• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 21st


Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, and, I, do stories..... At Random.

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  • 282 weeks
    Storiesatrandom Stories are going to be rebooted

    Back again. Hey, I know I haven't been able to be around as much, but I had to do alot of hard thinking and, I realised that due to how some of my stories' content, contain alot of unpleasent things, not to mention alot of LOOOOOOOOOOOONG outdated content, I desided that the Storiesatrandom Stories would need to be rebooted to match current canon, and that too many of these stories are either

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  • 467 weeks
    Now that I am back, I need new help.

    Now that I uploaded a new story for the first time in, a long time, I need some slight, help with the many, many, MANY, Hiatus stories under my belt.

    Excluding the storys that don't even have a fanfic in them yet, I need help with these storys. You need to vote who gets to move on or what's better off canned.


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  • 521 weeks
    Storiesatrandom Editorial: What it means to be a good critic, and the difference to be that, and just being a writer basher.

    Hello, I'm storiesararadom, I remembered it, so you don't have too. Awhile ago, I came across a youtube user named TheMysteriousMrEnter. Who is he? Asentually, a faceless critic on youtube the defines certain media creations into two groups: Admirable Animations, and Animated Atrocities. To be fair, he does have a liking to many

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  • 527 weeks
    Top 14 things I never expected to see in MLP:FIM season 4.

    Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have too. Well, Season 14 is coming to a close and come next week, the finale of the whole season and soon, Season 5 would be apawn us.... Hopefully, it would offer more then crappy Equestia girls' shorts. The two part series finale has yet to be released and many questions need to be comfirmed! From the leiked pictures alone there is a

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  • 536 weeks
    Top 14 Sequals/spin-offs to Good Movies/TV Shows/Games that went bad.

    Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have to.

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Top 14 Sequals/spin-offs to Good Movies/TV Shows/Games that went bad. · 1:25am Mar 4th, 2014

Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have to.

Sequils, and Spin-offs. Such a treachorious road to travel in concerning Media of all kinds, whether they be movies, video games, TV shows, even if they're books! Some of those things are able to get a good sequil going, but sometimes, the sequil is traditionally considered to be not as good as the original, or considered to be absolute garbage. Myself, I rarely consider even the most extremely changed sequil/spin-off-prequil/midquil/whatever bad, but I do well enough exknwoledge their flaws on why they don't work for everyone else. It's an appearent curse that when something considered good gets a sequil, or any kind of other thing, it ends up being not as good, or, even, altogather complete garbage to many. And whether you like it or not, WE'RE EXPLORING THEM?! Now, I'm not gonna explore them all, just what the 14 limit allows, and why 14? I'm very inconsisent of what kind of Top something I want to do, and because, I have ALOT to talk about. Now, let's get started.

Number 14.
The Disney Sequils.

I don't think all of the Disney Sequils are THAT bad, not even the considered/legitabmently bad ones. I love me some Dreamworks, but I did grew up with Disney movies first and formost. I thought Lion King 2 and the half 3rd/prequil/Timon and Pumbaa exclusive were realitively decent, the sequils to Lelo and Stitch were, ok, but nothing spectactular, and, maybe the Cinderella Sequils could've been done better. I thought Jungle Book 2 was an under-rated instence classic, even though I did agree it wasn't something that should've been released to theaters. I didn't seen Notre Dom 2, but It doesn't look that bad, dispite the absince of the all time awesome Frollo. Granted, he did die though. I seen some glimspes of 101 Dalmations two, and, it wasn't bad, it could've been better, but not, bad. I seen Brother Bear 2, and, well, the first done it better, but the second time around wasn't bad. Peter Pan 2, was hilarious, espeically captain hook and that fucking octopus, those two stole the show for me! Mulan 2, ok, but could've used a villain like in the first movie. They only went bad because, well, a few disney veterans I guess saw the flaws alot more glaring. And I won't deny, I know of those flaws. My only nitpicks is, mostly what people are saying about them. My own thoughts that, they do feel like fanfiction of the original movies given a budget. The Biggest Problem is on the likes of Aladdin 2, the Revenge of Jafar... And I actselly LIKE the movie. But I do see why people give it so much shit, espeically Jafar's drastic change from the original movie. I have to admit, I did had some problem with that. Reguardless, it probuly wasn't bad enough that it wouldn't be considered canon for Iago to be a good guy, cause the TV show was given much more praise, and I think King of Thieves is given abit more slack. There is also the issue with Genie's voice, but that's justifived by Robin Williams having a bad siding with Disney at the time, so it's forgiveable, and i think eventally Robin gotten over it in time for the 3rd and sadly final movie and some roles in the Kingdom Hearts games. The Disney Movies are at the bottom cause, I do see the flaws, but they're not that bad to me.

Number 13
The Land Before Time Sequils.

