• Member Since 29th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2014


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More to come..maybe? · 4:38pm Nov 30th, 2013

So the first ever story i EVER wrote out of my own will was my first fanfic The Legion Of Light http://www.fimfiction.net/story/148885/the-legion-of-light

I will not be spamming out stories because I simply only write about stuff when I feel really motivated and I acctualy want to write it.

When it comes to what future stories will be about its pretty uncertain because ideas invades my head and I might write about a warhammer 40k crossover or I might write about something else that has nothing to do with how The Legion Of Light was.

Not sure why im making this blog...I dont usualy write blogs. Anyway if you enjoyed my first fanfic and expect the same kind of stories Im not sure what to tell you.

Although I must say if I do write stories its mostly inspired by good conquers the bad and will probably contain wars (maybe I dont know)

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