• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2017

Little Wood

Creativity is intelligence having fun!

More Blog Posts94

  • 488 weeks
    Hey Everyone!

    Hello Bronies! I have an update and a little favor to ask of. First, the update.

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    4 comments · 458 views
  • 495 weeks
    Happy New Years!

    Hello Bronies! Just wanted to say Happy New Years before I get off! Hope each and everyone of you have a better year than the last, as everyone will grow to be better than ever!

    This is Little Wood, signing out!

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 495 weeks
    Happy One Year Anniversary!!!

    Hello Bronies! Today is a very special day for me, as it is my one year anniversary of being on here! It is a milestone, as there are many things that have been completed! In total, that I count as big breakthroughs, I have accomplished:

    Making 83 new friends!
    Creating 5 new stories for everyone to enjoy!
    1 video review!
    91 blog posts containing; 20 Reviews of stories, 2 Reviews of MLP!

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    2 comments · 364 views
  • 496 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Hello Bronies! Just wishing you guys a Merry Christmas! (If you celebrate it... If you don't, Merry Whatever you Celebrate!) So open those gifts and tell whoever you're celebrating with Merry Christmas from me! Hope you liked the story I put out. That's the present I'm giving to you guys!
    This is Little Wood, signing out!

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    1 comments · 367 views
  • 499 weeks
    What Do You Want to See Me Do More? What Do You Want Me To Do?

    Hello Bronies! I'm here to ask a question or two.

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    3 comments · 319 views

Well, This is Great.... Let's see what I shall do on here.... · 3:29am Apr 27th, 2014

Well, I'm tired and can't sleep. Might as well talk a bit on here about stuff. Not very fun when I'm tired and can't sleep, being bored... Yeah. Well, let's see.

1. To improve my happiness, I would like to answer some questions from you guys! Go ahead! Ask away! I will have some close friends to make up questions as well!
2. I will now list some information that may or may not be interesting.

- I would like to be an author or a voice actress when I grow up. I'm writing more and more each day.
- I'm a girl that is blind in an eye. I must wear glasses to improve my vision in my left eye that is slowly fading away.
- I like food, thus me baking for myself a lot. I'm trying to be healthy, but I find a donut in my hand instead of an apple. Mmmm! Apple donut, here I come!
- I love music and currently in a project with my dear friend, Silver Melodies! I'm also a singer in chorus and love to sing a lot of country, pop, and electronic!
- I am into some anime and My Little Pony of course! That is kinda only things I watch. Anime include: Sword Art Online, Case Closed, Fairy Tail, and Danganronpa.
- Me and friends match the characters from the shows. I'm, in order, Applejack/Pinkie Pie, Asuna, the little girl that plays with Jimmy and I think the girlfriend of Jimmy(I think!), Lucy, and Asahina.
- I write fanfiction on those subjects too. Making three for Danganronpa. One with a friend, and others... Yay fanfiction!

I must be droning on and on and on by now... Leave comments below!

Report Little Wood · 124 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

You watch animu? Excellent, because I have a question.

What the hell is Fairy Tail about? I see it sitting there in the anime section of Netflix and I wonder, what is that show about? I asked a couple of my friends who watch anime and they haven't seen it either. The only reason I continue to remember it is because 1/4 of my calculus class loves anime and they have stuff about that show with them, but I keep forgetting to ask them what the hell it's about?

TL;DR: Sell me this pen. The pen being that anime. Can you explain what it's about?

I'll come up with more questions later.

What is the name of your great great grandparent?

Oh no I didn't know you lost vision in an eye LW! Macular degeneration? Sorry. Interestingly I wear glasses half of the time and my left eye is the weak one too. Liquid seems to build up in it.

There must be technology to fix these problems. Of course I'm one of those restless souls who wants problems and unfairness erased to what some people consider an unrealistic level.

Anyway, I'm one of your top bronies (I hope) who wants to see you reach all ambitions. :pinkiehappy:

2051568 Well, it's hard to explain. It's about a magical world and about Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Natsu going on these adventures. All of them are in the same guild, Fairy Tail. Watch the first few episodes to get an idea of it.

2051820 Um, Mathew and Joanna.

2051860 I was actually born being blind! And thanks! I consider you one my closest friends on here, but everyone is a friend to me!

2053655 Am I allowed to continue asking questions? Because I came up with more.

2054515 Okay then. Brace yourself.


1. How are you today?
2. How many bitches would you bang if you were in Equestria?
3. What three things do you think of most each day?
4. Can you roll your R's?
5. If you could be any famous person who would you be and why?
6. What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?
7. If you can't specify songs, then what are your favorite musical artists?
8. Favorite albums?
9. Where on the internet do you fuck shit up muck about?
10. Do you like your age?
11. Do you shave your legs?
12. How tall are you?
13. Whats your favorite Movie quote?
14. Do you read any books at all?
15. How smart are you?
16. Where do you live? (I'm totally not planning to blow you up with a tactical air strike. Nope, not at all.)
17. Do you know what an anti-villian is?
18. Left or right handed?
19. Do you remember that Bing exists?
20. What is your name (real or otherwise)?
21. What is your quest?
22. What is the average wingspan velocity of an unladen swallow?
23. What superpower would you want?
24. How many languages do you know?
25. Why does Hasbro hate us by making the Equestria Games a Spike episode instead of my friend's headcanon of Sombra returning like Bane from TDKR?

2054679 Well, time for a blog post.

2054717 But I was going to ask even more...

2054800 Right then.

26. Is this real life or is this fantasy?
27. Can you play any instruments?
28. What is your favorite quote from anything else?
29. Will you mess with the Karma Police?
30. What youtube channels do you watch frequently?
31. When was the last time you made out with someone?
32. Are you ashamed of your response to the previous question?
33. How much shame do you have in general?
34. How rich are you?
35. Why does McAfee suck so much?
36. How will you take over the world?
37. Do you know how to integrate X?
38. What vehicle would you want?
39. Which gun company from Borderlands do you prefer?
40. Would you give Louis his pills?
41. What is your favorite video on youtube?
42. What are your favorite movies?
43. Why hasn't Leonardo DiCaprio won that Oscar yet?
44. How often do you masturbate?
45. How much can you lift?
46. What is your first act as Supreme Ruler of Earth?
47. What kind of computer do you use? Provide specs if you can.
48. Xbone of PS4?
49. How does Pinkie keep her mane luscious?
50. If I gave you a hug right now, would you shank me immediately?

2054874 Of course. My brain has nothing better to do, but I think I should stop. I have homework to attend to.

2054877 Okay... A two parter I guess. Bye!

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