Ah yes, it wouldn't be a sequil countdown without the francise imfamous spewing out sequils like it was processed by the devil, The Land Before Time.
I only liked the second sequil, the 3rd sequil, and espeically the forth, cause My faverite Character, Icky, is on there. The later ones with exception for stone of blue fire one, which was decent, well, there's the reason why I only liked 4/5 of the movies. They started to, go abit to far with the films. I mean come one, I know the first was a masterpiece, but christ, why so many sequils?!

And my god, I kid you not, there was briefly, a TV show based on the movies!

Aw, christ! I may love this francise, but I'm glad Universeal eventally did deside to let this francise lay to rest in a museum like the REAL dinosaurs already, and I assumed the TV show didn't last for long. My biggest Nitpick for the Francise as a whole, THEY NEVER BROUGHT ICKY BACK, NOT EVEN FOR A CAMIO?! In fact, they're not very good at bringing their villains back! They're just, there one day, the next, VAM! THEY'RE GONE?! At least Aladdin 3 had a legit excuse not bring Jafar back, cause he got axed! We don't know if most of the Land Before Time villains are legit dead! (Sigh).... Moving on.

Number 12
The Sequals to Ice Age.

I don't think ANY of the Ice Age Sequils, even the forth one of which I kinda have Mixed feelings for, are bad. I liked the first one, the second, and the 3rd, as wildly illogical and historicly inactreit it is, and forth, though I yet to see it properly, looks like a decent movie. The issue is the logic behind the forth and 3rd sequils to Ice Age. The 1st two are completely (well, mostly) are within the realms of logic. They're accreat to the real ice age at least 90 percent of the time, and deminstracted real struggles of both man and beast... As far as the first one did. Here's where the illogal stuff started. The First one's only guilty crimes is that a Mammoth, a Sabre Tooth Tiger, and a Ground Sloth work togather to bring a child of a human tribe, who hunted at least 2 of the trio the spieces belongs to. Again, wasn't very marring. The Second one is basicly a cautionary tale about how bad Global Warming is, disguised as a seemingly harmless and, unexpected follow up to a great movie, it introdused us to Ellie, and those possum bros of hers. The biggest inacceratecy is that two giant prehistoric monsters get released from their slumber and are basicly two pairs of prehistoric jaws wanna-bes. But the Second one was still correct on how the Ice Age melted away one day and demeninstracted the declaired of the Mammoths.... Before it give out a disappointed pay-off that there's still more. And then, there's the even more unexpected 3rd one, my personal faverite because, hell, I freaking love dinosaurs. But. that fact there's a hidden world of dinosaurs under the feet of the Ice Age all this time, is painfully insane, and something you expect from Journey into the center of the earth.

Not what I was talking about, but, argueably a good exsample.
But as crazy and farfecth the 3rd one is, I loved it to death, even if it's illogicaly unsound. But the 4th has an even nastier cause of the illogicals!
I mean, look at the main villains!

Pirates of the Ice Age?! Seriously!? Your expecting me to belive Piracy has been around longer EVEN BEFORE THE 1700s!? And that the Pirate legacy was invited by a Giantopifigus, with a bad hairdo, a dental problem, behaves like a prehistoric orangutan with an assumed mental issue, and a group of misfited creatures? Honestly, this alone might deter you from liking the 4th film cause of the idelogty of this alone.... But what prevented me from being like everyone else? At least, they're fun illogical improbabilites. Mainly, their song.

Ya know, some movies are easier to enjoy, if your willing to turn off your brain.

Number 11
The Secret of Nim Sequil

This movie, like the Nostaglai critic said,

is by far, considered to be the worse sequil to the first Secret of Nim to ever happened.
And, I can't really blame him.
There's so many flaws in this movie, it's best to be explored in his review.
Nothing more can be said.

Number 10

Everyone loves star wars!

Well, the Originals anyway.
I, actselly like the Prequils. but I am very well aware every single thing wrong with them respectfully.
Episode 1 by far is the biggest sinner of the three? Why?

Nuff said.
Not only that, but the Idea that Vader turned out to be from the very planet they desided to hide Luke in made the originals unintentionally illogical! This was even pointed out by Dorkly videos!

The second and 3rd follow-ups weren't, as bad. Jar Jar hardly has an appearence there, especailly in the 3rd. I liked the 3rd of the prequils because of, THIS BADASS CYBORG, GENERAL GRIVIOUS?!

Grivious by far is the awesomness of the prequils, even though, he dies off before the later part of the film... Still, liked him while he lasted, and I'm glad there's more of him in the Clone Wars TV show!

.... Even though the series could've been better. ALOT, better.

What's there to say that hasn't already been said? These movies, in my eyes, ain't bad, just wished they were better.

Number 9
Banjo Kazooie, Nuts and Blots.

Oh, my, god.

