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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • Sunday
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • 6 days
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 1 week
    PP vs. What I've Become

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  • 2 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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Fic recs, February 26th + Device Heretic Retrospective · 7:03pm Feb 26th, 2014

I was going to call this the "belated Christmas edition" because it seems I've just stumbled upon December in my audiobooks list, but then it turned out I'd already read Yes, Apple Bloom, There Is a Santa Hooves (it was good), and two stories do not a holiday special make.

But before I begin, some sad news: Bob from Bottles has apparently quit and taken all his work with him. :( That’s a true shame, he was one of my favorite writers. Why must this always happen?

H: 2 R: 3 C: 0 V: 0 N: 2

A Princess Carol by John Perry
Reading by Ponyville Silver Screen
This is not your ordinary fanfic reading. Featuring big names like MEMJ, Meredith Sims and Poni1Kenobi, with a soundtrack by Luxumbra, it is in fact a full cast ensemble radio play, and it is marvelous. What’s even more impressive is that some damnfool idiot kind soul put all the story text up on the screen, bit by bit. That had to have taken ages. This is their only release so far, but I hope these guys do something else. This was really impressive.
Genre: A Christmas Carol, but Ponies
I have a lot of things to say about this story. For starters, normally a genre tag like the one above would be used as something of a veiled condemnation. In this case, were I wishing to do such a thing, I would have instead called it “Luna Eclipsed, but Hearth’s Warming”. The plot follows that episode quite a lot more closely than the story it is very self-awarely reworking, up to and including what is perhaps its lowest moment: a Pipsqueak cameo where he delivers the bloody “God bless us, everyone” line like everyone drew him doing after the episode. But no. This is how you ponify a story: you take the framework and the grand beats that make something like A Christmas Carol memorable, and then rewrite it entirely to fit within the world of Equestria. Luna plays the part of Scrooge, but any untoward action upon those around her is driven by a certain hubris and outdated worldview rather than greed or general nastiness. I want to get back to the “self-aware” part for a second. Surprisingly, or perhaps not, A Christmas Carol exists in some form in this story’s Equestria as a story/play itself, and Luna spends the entire story snidely remarking about how she is, in fact, living out the story. It was a remarkably charming move on the author’s part (moreso than, say, the ponified Christmas carols; they make me feel dead inside). Luna’s motivation through the entire piece is also changed, to a desire to rekindle the lost spirit of Hearth’s Warming she once knew and loved. This brings me to the one place where I found this story odd: I’m not sure what it’s about. That's to say, it could be about a number of things and there’s nothing really pushing me toward any one particular interpretation, thus I have no idea what to really think about it. I think in the end it’s meant as a commentary on religious vs. secular traditions of Christmas, coming down on the wishy-washy side of “oh, just do whatever you want”, but there’s also some talk about the purpose of traditions, and a few other minor odds and ends that muddy the issue. Luna most definitely clings religiously to the Hearth’s Warming of old, which (it is hinted) is due to her having been there for the early celebrations and having been friends with Clover, Smart Cookie and Pansy. This very sympathetic angle keeps her from being a villain quite the way Scrooge was, another good move on the author's part. Moving on, I want to give the author lots of points for writing perfect Zecora dialogue. I unfortunately must also remove those points for less-than-perfect Luna dialogue (it’s “thou dost”, “he doth”!) Though I’ve had a few criticisms about this story, the point I want to leave you with is this: this is an excellent ponification of a classic story, it’s funny now and then, it’s a great holiday piece, and I enjoyed it. You probably will, too.

The Great Equestrian Staring Contest by PegasusMesa
Genre: Comedy
Oddly enough, this is not actually tagged as comedy. I dunno why not; it’s pretty funny in the right places. It’s not the greatest comedy I’ve ever read, but I kept comparing it to My Little Staring Contest, and this succeeds everywhere that story failed. This time it’s Rainbow Dash and Applejack, post-Castle Mane-ia, trying once and for all to finish their Iron Mare competition. Their friends give them some help in the name of getting the silly battle over with quickly, and restoring peace. One thing this story has over the alicorn-based one is that the cheating is essentially part of the game: Rainbow has Pinkie helping her, and AJ has Rarity, and almost from the get-go, they’re both doing things to try and distract the other. Also, it’s not technically a staring contest, but a “who can keep their eyes open the longest?” contest, as eye contact does not seem to be necessary as a winning condition. It moves along at a nice pace, not lingering on any particular gag, and I really like the winner. In all, it’s simple, clean fun, and that’s all I ask for in comedy.

