• Member Since 20th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2014


I write fanfiction, create OCs, and basically a lot of everything else that people 'stereotype' about. It's hard to introduce myself without sounding as so, but I do hope you get to know me well.

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  • 536 weeks
    Hello, community.

    Ahh, Fimfiction. I knew I'd find myself here someday. I never really had the courage to express myself in the face of the My Little Pony writing community, but here I am. The Writing Noob from fanfiction.net, gamepower645 from deviantart, and (Skylar) from the Steam Community, it's me, RatchetSkylar645. I mainly work on my main project, Alpha Ponyville. You'll know what that is in detail

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Hello, community. · 1:19am Mar 20th, 2014

Ahh, Fimfiction. I knew I'd find myself here someday. I never really had the courage to express myself in the face of the My Little Pony writing community, but here I am. The Writing Noob from fanfiction.net, gamepower645 from deviantart, and (Skylar) from the Steam Community, it's me, RatchetSkylar645. I mainly work on my main project, Alpha Ponyville. You'll know what that is in detail soon enough, but for now, it's basically an alternative Ponyville I use for my own story leisure, when Ponyville just doesn't sate my creativity's demands. I like to work with a flexible enviroment, and while Equestria is very, very well capable of that, I like to have something that I can fit and adjust to my own liking just as well. The best part about a well made world like Equestria is that you can fit your own content into the style without harming the main point of the world itself too much. Unless, of course, you create an overgodly alicorn with zebra stripes and is a furious combination of awkward colors, and has a very unsubtle appearance overall. That is one of my number one main goals that I want to accomplish in the MLP community; to not be that stereotype. Any time I do seem so, it is either as a joke, or of my unawareness. Thank you for taking the time to understand!

tl;dr - Hello. Please don't stereotype me. I hope to be a good friend of yours.

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