• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2017

Little Wood

Creativity is intelligence having fun!

More Blog Posts94

  • 489 weeks
    Hey Everyone!

    Hello Bronies! I have an update and a little favor to ask of. First, the update.

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    4 comments · 459 views
  • 496 weeks
    Happy New Years!

    Hello Bronies! Just wanted to say Happy New Years before I get off! Hope each and everyone of you have a better year than the last, as everyone will grow to be better than ever!

    This is Little Wood, signing out!

    0 comments · 321 views
  • 496 weeks
    Happy One Year Anniversary!!!

    Hello Bronies! Today is a very special day for me, as it is my one year anniversary of being on here! It is a milestone, as there are many things that have been completed! In total, that I count as big breakthroughs, I have accomplished:

    Making 83 new friends!
    Creating 5 new stories for everyone to enjoy!
    1 video review!
    91 blog posts containing; 20 Reviews of stories, 2 Reviews of MLP!

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    2 comments · 365 views
  • 497 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Hello Bronies! Just wishing you guys a Merry Christmas! (If you celebrate it... If you don't, Merry Whatever you Celebrate!) So open those gifts and tell whoever you're celebrating with Merry Christmas from me! Hope you liked the story I put out. That's the present I'm giving to you guys!
    This is Little Wood, signing out!

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    1 comments · 368 views
  • 500 weeks
    What Do You Want to See Me Do More? What Do You Want Me To Do?

    Hello Bronies! I'm here to ask a question or two.

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    3 comments · 320 views

Reading is Magic #12 · 1:34pm Mar 7th, 2014

Hello Bronies! Again this one may seem bad, but bear with me. I went to an awesome restaurant called Outback. I got full. I went home, drank warm milk and slept till now. Now today I'm reviewing Math by Abramus5250. I know that math isn't best subject for me, and that it kinda sounds boring, but I felt nice that day to read it and it was great enough to review. Maybe a bit better! Now lets 'Lindy Hop' to the summary. Yes I said Lindy Hop. I sing and it has a speaking part that says that. I don't know what it means or if it fits in here.
Big Macintosh loves a very specific brand of mathematics, but never had the guts to tell anypony other than his sisters. He finally confesses his undying devotion to this brand of mathematics to Twilight, with Applejack observing her brother in action.
The result is anything but expected.
Yes people. Big Mac does and loves math. I'm more of a Fine Art/ History/ English, but it gave a bit of respect for math with that. Now why did Big Mac do this? Is he scared of AJ or what? Or did he just do it for the fun of it and did it because his sister told him too? Poll time! Which explanation seems better? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd(other) to you? I had too.
Now somethings are left at this but I hate it when it isn't read through, answers un-left, and more questions arrived. I really hope it gets a sequel and he finds a way to make those answers happen!With that, it is left a 1... Nope, kidding! It has a 8 out of 10! I would read it again, but it isn't my favorite read.
Now a few posts will be made today, Trying to record something for you readers..... This is Little Wood signing out!*

Story: Math

Author: Abramus5250

*I said too much! Don't look back and analyze it! And it isn't dancing if Lindy Hop means dancing! Dang it!

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