Reach by ToixStory
Genre: Way Future Fic
As I write this review, this story is technically incomplete still, but I just finished editing the last four chapters, so I know how it ends! Nevermind, it's officially complete! :D Let me begin by saying that, though I of course can’t claim to have read everything in the fandom, ToixStory is really the Queen of AU. She seems dedicated to what I enjoy most about fanfiction, namely going beyond the boundaries of what the show gives us to work with, taking the world and the characters in new and exciting directions. This can sometimes go astray, leading one to question, “Well, why don’t you just take out the ponies and publish this?” And one might ask that at the start of Reach. It takes place at a ridiculous hundred thousand years in the future, in a land that is nothing like Equestria. All the ponies are of the earth variety, there is no magic, the sun and moon rise and set on their own, and the cities are made of glass and steel. It isn’t even called Equestria. One could be forgiven for wondering just what any of this has to do with ponies. But the reason this story works is this: the plot is set in motion by archaeologists uncovering the Crystal Heart, after which surges of magical energy around the world cause ponies to start growing wings and horns. The story works not because of where it begins, but because of where it ends: this is an adventure where the ponies strive to regain what they’ve lost, and restore Equestria to something like what it once was, to control their destinies and reclaim birthrights they hadn't even known they'd lost. This is a great thriller of a novel, and let me just say ToixStory’s greatest talent may be knowing right where to end a chapter so that you have to keep reading. My only complaint is a certain plethora of Star Wars references, mostly centered around one character, that I thought were kind of silly because references. But in the end, this is a really fantastic piece and absolutely the kind of fanfic I want to read.
Highly Recommended

Dream of Me by TwilightClopple
Mature: Sex
Genre: Romance
This story is a great example of narrative momentum, at least how it can be easily destroyed, and of how a good idea can turn bad. This story comes in three parts. The first is great: the second scene is one of those where you think you might have figured out what’s going on and are just waiting for confirmation one way or the other. In this case, not knowing what I was getting into, I feared that Twilight might not just be dead, but actively decomposing while Rainbow Dash carried on like nothing was out of the ordinary (the conclusions I can jump to!) That turns out not to be the case, thank goodness, though the reality is not much happier. The story setup is also a great tragedy, the accident leading to Twilight’s hospitalization stemming directly from her relationship with Rainbow Dash. Then the momentum breaks. It’s unfortunate, but whenever an emotional story features a sex scene, that scene tends to end up being the entirety of the story’s focus. Sandwiching it into Rainbow remembering the good times with Twilight and berating herself for never telling her “I love you” really kills the mood, and I wish the author had kept the focus on the emotions. The last part of the story, then, is Rainbow dealing with Twilight in the hospital, where her condition has worsened. This part edged up against my hangup with medical portrayals in fics, though I feel like it skirted by; there wasn’t anything I objected to, though an actual medical professional might have other opinions. By this point, I had somewhat stopped caring about the story and was just waiting for Rainbow to say the Three Words. Which she does... right after Twilight wakes up. Now, it’s not that I object to the happy ending; what made it bad was that she wakes up after being pronounced dead. I have no words for this; it killed the story completely for me. There’s also an epilogue that wasn’t part of the reading, which honestly would have been cute by itself, featuring an aged Twilight and Rainbow voicing their regrets. It falls in line with the first part of the story that I liked so much, but it’s too little, too late.
Not Recommended

The Firework Lotus by ArgonMatrix
Genre: Character Piece
Here is an author who understands Spike and Twilight’s relationship as deeply as The Descendant. This is a brilliantly powerful piece centering around the way their celebration of Equestria’s new year’s traditions changes with time. The first half sets the holiday up — at Spike’s birth, when they were young, after they’d come to Ponyville — while the second half introduces complications related to celebrating it after Twilight’s coronation. It’s a great example of how to run characters through an emotional wringer without needing to get dark and brooding or weepy and sad. I will say that there are a few missteps toward the end: part of the celebration involves Twilight’s friends performing for the pre-show ceremonies, and watching those ceremonies in their entirety, save for Rarity’s, adds nothing to the story. (I also thought Fluttershy’s was a little… ehh.) But let it be said that this did not soften the story’s overall impact. This features really great writing and anyone who likes character-based stories will, I dare say, love this.
Highly Recommended

Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve, Squirt by nygiants93
Reading by The Lost Narrator
I really can’t give her more praise than to say she’s one of Scribbler’s cadre of fanfic readers, and it’s easy to see why. Great volume, great pacing, and she does a mean Rainbow Dash. I'd been looking forward to this reading to hear what she could do on her own and I was not disappointed.
Genre: Scootalove
Can we stop trying to make up families for Scootaloo? She’s enough of a sad sack on her own that, short of a happy life filled with parents, any tragic backstory is just going to seem silly. This opens with Scoot living alone with her mother, said mother living in a state of constant inebriation because she can’t deal with the death of her husband, and Scootaloo having to do everything around the house. I have to credit the author with trying. There’s a story about grief and family and parental bonds in here, but between the cheesy opening and a number of bizarre side tracks, it never really comes out. Scootaloo’s breakdown near the end is decent, but it’s defused by copious single tears. And speaking of side tracks, this story has some of the worst I’ve seen since Tickling Rainbow (which is a terrible story that everyone should read so they can appreciate the mind-numbing plot deviations): a long scene with a stray cat that's a clumsy metaphor for Scootaloo’s situation; a stallion-kissing contest between AJ and Rainbow Dash; some misplaced world-building involving ‘burying’ pegasi in winged coffins that fly off over the horizon; and uncomfortably sexual ScootaDash overtones throughout the entire story that I probably only picked up on because I’m a terrible person. This could have worked, and like I said, it’s obvious the author was trying, but sometimes, trying isn’t enough.
Not Recommended

Advice by Device Heretic
Genre: Romantic Comedy
I wouldn’t call it pitch-perfect, but this is without a doubt one of the funniest rom-coms I’ve read since It’s Always Sunny in Fillydelphia. I am, of course, a diehard Fluttermac shipper, so this was right up my alley, but what struck me most was the interaction between the characters, Applejack and Rarity most of all. Watching them have it out for various reasons never grew tiresome; beyond her role as instigator, Luna almost didn’t need to be in this at all, though her presence does lend some intriguing world-building-on-the-sly. My complaints are minor. Foremost is the scene where Luna, Rarity, and AJ essentially break into Fluttershy’s house despite her telling them not to. We get enough of ponies disrespecting her wishes in the show, thank you very much. The denouement is rather cheesy, and the ending, for all that it is one of the funnier Celestia letters I’ve ever read, left me scratching my head somewhat. But I can say without a doubt that this is my favorite Device Heretic story, and I’m sorry I left it for last.

And with that said, I have now read and reviewed all of Device Heretic’s stories, so I wanted to comment on his body of work. Why? I dunno. He just seems like one of those authors who everyone has an opinion on, and since the whole point of these journals is me giving my opinions on stuff, that seems appropriate to do. Also, since he’s long gone, I don’t have to worry about him writing anything else. For certain, I wouldn’t do anything like this for an author who's still writing, or who wrote two stories before disappearing, and honestly I don’t know if I’d do it again anyway.

Device Heretic was definitely a capable author. Though prone to overblown metaphor — there was a passage in Advice that made me laugh because it reminded me so much of the “S.S. Twilight” bit from Eternal, which was so ridiculous, I lampooned it in a story — he really did have a way with words, getting to the heart of imagery, emotions, and motivations. No, it’s not his writing that generally turned me off his work, but the subject matter.

I feel like I’ve been repeating this point ad nauseam, but the fact is, his treatment of Twilight and Celestia — who he obviously enjoyed shipping — is thoroughly baffling. Realizing that he only ever seemed to place them together in stories, five out of the seven, for the sole purpose of breaking them apart crept up on me slowly, but I can't deny it. It’s like reading a story and realizing the author has a tendency to really focus in on just how much the bellies of their fat characters jiggly and sway when they move (apologies, you know who you are). Strangely, Eternal stands apart from the crowd, as Twilight and Celestia repair their friendship by the end, requiring a mere hundred thousand words to do so. It’s definitely a fair sight better than the awfulness that is So Be It.

And there, I think, is where I would put his one major weakness: Twilight. He characterizes her alternately as bitter and full of hate (Eternal, So Be It), autistic and entitled (Dictated, Not Read), a near-omniscient busybody (Advice; seriously, how the fuck did she know to show up at the barn?), and, in a turn of events, actually how she’s portrayed in the show (Just Words). (I don’t recall what she was like in And the Temptress Came Unto Her; she may have been more of a plot device.) Given that, five times out of seven, Twilight’s a major player in his stories, that’s a big problem. I have no adequate explanation for the disparity, as sometimes it extends from her character (if you can accept her relationship with Celestia growing sour, Eternal at least works as a future fic), but quite often is just confusing (my main criticism of Dictated).

