• Member Since 27th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 26th, 2014

The Shameless

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  • 553 weeks

    Right now, this is only my secondary account. I'm by no means new to fimfic, but I made this to keep up with people for if I begin/want to start editing. I'm not going to give a link to my main account because I don't need to shamelessly promote my works (which aren't that good anyway). Anyhow, I do wish to start editing. I will probably lurk the groups and see if I can't find a story or such to

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Editing · 10:56am Nov 27th, 2013

Right now, this is only my secondary account. I'm by no means new to fimfic, but I made this to keep up with people for if I begin/want to start editing. I'm not going to give a link to my main account because I don't need to shamelessly promote my works (which aren't that good anyway). Anyhow, I do wish to start editing. I will probably lurk the groups and see if I can't find a story or such to help on, but I shall leave this blog post here in case someone somehow comes across my user page.

As a general rule of thumb, I won't edit certain stories/for certain people, and if you pm me, I have all rights to not accept any request. It will only usually happen when I am either swamped with work or if a story is too long for me (I can't read anything above 5k words. I can try if I really like the story/idea, but don't bet on it) or if I just think a person is a dick, as I do not tolerate people being rude to me unless I give you reason.

Any story I edit will go on my page in a story box, and I do ask that anyone who has me edit their story to credit me in that story. I will not mind if that does not happen, but I would be very grateful to those that do. If I try to help you, then why not try to help me?

Also, I do run on a certain schedule. I work and write stories, so editing with me may not always be consistent, but I will try my best. I know that feeling when an editor just leaves/doesn't help and states no reason as to why. So if I do happen to have to discontinue helping said person, I will do my best to notify you. If I can't, then I will try to do so as soon as possible.

I don't think I forgot anything right now, so with this, I'm out.

~The Shameless

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