This one, by far, has to be the most unfavored supposed "Sequil" to one of my most faverite, rarely seen Video Game characters of all time! I loved Banjo Kazooie, I hardly seen those guys since Tooie, they were actselly good until this happened. If only Microsoft didn't bought Rareware! Banjo and Kazooie deserved better then this! Just, why!?
Good guy, just, why? The francise might never get back on it's feet, espeically since they're just making games for the Avatars!
I'll forgive Microsoft for Kameo (Which is a fairly decent game) and the Viva Pinata games, they were, ok. But this!? Now I get why people are wishing Nintendo finally gets the balls to take back what belonged to them!

Number 8
Never Ending Story 3.

Again, this is another movie that's given a very bad rap from the nostaglia critic.

This is also best by watching his review.
The best I can offer is, it's an exsemble on what NOT to do with a fairly recinised triagy about, a story that never ends. And it's why, some stories, are better with limits.

Number 7
The Diary of A Wimpy Kids movies.

Did anyone even asked for these, appearently very popular, comic series or whatever for them to become a movie?
I have nothing to say, I barely even seen the films in action, so, I can't justifyingly talked about it. All I can say, who even asked for this?

Number 6
High Shcool Musical Sequils.
Just, what the hell did the first one, which wasn't even minorly good, did right to earn sequals? No one as far as i know actselly likes this shit! There' only a few selection of songs I must, shamefully admit, are catchy to me, but the Idea of a musical based on High Shcool, it's not one of Disney's best. Shcool is nothing to sing about. End, of discussion.

Number 5
The New Muppet Movies

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're making movies for the Muppets again. It's been such a long time since those lovable, freaky puppet abnormallies are given love.... But, maybe they're abit out of place in modern socity.
I'm just worried that maybe they'll start to lose their charm and eventally, no one is gonna love the muppets no more, and these crazy new movies, if they're not done correctly, might be what finally ends this last long francise.
Then again, what do I know? The fact there's gonna be the new one, "Muppet's most wanted" proves that people still care for those crazy puppets. I'm just, worried, they might be too, dated for our time.

Number 4
The Monsters Vs. Aliens TV Show.

This is what I consider, an oddity for Dreamwork's part.
Now, Monsters Vs. Aliens the Movie,

Is one of those rare Animated Dreamworks movies NOT getting an offical sequil (As far as I know), and yet.... It got a, TV show?
I find your logic confusing, Dreamworks. Very so much, confusing.
To me, the TV show isn't, bad. It just, takes itself too un-seriously. It's like your, rival roommate sitcom, but animated, and about horror movie monster knock-offs and extra-terrestials. In fact, I pretty much love the TV shows for Kung Fu Panda and The Madgascar tritgy, but this one, feels, too childish for it's own intentions. Ok, it's meant for kids, but, try to take yourself a little seriously, you have a few adult fans as well. I'll give this show this though, B.O.B. couldn't be anymore funnier.

Number 3

Do I, have to say it? You sonic fans (If you happen to be bronies as well), know imfamous this mess of a game is. I don't need to explain here. You know freaking well enough! It deserves the top position, cause I hardly find anything good or redeemable to this mess. It's just, an unworthy game to the otherwise fairly popular Hedgehog.

Number 2
Teen Titans Go

I already made a "My Two Cents Blog on this. Look it up here.
Nutshell: Why CN!? WHY!?


Equestia Girls.

Need I say it Bronies? Need I say it....?

You all know why this has to be, the moest questionable Idea to ever happen to ANYTHING!

Nuff said.

I'm Storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have too... And I hope this doesn't become another glitched mess.

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Comments ( 4 )

Am I going to be obligated to defend Equestria Girls? I guess so. It was alright for what it was, maybe even as good as it could be for what it was. Of course, it was a High School movie, which set the ceiling pretty low. It's problem was concept. What it should have been was an exploration of Twilight's newly minted Princess role and set up for the next season.

I actually kind of feel like we dodged a bullet with this movie. On the other hand, there's going to be a second one, so maybe Equestria Girls in general can end up earning that top spot after all.

On more thing: No Starwars Christmas!? That abomination was far more unwatchably wretched than all three Prequels combined. You like Nostalgia Critic. Go see his review of that thing if you haven't already.

1894569 I did seen his review. Trouble is, the prequils are abit more, known then the chrismas film, which mind you, doesn't even have a legit chrismas mentioning. It's litterally a Wookie Holiday called "Life Celebration".

And I do have nice things to say about Equestia Girls.
To me, Sunset looks like a decent villain, I just wished Hasbro gave her a better role then your high shcool bully. It's just, the fact it's on a High Shcool-based plot (and that there's songs in them hills) kinda reminded Bronies of High Shcool musical, and the Pony-to-human comcept is considered imfamous, argueably next to Twilight becoming an Alicorn, cause Hasbro was too quick to make this a reality. I am curious about the film, but afraid to actselly see it in fear it might be as bad as alot bronies say it would be.

No offense but I enjoyed Equestria Girls n most of the disney squeals

1895377 I didn't say I found the Disney sequals bad neither. Though I did think the sequils to Cinderella could've been better. Alot of other people kinda have huge problems with them.

Equestia Girls, well, last comment, I did mentioned possitive points.

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