What’s my point with all this? I dunno. I do wish he had written more comedies as, despite Advice not being perfect, I found it far more entertaining than anything else he’d written. He obviously had a knack for comedy that he tended to ignore for the sake of emotional, often pretentious, literary-style stories. The only other piece of his I could say I enjoyed was Thunderstruck, the one about Spitfire falling to her death, which featured no Celestia or Twilight, no dialogue, and background SpitDash shipping. (And that’s the thing! DH was a massive shipper! No one ever talks about that.) Just Words I appreciated for fitting into some vague headcanons of mine, and is the only other story of his I upvoted. I think he really missed his calling, in other words.

In the end, Device Heretic is gone. I wasn’t around to see how he treated people personally, I hear it was bad, but it’s also nothing to do with his writing (so please don't bring it up in the comments, kthx). Is he worth reading? Only insofar as Eternal is a lot of people’s favorite fanfic; that’s the reason I do the vs. posts, after all. But I don't know who his stories were written for. Twilestia shippers would want happy endings. Twilestia anti-shippers wouldn't want to sit through the shipping to get to the sad ones. Unfortunately, we'll only ever be left with questions.

Links to previous Device Heretic story reviews:
And the Temptress Came Unto Her
Dictated, Not Read
Just Words
So Be It

Report PresentPerfect · 952 views ·
Comments ( 30 )

With Device, I never had an opinion at all until he started basically manufacturing lots and lots of drama around himself. I am one of those people who cannot separate the author from their work, even though it's popular to do that in lit crit nowadays.

Based on Bob From Bottles' comment on his user page: Jesus, what asshole reviewed Bob's story like that, and what asshole put him in a position of authority? This is the kind of thing that makes me want to keep reviewing for Equestria Daily. Even though it's ultimately pointless and unappreciated, sometimes I still maintain the hope that someone can glean from what I do how to review constructively. If you're going to just tear something to shreds so your friends will think you're clever, at least don't send it to the goddamn author afterwards.

Twilestia shippers would want happy endings.

Maybe on average, but there are many exceptions to this sentence. (I count myself among them.)

That aside, it's a shame to see Bob From Bottles go; I only read An Imaginative Performance, but I thought it was one of the best comedies on Fimfiction.

As for Bob from Bottles:

One of the worst things that can happen to a writer--or to anyone else, I guess--is falling in with the wrong crowd. And it sure sounds like that's what happened in this case. Here's hoping he can take a breath, push all that stuff away, and get back to the simple joy of telling himself stories.

As for Device Heretic:

It's odd, but "Field Notes on Alicorn Reproductive Behavior," the Celestia/Twilight futa clopfic he wrote under his other pseudonym, biologic orthodoxy, is a story that I've always found to be quite romantic. It even has a happy ending, too.


Eternal was 160k words long and in that time he beat to death every possible interpretation of twilestia. Every. Single. One. And he did it in dreams, then hallucinations, then dream hallucinations. Then once again in another characters head. It was dreadful. Then he did it all over again in a half dozen other fics I didn't read. Then he started writing twilestia guest chapters in other fics I liked, and I tried to give those a shot but they were just as bad.

It's because of his competence that I read all of Eternal and was able to come to that negative opinion, but really, it's difficult to say much about his take on twilestia because he had dozens of them.

-Ugh. I really hope either Bob changes his mind and puts his stories back up, or that someone can provide some sort of hub for all of the stories that they can find. I remember reading Worst Bakers of Equestria years ago when I was still getting into fanfics and it was charming and hilarious. I don't mean to demean his emotional state or anything, but this is pretty frustrating.

-Fluttershy's performance reminded you of an episode we'd rather forget, huh? Or do you think her transforming willingly is out of character?

-WINGED COFFINS! :rainbowlaugh: The mental image that this brings to my mind is so hilarious that I imagine it would completely ruin the mood this story is going for.

-I finally ended up reading Eternal as a prelude to reading a couple of Skywriter stories where Eternal was a novel published in Equestria (this was played for laughs). I enjoyed the second of Skywriter's stories more than Eternal; I finished reading that story in a state of mental exhaustion. I get the feeling I liked it better than you did, but I was ready for it to be over a chapter or two before the actual ending. Buuut if this new story is a comedy I think I might be ready to read this new one.

