• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago


I write stories so that I won't be kept awake at night with a brain full of ponies.

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  • 409 weeks
    Sorry I vanished on you all...

    I kind of left you all and basically stopped updating without any warning. Really, that was a bit mean of me. The truth is, however, that I recently have had little to no interest in pony stuff. Yes, I watch the episodes and maybe read a fic or two, but I just haven't been interested in ponies. Other things have caught my attention.

    I guess what I'm saying is that I'm on pony hiatus.

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    29 comments · 4,499 views
  • 420 weeks
    My Thoughts

    Almost exactly a year ago, I sat down and wrote up a checklist of very general plot points that I wanted to cover for Split Second: An Eternity Divided. I wrote down fifteen major points that I wanted to cover, not including whatever I chose to end the story with. I had no idea how long it would last me, but I figured that would be good. I couldn’t really think of anything else to

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    6 comments · 971 views
  • 425 weeks
    A physical book!

    Someone (who wishes to stay anonymous to others) printed Split Second, turning it into a physical book! Here are the pictures! http://imgur.com/a/HstJp

    It looks really cool! And I have a book! AAAAHHHHH!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

    15 comments · 963 views
  • 426 weeks
    Instead of studying for my finals like a good boy...

    ... I was working on the next chapter. You'd better love this chapter, 'cause if I fail, I'm blaming y'all.

    Anyway, my pre-reader, Dream Seeker, has the next chapter to look over. Expect it soon.

    9 comments · 793 views
  • 427 weeks
    I sent the next chapter to my pre-reader.

    Expect it soon. That is all.

    3 comments · 595 views

A Note on Changeling Phychology · 6:00pm Jan 7th, 2014

Something that I imagined for my head-canon on changelings is the fixation.

In my mind, a person's personality destabilizes when they become a changeling, before stabilizing a week or so later. The same thing happening to newly hatched changelings, too. Any personality modification magic cast on a new changeling is permanent. Furthermore, a memory or event from that point in time will permanently alter the changeling by giving them a fixation, something that reoccurs in their mind and can range from a repressed desire to full-blown obsession.

From my story Black Queen, Red King:

On Earth (Rex's hive):
Rex has an unacknowledged fixation on making money/gathering power for himself (he considers his hive to be a part of himself).
Nick fixates on sex, especially his submissive BDSM fetish. (Borderline too kinky to torture.) (Spoiler tag because slightly NSFW)
Klika and Slagteri are obsessed with violence (Klika on general violence, Slagteri on murdering humans).
Taruke is obsessed with Rex in a 'You are my god. I live to serve you,' sort of way.

In Chrysalis's Hive :
Chrysalis gets her thrills from replacing stallion's wives.
BonBon fixates on sweets (because she couldn't taste them any more).
Shining Armor fixates on being a good husband to Cadance.

Most changelings don't even know of this normal part of their psychology.

Report wille179 · 369 views · Story: Black Queen, Red King ·
Comments ( 3 )

Soooo , Chrysalis is a whore :p ?
Na sorry, mate. Just kidding. There are good physchologies you have written , keep doing like this :twilightsmile: !

You know, it's entirely plausible that calling a changeling a whore is a compliment. Considering that to earn that title, the changeling would have to be successful in seducing ponies and therefore good at gathering love for the hive. It would be like calling you hard working and economically successful.

Totally agreed with you, a changeling who makes lots of littles babies and lots of love for the Hive is credit for all of his/her race :pinkiehappy: .
Queen Chrysalis/King Alvarium Rex as President of USA/FRANCE/CANADA/RUSSIA/JAPON/GERMANY/THE WORLD :
BTW, keep writing this awesome story I love it :trollestia: !

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