• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012
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A nerd who thought it would be cool to, with the help of a few equally insane buddies adapt the entire Marvel Universe (with some DC Comics thrown in for kicks) with My Little Pony...wish me luck

More Blog Posts1733

  • 143 weeks
    2021 movie

    I arise from the grave exclusively to say that the 2021 MLP movie was lit. I’m hyped for G5

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  • 188 weeks
    Opening Commissions

    I know it probably looks weird, considering my inactivity, but I figured I'd at least try to motivate myself into writing again by sprinkling in commission work. Also, I'm in a bit of a money pit, and will be moving relatively soon, so I figured I should try to supplement my income.

    There's gold in them thar smut, after all.

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  • 259 weeks
    Area Man Not Dead, Just a Lazy Bastard

    Okay, I feel I should say that no, I am in fact, not dead.

    Sorry to disappointed.

    Life has been busy, chaotic, and generally messy, but the good news is that since MLP is about to enter its final series of episodes, I figure I should just sit it out, and let the series end, before beginning my attempts to reboot any of my projects.

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  • 366 weeks
    Perhaps I should undergo a reincarnation

    Its been tugging at me, but I've been seriously considering of reinventing my account.

    Basically, I'd create a new account, and then focus on that revised version of Harmony's Warriors I mentioned in my last blog post, and post it to that new account.

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  • 375 weeks
    Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

    First things first, I'm not dead.

    I've just been working on other things, and generally trying to collect my thoughts regarding Harmony's Warriors, since I've hit a horrific dry-spell.

    After much thought, and talk with the venerable and honorable nightcrawler-fan, I've decided it's best to do what's basically a low-key reboot/refurbishing of the Universe.

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Trials of Applejack · 1:06am Feb 6th, 2014

I need a series of stuff for Applejack to do while at bootcamp to show that she's worthy of the super soldier serum, and has potential for leadership, since, in the movie at least, they only had the grenade scene, and the flagpole scene.

I'm totally open to ideas for this, since this chapter has decided to be a living hell to write.

Gosh I hate these chapters....

Comments ( 18 )

How about kicking some unicorn's flank into next week? You the unicorn is bullying her and she gets tired of it and kicks the pony's ass, That's all I have.

In addition to normal Army stuff, I would suggest making a series of Secret Test of Characters, and maybe add some kind of romantic montage between Shining Armor and Applejack.
I'm a sucker for romance.

Well, you could put her in a squad that doesn't have a leader. When everyone start panicking over failing a major bootcamp trial, have her instinctively start taking charge and giving orders. Show her admitting she doesn't think she'd be a good leader despite evidence to the contrary (as in, she thinks she got lucky).

Just keep Surprise as a squad-mate, and it should write itself. Though, you could also have most of "bootcamp" be a test for only AJ (make it where everyone else there are all active army mares/stallions that are undercover to make it all seem like she isn't the only candidate)

I think you should give her a scene where she shows her ability to show compassion. Maybe one of her comrades from her squad is in a tough pickle and Applejack, instead of advancing in the task she's supposed to be doing, she turns to help her comrade instead. It would show off her tendency to help and provide for others, as well as show how big of a heart she would have as a soilder.
Just an idea, though.

This should give you some ideas.

Maybe a challenge like this:
But applejack and surprise figure a easier way to win.

I have a few ideas. One good scene might involve Applejack leading a squad in a military game, but allowing herself to be captured so that her team can win the game, even though it makes HER look bad. Another idea is a secret test of character where Applejack is approached by an attractive civilian and has to decide whether to stay behind with him or continue in the army. This would be to test her commitment to the war.

Tie it to honesty. A dishonest way to safe guard her family and farm, selling out army secrets or something.

well lets see. you could do the classic drill run. ya know where the recruits go through the tires, crawl under rope, climb a wall. Show that even with her asthma she's willing to push through it.

Or you could have a Unicorn private bullying some earth ponies (or possible Surprise, I'm not sure if Unicorns think their better then Pegasi like they do about earth ponies) and have Applejack stand up for them, not letting her emotions control her too much and not throwing the first blow if it comes to that. Have one of the higher ups watching and show that she knows when to pick her fights.

Likewise you could have a drill game. Kind of like the Capture the Flag game in Percy Jackson. First one to secure the flag wins and Applejacks in charge of her own squad, of earth ponies, and they beat a Unicorn squad because of her strategy, possibly having someone else capture the flag knowing they have a better chance of attaining it.

If these aren't enough ideas to get the ideas rolling or enough to make the cut I'll think of some tomorrow at work and see if I can get anything better.

1801926 Or all of them.
Those are great ideas.

1801926 well' I'm definately using the bill fight thing (that way I can forshadow the shield:ajsmug:)

Not sure about capture the flag, if only because its going to be a burden for me to figure out the logistics:pinkiesick:

I figured I could compromise in a way, and have her atart reading up on military tactics, since she feels deep down that she'll probably fail all the physical test, but she still has a shot at the written test:twilightsmile:

As for the running of the drill, yeah I'm going to have that

1801926 well' I'm definately using the bill fight thing (that way I can forshadow the shield:ajsmug:)

Not sure about capture the flag, if only because its going to be a burden for me to figure out the logistics:pinkiesick:

I figured I could compromise in a way, and have her atart reading up on military tactics, since she feels deep down that she'll probably fail all the physical test, but she still has a shot at the written test:twilightsmile:

As for the running of the drill, yeah I'm going to have that

1802708 I can always think of more ideas lol and help with the logistics if need be.

Well, I haven't read the story yet, but perhaps Applejack could stand up for a younger cadet being picked on. I dunno. :applejackunsure:

Perhaps she stumbles across one of the recruits pilfering food from the kitchen or something more serious, one who's just a bit more liked than her. Said recruit attempts to bribe her, offering to help her out during training and keep an eye out for her so others don't pick on her, maybe even offer to send money to her family to help support them. AJ is torn about what to do for a bit, but ultimately goes to her superior about it to report.

That, or you could do a trial of character a bit differently. A small group of ponies are locked in a room with no windows, locked from the outside, and a small amount of supplies. They have to keep it together for a few days without cracking. AJ ends up taking control of the situation when one of her fellow roomates starts to snap, rationing the supplies and keeping everyone from going stir-crazy. Then afterwards, it's revealed that she intentionally gave herself less food/water than the others to ensure that everything would be okay and make their supplies last as long as possible.

Now I'm being open here, but what happens if she and other army recurits are working on Forrest survival skills, first to get there they have to run fourteen miles, and Applejack is trailing behind since some stallions pushed her aside.

Wen she finally gets there the camp is empty, looking like someone or somethig attacked, now being brave as she is she grabs a shield and rope, and goes out to find her group.

Only to find timberwolves.

She kicks der asses and saves everyone ect ect ect, this is the only thing I got :facehoof:

Hope it helps :pinkiehappy::moustache::yay::facehoof::pinkiehappy::moustache:

don't know if you still need ideas, but I did think of one I think is pretty good: Applejack finds out somepony is stealing from somepony (like the cafeteria or someomes taking the rude Lieutenants bits from his office) and she goes to stop them. They get into an argument and fight, where the thief, depending on if a unicorn or other pony, gets the upper hand hitting AJ with magic blasts, throwing random things, or just stomping at her with hooves. AJ grabs something to use as a makeshift shield, uses it to defend herself from the attacks and gets the upper hand with it, possibly throwing it to knock the pony out at the end of the fight.

Like I said don't know you still need the idea or not but there ya go.

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