-I kind of feel embarrassed for that anonymous author you mentioned earlier. At least you didn't mention his name. I'm reminded of what you had to say about that Halloween story I wrote for the writeoff.

-Listening to the radio play. Luna's voice is a bit too high in pitch, and I see what you mean about the carols. I got a laugh out of the wassailing line, but including all of these revised carols just reminds me of how much better Community did with their revised version of Silent Night in its first season. This is awkward.

Well now you're just making me blush. :twilightblush: I am just flattered that you and so many others have enjoyed the funny little AU that came out of the crazy idea, "What if I set the story so far in the future that civilization reset itself?" Gonna have to check out the other recommended stories on this list, and now that I know you do this, I'll need to give you a follow, too.

I see you recommending Reach. Sweet.

The main thing that I remember about Eternal is that there's metaphor about how Twilight is hiding her true self behind a mask or something, and somepony has to dive into her dreams (where the metaphor has become real) and snap her out of it; and it's Deep and Meaningful and Thematic, and would have worked fine just as a story by itself, except whoops that was just the warm-up and now we have to go back and do it all again, but with Celestia this time.

The story works not because of where it begins, but because of where it ends: this is an adventure where the ponies strive to regain what they’ve lost, and restore Equestria to something like what it once was, to control their destinies and reclaim birthrights they hadn't even known they'd lost.

...So, non-Fallout Fallout: Equestria?

It's sad to see Bob from Bottles quit, especially in this way. I've read Sweet Escape and Cloud Stories, and I don't know anybody else who can write comedy like him. At least it looks like you can still find web caches of his stories.

As for device heretic: You say that his fics weren't written for Twilestia shippers, but I've seen him being referred to as Twilestia author multiple times. I guess that shippers aren't necessarily exclusively interested in stories whith happy endings for their OTPs.

Even apart from that, I don't see why it's so surprising that a lot of people really like his stories. device heretic's body of work is very distinctive and clearly well tailored to a certain type of reader. His writing style is poetic and vivid but somewhat overladen. His stories are thoughtful character studies but somewhat extreme in terms of how the characters and their relationships are handled. He employs unusual narrative techniques (no dialogue in Thunderstruck, the 'letters' in Dictated, Not Read) with debatable effectivity. He leans towards heavy themes like love and hate or life and death, which he expresses through metaphors and symbols, and there's always lots and lots of drama. That looks like a good recipe for gaining wildly varying reactions, including absolute devotion to his works (if you value good ideas and clever writing more than plausibility).

I personally like Eternal very much, thought Thunderstruck was okay, and couldn't really warm up to Dictated, Not Read. I'm not sure whether I want to read any of his other stuff.

Don't think that I knew Bob, the name doesn't ring anything, so I'm not sure I ran across him or any of his stories. On the other hand, I read so many stories sometimes I just forget people until I reread their stuff (which is hard to do when they unpublish everything).

As I write this review, this story is technically incomplete still, but I just finished editing the last four chapters, so I know how it ends!

Hax! But seriously, as if I wasn't already reading everything that Toix writes.

Regarding DH, simply put I miss the big lug and I wish that he was still around.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, it's nice to see another glowing Lotus recommendation. It made my Read It Soon list based on the recent Royal Guard blog post.

For the record, I love So Be It and think it's the only thing Device Heretic wrote that's legitimately brilliant (though I did find Temptress to be well executed)

The only one of these I've read is the staring contest one, and I had pretty much the same reaction as you. I've never read anything by DH, so I can't comment there.

Author Interviewer

I AM SO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW thank you for alerting me to that, Aqua :|

pfffft, of course he had a clop account

Apparently, I'd read that story, but there was some arbitrary point in time before which votes are not remembered on this site, so I don't know what I thought of it.

The wassail carol ends on a good note, but if your name's not Jeff Burgess, you can't ponify songs to my liking.

Many thanks. :)

It's not post-apocalyptic, though. I suppose you're right that there's a parallel there, but the stories are nevertheless quite different.

I don't know if anyone will find Bob from Bottles' work anywhere. An old version of Sweet Escape exists on the Writeoff site (the writeoff was "Cutting Ties"; that story won, it was fantastic). And, well, I guess he's got two other stories there as well. Cloud Stories from "Good Intentions" is fantastic. Of course, these aren't the versions that he would have wanted people to see, so there's that.

If you can deal with Tyrantlestia, it'd be great, if somewhat overwrought like most of DH's stuff. I can't.

