• Member Since 9th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 1st, 2016


Writing stories, playing games, and fooling around with CAD programs. Curator of the futuristic series-- Magi Chronicles. I also seem to have a niche for writing short stories out of the blue.

More Blog Posts8

  • 523 weeks
    Time for an explanation and a major overhaul/ restructure

    Howdy folks. Did ya miss me? If you did, never fear. I'll still be around. I'm just not one of those individuals that constantly makes blog posts 2 times a day.

    I've been away for a fair amount of time dealing with college, and fighting against the dreaded Writer's Block. I'll see what I can manage to come up with as I go along.

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    3 comments · 2,244 views
  • 531 weeks
    Thought I'd tell you folks a little something...

    In addition to what I normally do outside of fictional writing and college, I'm an avid RC hobbyist. For those of you who don't know that terminology, RC stands for Remote (or Radio) Control. What does that mean, exactly?

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    0 comments · 504 views
  • 532 weeks
    New Story: Don't Feed the Birds

    Okay, I've got to admit-- writing stories is a fun and interesting challenge, especially when you challenge yourself to write as close to canon as possible.

    That's why I wrote this story called Don't Feed the Birds, which is a Slice-of-Life one-shot starring Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

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    0 comments · 457 views
  • 532 weeks
    New story: Bonding with the Moon

    You know those field trips where you get the chance to go to the one place that you’ve never been to before, and that you’ve always yearned to see?

    Well, I got that opportunity, but it wasn’t under normal circumstances.

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    1 comments · 728 views
  • 534 weeks
    New story release, involving sunshine and burritos

    Remember not too long ago when I said that I'd be trying my hand at a few oneshots? Well, that opportunity came sooner than expected.

    It's not the most spectacular writing piece in the world, but be prepared to relish your eyes (and taste buds) on a oneshot that will get everypony in Equestria talking:

    Celestia Discovers Chipotle

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    0 comments · 465 views

Thought I'd tell you folks a little something... · 2:14pm Apr 30th, 2014

In addition to what I normally do outside of fictional writing and college, I'm an avid RC hobbyist. For those of you who don't know that terminology, RC stands for Remote (or Radio) Control. What does that mean, exactly?

For me, I fly scale model airplanes. My dad was the first that got into the hobby, then I followed in on that after he passed on his first plane to me, which was already in rough shape after a few gnarly tumbles. We all expect to be rough on our first time doing anything.

After that, he bought a few more planes, and I had a couple of my own as well. The first one (Hobbyzone Firebird Stratos) didn't do so well on its last legs. The second one (E-Flite Apprentice) I got much more consistent flights from, but I still had a few issues with. My current plane (Multiplex FunCub) I've been having a lot of fun with.

You can see more pictures of it in the album here.

It's a thrilling, yet expensive, hobby. There are so many aspects to RC with respect to greater innovations, like FPV (First-Person View). RC also isn't limited to planes as well. There's RC cars, boats, helicopters, quadcopters and multirotors (I'd like to call them polycopters).

Needless to say, the RC industry has given lots of people an in to the hobby with these outstanding inventions. I'm sure there's a few other RC hobbyists in this community as well. If you're one of them, kudos to you.

Here are a few favorite videos of mine relative to RC flight:


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