• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 10th, 2013


Hi! I'm Yuuki and I'm also an artist. I usually draw OCs for people including MLP! So if you've always wanted to see your characters brought to life commission me. :3

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Hi! · 9:33am Dec 10th, 2013

Nice to meet you FIM Fic!

I'm mostly here to help people with their stories and their characters. ^_^
I don't really write but I like draw so if you have always been wanting art of your characters take a look at my commission info. :3

Here's an example of some of my original ponies. (All of these have been sold but I still do custom designs.)

What do you think? ^0^ Do you like?

Well anyway, it's nice to meet you and if you wanna chat with me more just visit my DA yuukipink.deviantart.com


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