1877394 I'd swear I recognize the name Cloud Stories, so it's possible I've read at least some of his stuff.

Okay, I'm only just starting to read Advice, and what the fuck is up with Applejack insulting her brother behind his back? She insults his intelligence and makes fun of the way he talks at least three times and I'm not even halfway through the fic yet.


(Wait, did you actually not know biological orthodoxy was dh's alt? Shit, even I knew that, and I avoided having any contact with DH on principle just because of how much of a prick he struck me as.)

uncomfortably sexual ScootaDash overtones throughout the entire story that I probably only picked up on because I’m a terrible person.

And here I was thinking I was the only one who saw that... but I didn't realize it til after the reading was completed and uploaded. lol

And thank you for the mention! :D I'm glad you liked the reading, or at least the quality of the reading lol

Author Interviewer

You have a chance to grab yourself a copy now: he's put up a temporary archive.

I have come to accept that I'm not good at knowing things.

Ohi! :D I have a feeling those overtones were entirely unintentional on the author's part (benefit of the doubt and all), but I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was all a ploy to get Scootaloo in bed. :|

But, I just finished reading Toix's "Transistance" like two days ago! Now I have to read Reach, too?

... Yeah, I have to. THANKS A LOT. I HOPE IT'S COMPLETE SOON. :|

Author Interviewer

I'm pretty sure I started Transistance a while back. Looking forward to finishing that one. :3

1876833 Just over a year ago, an editor at Tor whom I know through Clarion agreed to read a few pony stories after I told him I could identify some promising new authors for him. I chose 2 from Skywriter, 2 from Ghost, 2 from device, and 2 from AbsoluteAnonymous.

Device wanted me to use "And the Temptress". I said:

Nightmare Moon had a revenge motivation in the story, attested to by the other characters, but she acted as if she had the "kill everything" or at least "terrify everything" motivation. Her words, her attitude, were the equivalent of dressing up in a black cape and saying "Mwah-hah-hah!", as if horrifying and terrifying Twilight were much more important to her than successfully tempting her, which would have required not doing that.
So she came across to me as an unmotivated villain, despite your attempts to avoid that in other ways.

(I also thought that a non-pony reader would have no evidence that NMM was bad, so the story wouldn't make any sense. Similarly "Just Words" would make no sense to him.)

I had the same problems PP did with Twi seeming whiny in "Dictated". I chose "So Be It" and "Eternal", which I think are both much better than his other stories.

(I also chose "Torn Apart and Devoured by Lions", "Princess Celestia Hates Tea", "Twilight Sparkle Makes a Cup of Tea", "A Canterlot Carol", "Pinkie Watches Paint Dry", and "Shipping Goggles". As far as I know, the editor never read any of them.)


I tried to read Eternal awhile back (since people often compared the fic I was writing at the time (Merely a Mare) to it), but I couldn't make it through the first chapter. It just didn't grab my interest at all; I hate Device Heretic's handling of exposition.

Author Interviewer

You chose well. :O A shame nothing came of it.

I feel conflicted. I just finished reading Reach earlier today and... I hated it. Once the reveal happened and I knew what the backstory was, my eagerness and enthusiasm for a fic that was what you said it was dribbled away into nothing, replaced with a desire to just get the story over and done with. I couldn't suspend my disbelief regarding the twist, the story didn't give me any reason to, and the last act introduced a cliche that I didn't know I loathed until I saw it in play here. I cannot accept that Celestia and Luna would wage war on each other with no explanation given, let alone be stupid enough to use the Elements of Harmony on each other. The pompous lectures given by the Elements about how ponykind sucks and deserves to die or whatever were so annoying that some of my anger at the antagonist spilled over at the writer. I wanted the protagonists to shut them up, yeah, but I was so annoyed I couldn't get any satisfaction out of their victory. I don't want to hear omnipotent idiot superbeings making blanket statements about them and casting judgment on them for a long, long time.

My only regret is that I put my final opinion of the piece (comments section of the epilogue) more bluntly and harshly than I probably should have. Sorry I have to disparage something you helped make, and in a way that isn't at all constructive or helpful for Toix's future endeavors, but I rarely feel things like this about a fic, and I felt like I had to commemorate the occasion.

Author Interviewer

This isn't the first time I've recommended a fic that drove someone else up a wall.

I would recommend amending your comment to ToixStory, she's been rather in a state. :/

And where is DH now?

Author Interviewer

He ragequit two or so years ago. :B So who knows.

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