• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

More Blog Posts94

  • 283 weeks
    Essay for my novel. (Sorry it's not MLP related)

    Hello guys,

    It has been a while.

    So I stated in my last blog post quite some time ago,

    I have been focusing on my own novel Project. After months of World Building, I'm now beginning to write some actual novelization content. Both as practice essay and as a mean to introduce some elements of the world I created as well as a testing how those elements hold together.

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  • 313 weeks
    It's time to put everything on hiatus.

    To anyone still following those blogs,

    First of all, I'd like to thank you a whole lot for your support throughout the my active years on this website.

    Secondly, I'll address the big elephant in the room : I have failed in my plans of keeping up working on my fanfics.
    For some reasons, I can't manage to write about the next updates for GTVS, Scratchin' Thieves or Apple Scratch Saga.

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  • 356 weeks
    Questions you might want to ask me and The GTVS Comic pages.

    Hello there old friends,

    It is I, Mariacheat-Brony and I'm writing to you answer the questions you all might have about what has been going on with my writing for. That is a blog post that is extremely long overdue to be perfectly honest.

    Have I left the MLP Fandom?
    I still am into MLP, but I'm nowhere near invested in the show as I was back to my beginning.

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  • 411 weeks
    First stream tonight (this afternoon) on The Apple Scratch World Building.

    Hey guys,

    How are you all doing? Well, I hope.

    Anyhow, it's just a quick announcement that I'll be doing my first attempts at creative writing streams in a couple of hours.

    Subject : Brainstorming about the Apple Scratch Verse : Other Countries, others races, world building, Map of equestria Completion... etc

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  • 421 weeks
    Possible Creative Writing Streams with Mariacheat?

    As you might know, I've had the chance to co-hosts some of Kare's steams related to GTVS and its comic. I've taken a liking of those co-hosts (reminds me of my short time as a youtuber), but sadly I can't draw really good so I doubt that I could host some streams without Kare there to draw. (

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    1 comments · 540 views

Your favorite scenes.... · 8:19pm Feb 25th, 2014

Hey, how are things?

Things are going well by my side, just having some troubles getting into the "100%focusedwriter" mode lately. (One of the reasons my update rhythm went down drastically..... Sorry about that btw...)

Anyway, I was trying to get to write something and then a few questions got in my head and wouldn't stop bothering me until I wrote them down, so here goes...

Among all the stories I have written so far, ...

A- What's your favorite "D'awwww!" scene?

B- What's your favorite "Sexy!" scene? (suggestive and explicit)

C- What's your favorite "Badass!" scene?

D- What's your favorite "Epic!" scene?

E- What's your favorite "Funny!" scene?

Ps: For those who wonder, there's a difference between Badass and Epic (At least I think there is :p)... though both are often present along one another :p

PPS: Now that I wrote it, I hardly see how it's a good post on the "News" Value, but let's say I just like to chat ;-)

Report Mariacheat-Brony · 334 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

A: Lycan Vinyl making out with Vampire Octavia in GTVS
B: Lycan Vinyl making out with Vampire Octavia in GTVS
C: Lycan Vinyl making out with Vampire Octavia in GTVS
D: Lycan Vinyl making out with Vampire Octavia in GTVS

Hmm lets see here, let me look through my memory banks for this one.

A: When Octavia found Little Vinyl in her bags and sang to her. That was so cute!
B: Hmmmm ..... Well I guess I'll have to say GTVS Vinyl making out with Octy in their Halloween costumes.
C: Vinyl threatening Octavia's mother. That was badass.:rainbowdetermined2:
D: Vinyl's Bass Cannon in the magic competition and beating Shining Armor.

A: When Applejack gave Rarity the necklaces in A Summer at the Farm
B: Lycan Vinyl making out with Vampire Octavia in GTVS

A: Vinyl reassuring sick Octavia about her looks and personality before kissing her on the forehead in GTVS.
B: Every sex scene in The Thief Charming, mostly the shower scene.
C: Vinyl threatening Octavia's mother in Apple Scratch: Onward to the Equestria Games.
D: Cloud Kicker defeating Gilda Skytalon with her "Thunder Blade", also in Apple Scratch: Onward to the Equestria Games.

A : when Derpy crashes, and then she hold up her hand from the crater with the lucky muffin in it and says that she and the muffin is okay! (Can't rember witch Apple Schratch it was, but it was one of those!)
B can I say a scen were you think it is something dirty first? In that case, this one!:raritywink:
"No, Ditzy! I refuse to kiss your thing!"
"Come on, Vinyl. It's for good luck."
Dirty Ditzy!:derpytongue2:
Know which story I'm talking about?
C don't Know really..
D Applejack. Defeating. A freaking. Gorghon. With. Only. a. rope. As. Help! ( An Apple Scratch toward the world)

Going to have to say that personally mine are:
A: AJ giving Rarity the necklaces in AS: SatF / Vinyl and sick Octavia in GTVS
B: The entirety of Thief Charming / Lycan Vinyl making out with Vampire Octavia in GTVS
C: All of Vinyl's character in GTVS, but mostly her threatening Octy's mom.
D: Storm Blade. That is all.

Uh... I cant decide!!! So Much AH-Freaken-MAZING stuff!!!!
But if I had to choose

A: sorry, no clue
B: the scene in Apple Scratch: Onward to the Equestria Games where Vinyl and Octavia are in the hotel room with the syrup
C: Applejack taking on like 70 Changlings plus the captain in An Apple Scratch Towards the World
D: The Bass Cannon

1) Well when Octa and Scratch finally confess in GTVS :rainbowkiss:
2) When they make out right after that in GTVS :rainbowwild:
3) In Scratchin' Thieves, when Vinyl sneaks back in to kiss the girl :moustache:
4) In AppleScratch, Vinyl uses her magic to create sound bombs(?) :pinkiecrazy:

Dammit, now I wanna finish reading your AppleScratch series. Im being complacent, but... I heard Bass Cannons, the d'aww necklace scene and Vinyl vs AJ's mum? Yeah. I want that.

A- when octavia finds little vinyl when they are back in canterlot
B- at the end of "summer at the farm" when vinyl and octavi are going for a swim :)
C- Cloudkicker vs gilda (most where CK makes the stormblade and smites gilda's sword)
D- BASS CANNON!! and vinyl vs shining armor in total

i'm going to add 1:
scene that made me laugh the hardest:
Cadence getting an eponian punch to the face/ octavia who gave it XD still cracks me up

yes everything is from the apple scratch verse

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I've added an E) question ;p
Thanks to 1875428 for the suggestion:twilightsmile:

E: Lycan Vinyl making out with Vampire Octavia in GTVS

E Zecora smashing a fruit on Applejacks head!

E: Applejack chasing after Braeburn and Fritter after Bloom broke the door in Equestria Games.
That scene always cracks me up.

Alright. Let me think about this one too. There are so many fun moments.

E) The Javelin throw in the Equestrian games, when Zecora was whacking her bamboo pole on AJ's head after her mess up on the Javelin throw. :rainbowlaugh:

1875590 E: Rarity drooling over Applejack's beautiful, muscular figure in Apple Scratch Toward the World. The same regarding with Rarity and her three friends as they watch a shirtless Applejack go to work in the sequel. :raritywink:

E: All of the wonderful CK innuendos you've come up with.

1875590 late reply, but for E, mostly EVERYTHING :3

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