• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


The following tale...is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is no.

More Blog Posts14

  • 342 weeks

    So, I kind of wound up missing out on FiM’s seventh season.  In part, that’s just keeping with the larger pattern I’ve sadly been struggling with all year thus far, which is keeping proper pace with much of anything.  Partly, it’s because once I missed the premiere completely by accident, I found it nigh impossible to find any time to actually catch up until the season was already over half-over,

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    31 comments · 1,061 views
  • 455 weeks
    It Is Nearly Time....

    2 comments · 669 views
  • 457 weeks
    The World According to Goji

    So yeah, it turns out that, as I have with far too many of my internet haunts of late, I've been kind of neglecting FiMFiction.net of late. And, since I've been getting a few comments 'n' questions I've been meaning to answer but simply haven't had the time/energy for, I decided it was best to fix that in one fell swoop. Riffing on my friend

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    1 comments · 370 views
  • 511 weeks
    A Belated Bookish Birthday

    A slightly-overdue Birthday Gift for the ever-wonderful BookishDelight.

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    2 comments · 382 views
  • 525 weeks
    The Kingdom And The Castle (MLP S4 FINALE REVIEW) (EDIT)

    EDIT: OK, so the original version of this was written in a bit of a rush so that I could get to Work on time that day. As such, I really hadn't had a chance to properly let my feelings on the episodes settle. That's no longer the case now, and I actually find myself MUCH better disposed to the whole thing than I was when I wrote this (and I was pretty positively disposed towards it to

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    8 comments · 632 views

New Year's Resolutions · 10:10pm Jan 2nd, 2014

First off, Happy New Year for all my friends! I know 2013 was more than a little rough on a lot of you, so here's hoping 2014 is better in every way.

As for me? 2013 was...an interesting year. It's my first full year as part of the Working World, and while I can't complain too much, it's also become increasingly clear to me this is not something I want to be doing for much longer. I'm currently working on ideas to make that happen, but it's all pretty nebulous right now, and the Holidays are still in swing at my house with visiting family, so I don't have much room to act on it right now anyway. Still, it's a solid goal to look forward to going into the New Year.

It does also mean I've had a bit of trouble finding time and energy for much of what's going on here at FiMFic; I've fallen even further behind on my inbox than usual, and I sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone to whom I owe (or still owe) comments and interactions. But I promise, once things start settling down, I'll start catching up in earnest. I also have some Project Updates for the curious among you, so let's get to it!

The Visitor is officially on break. I realize there are a lot of folks who quite like this story, and I want to make it VERY CLEAR I have every intent of finishing it. But frankly, my passion for it has kind of run dry at this point, and I've found myself needing to rethink its fundamentals more and more while other stories gnaw, untouched, at the back of my brain. So rather than force it and risk hurting the story in the long-term, I've decided to backburner it for the time being. My apologies to its fans, but again, I promise it will be finished.

Escape From Castle Midnight is in a bit more nebulous shape. Chiefly, I'm trying to decide if I want to just flat-out AU it branching off from the end of Season 3 (so ignoring everything from "Magical Mystery Cure" and onward) or if I want to remain committed to the notion that this all takes place after the events of the series to date. The latter would require editing some of the past chapters to remove their contradictions with current show canon, but the former is an option I find myself surprisingly reticent to take (even as I have not been Season 4's biggest fan overall thus far). One way or the other, I need to settle this question in my head before I can move forward, but this one is still VERY much in progress.

I also intend to clean up and post some of the work I've been doing for the "Thirty Minute Ponies" tumblr. A handful will be getting their own Story pages, but most will likely be going in to an ongoing Collection of works for this purpose.

On top of all that, I also have two other upcoming Pony 'fics that have, each in their own way, gotten bumped up to the front-lines of my To Do list in response to my distaste for the episode "Bats!". One I've already previewed over on deviantART (fav.me/d65jaf4), the other I'm waiting to hear back on a potential collaborator for, but I'm very excited about both, and look forward to sharing them with you in the new year.

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