• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen March 23rd


Haven't been on since about 2014. Nearly 10 years have passed, and I'm back here. What a time.

More Blog Posts155

  • 441 weeks
    Not Again

    Another accident?


    Oh no. Magically?


    No. No, this will not stand. I will not allow this again.


    I know what happened to the last human, Shining Armor. I know full well, better than you.


    I have this under control. It's not like they have much more than their bodies to fight back with. We have the upper hoof.

    0 comments · 486 views
  • 445 weeks
    I May Not

    I may not reach the deadline I set of 12/20/15 for the release of the sequel to MPWFoE. And I apologize.
    I may not be releasing the updated Delicacy as I'd wanted to.
    I may not be surprising many of you if you know me and have followed me for a while.
    I may not be making much sense, and I may not be very relevant or important right now.

    I may not be writing what I said I'd write.

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    0 comments · 302 views
  • 454 weeks
    A Hundred Followers And More

    Well would you look at that.
    And I didn't even try for the last one.
    Feels somehow unrewarding for getting a follower randomly, but hey. I'm not knockin' ya.

    So anyway, it's been a while. Comparatively, been a while. Like... since my last blog post, not since...

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    1 comments · 394 views
  • 457 weeks

    Why this?
    Why that?
    Why then?
    Why them?
    Why? Just... why?

    Let me answer your questions.

    Why this?
    A 'Money Problems With Flavors of Eggnog' sequel. Why this?

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    0 comments · 359 views
  • 461 weeks
    Pumped Up

    I opened the bathroom door and turned on the sink water, ready to dip my hoof down to catch some and splash it onto my face when I heard a quick shout and a shuffle from the bathtub that shocked me out of my thoughts.

    "Pound, jeez, knock at least!" Pumpkin settled into a position facing away from me, and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

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    1 comments · 432 views

Everything Wrong With Me Right Now · 2:53pm Nov 27th, 2013

Writing still hasn't stopped, I'm continuing the big action fic, writing my oc fic again, and on my tablet here sometime soon will be a clopfic from me. Which leads me to my poem.

Ill fate befallen thou, work so nerve-wracking
I'd doubt call it foul, what with key-tapping
It brings us joy, those who know not
For we are their toy, words entangle us in their knot
But such thrill, brings our spill
For us writers are artists, our passion soon grows darkest
We do whatever it takes, no matter the stakes.

Don't know if that's a poem or not, but I like it, as it's my interpretation of people that start writing then fall into clopfic territory. ((As some of you already know))

Anyhow, I made a joke in my OC fic that I just have to share:

Okay so what happened was... I was following Carrot Top around in her little area on the farm with her carrots and other occasional plants and flowers here and there; trying to find what I'd be good at on the farm, like a foal trying to find their Cutie Mark.

My inner voice was going crazy, bringing memories from here and there to my conscience, wondering about odd things here and there, trying to find humor in the plant kingdom.

When she mentioned how the weeds kept attacking her crops, my brain assaulted my mouth before I could block it properly, and what slipped out keeps me laughing even now.

"Like pimps desperate to get their bitches back!" That very statement was wrong in every single way possible, and it just felt so right to say it, and I started laughing uncontrollably; but I felt so bad afterwards when I was rushed out by Applejack, trying to keep the general rest of the mares at the farm from stomping me into the dirt.

So there's that. I would put a bit of my action fic on here, but I'd have to do the same thing I just did, but for many more words; retype it word for word because I'm on my tablet. Internet on pc has been dead for the last while and I don't know why, but it should be fixed soon.

But yeah, just wanted to get that stuff out of the way, and to tell the few that care that another clopfic is working it's way out, because I'm writing it on my tablet so I can post it more quickly.


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