 2013

- The sounds during flight (rapid ascent/difficulties/etc) were distracting. Even more-so in my second watch-through. As much as I appreciate what they're trying to do, we were all well-aware of her difficulties with flights. Some of the scenes were illogical, her flight just...not fitting her wing movements even slightly.

- I did like the lighting for the stained glass hallway, it was quite nice. Rarity had a beauteous voice as always, but Fluttershy...during that Pinkie scene, her facial expressions/actions were out of character. Why would she say what she did the way she said it? It just...I dunno. It put me off.

- Pinkie + 4th wall = always awesome lols.

- To quote Digibrony: "Twilight's freak-outs now have altitude." Even before that, I was thinking to myself, wings = MUCH worse freak-outs. But still lol.

- Celestia's face seems a tad different. But, at least in that scene, Luna stood out. It seemed like she still struggles in her raising of the moon, which was endearing in a way...

- BRAIN BLAAAAAST: When is Twilight's birthday?

- Is the normal position of the sun and moon in those respective positions? Were Luna and Celestia signalling someone by doing that with the celestial bodies? And what would the other races elsewhere in the world think of such a sign? ((a.k.a. was it a conscious effort, or was it just the norm when neither were controlled))

- As funny as the Mac scene is (it's great), it's nonsensical that the plant is sentient only towards some. And that he says yep and nope TO the plant? He's a farm boy, but he's not stupid...oh well. The plant thing CAN be explained away by Discord's magic making for semi-sentient seeds that just act...weird.

- Rarity's horn doesn't glow at first when the sheet attacks, nor does Sweetie's. Later, Rarity's horn does. ...mmk then? Animation error.

- The clouds reminded me of Discord's cotton candy clouds, with their minute sentience and their...strangeness.

- To quote Digi and BronyCurious: "Plot Device Potion"

- Alicorn magic...and so Twilight uses the dark magic of Sombra? Is that Alicorn magic? Is Sombra an Alicorn? How could Dark magic be special to alicorns if Twilight used it prior to transformation?

- Luna facial expression freeze when transformed...froze...w...what?

- The graphics, the sounds, so...unfitting for MLP.

- The tree...the gems...I...why did it have a COMPARTMENT for a gem? Is it a real tree? ...it...seems.........created.
--- Who made that tree? How...why...what?
----- Did the ponies really chip away at the gems from that tree to create theirs? Where did Applejack's gem's other color come from?
----- Are they even gems?

- Cragodilly. Kragadile/Kragodile/Cragodile/Cragadile. It...eh. Not unique, but I'm alright with it. But WHY DIDN'T FLUTTERSHY HELP. SHE LITERALLY DIDN'T. WATCH. SHE DIDN'T EVEN TRY. To contain it, OR to calm it...((also...Rogr on Aywas))

- Suddenly, everyone hates Twilight.....just....no.

- Twilight would have called out to Spike for help if she was getting attacked. Logic please?

- She gently plucks the gem from a TIGHTLY-WRAPPED SPIKY TENDRIL. -_- No.

- Plot Device Gem Flower.....ugh...with real key holes....

- Fluttershy really didn't threaten Discord, his shrinking seemed...I...I'm not convinced it honestly made sense there. I love Fluttershy/Discord's relationship, but that was just...fake.

- Twilight's face when she had to make the star when flying, which was NOT necessary, as she could only have made it with magic, it wasn't a rainboom and there's no other explanation. Her FACIAL EXPRESSION was NOTHING.


No Derpy. Rain Drops. A Lyra that teleported. But no Derpy.


And that's why I'm disappointed thus-far.

Report Silver Thread · 300 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I love that there was no Derpy so far

1724395 Sarcasm or you're really happy about it? I'm bummed out because, well, it was a wink to the fans. And when she was removed, the censorship bothered me. I feel like she'd have been removed even if her portrayal was less...derpy. It bothers me that so many people made a big deal out of a little deal, and now our favorite wall-eyed pegasus is hated by parents world-wide...

1725538 I'm really happy about it

1726701 Well, to each their own. Though you never explained why, but that's your own opinion.

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