• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I write stories so that I won't be kept awake at night with a brain full of ponies.

More Blog Posts123

  • 409 weeks
    Sorry I vanished on you all...

    I kind of left you all and basically stopped updating without any warning. Really, that was a bit mean of me. The truth is, however, that I recently have had little to no interest in pony stuff. Yes, I watch the episodes and maybe read a fic or two, but I just haven't been interested in ponies. Other things have caught my attention.

    I guess what I'm saying is that I'm on pony hiatus.

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    29 comments · 4,500 views
  • 421 weeks
    My Thoughts

    Almost exactly a year ago, I sat down and wrote up a checklist of very general plot points that I wanted to cover for Split Second: An Eternity Divided. I wrote down fifteen major points that I wanted to cover, not including whatever I chose to end the story with. I had no idea how long it would last me, but I figured that would be good. I couldn’t really think of anything else to

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    6 comments · 971 views
  • 426 weeks
    A physical book!

    Someone (who wishes to stay anonymous to others) printed Split Second, turning it into a physical book! Here are the pictures! http://imgur.com/a/HstJp

    It looks really cool! And I have a book! AAAAHHHHH!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

    15 comments · 963 views
  • 426 weeks
    Instead of studying for my finals like a good boy...

    ... I was working on the next chapter. You'd better love this chapter, 'cause if I fail, I'm blaming y'all.

    Anyway, my pre-reader, Dream Seeker, has the next chapter to look over. Expect it soon.

    9 comments · 793 views
  • 428 weeks
    I sent the next chapter to my pre-reader.

    Expect it soon. That is all.

    3 comments · 595 views

Lots of Art · 10:26pm Mar 25th, 2014

Hey everybody. I've been a little slow updating BQRK recently. I have a rough outline of a collab chapter, but converting it into a finalized document is going kind of slow. In the meantime, though, I've been practicing my art skills. Honestly, I think I've improved a lot recently. Here are my latest drawings in chronological order:

Victor DiVinci:

More Victor:

Victor Side View:

Rex Side View:

The Previous Two Images, Stylistically Posed Side-By-Side:

The funny thing is, I couldn't even draw that well a week ago...

You can read Black Queen, Red King or Gatekeeper: Prince of Darkness here.

Report wille179 · 367 views · Story: Black Queen, Red King ·
Comments ( 6 )

Darling, you draw better humans than me. I'm envious. Also your pic is cute.

Those two side views are like the fourth and fifth I've ever done with that much precision. I'm new at drawing.

1955459 I'll upload my drawings to deviantART, then I'll show you how weird I draw.

he has a pineapple on i head.....that is highly satisfactory, go on.

Wow... It does look like a pineapple... Damn it, now I'm never going to not see him as a fruit head.

Those sideviews are actually VERY well done. though the hair is oddish but whatever.

btw eyes are a bitch to draw.
And hands.
And lips, in a way.

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